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研究生(外文):Chen-Jer Kang
論文名稱(外文):Bandwidth Enhancement of Periodically Loaded Trans-Directional Couplers
指導教授(外文):Eric S. Li
口試委員(外文):Liang-Hung LuTsen-Chieh ChiuJui-Ching Cheng
外文關鍵詞:trans-directional couplermulti-section couplerdirectional couplermicrostrip coupled-line couplerPeriodical loads
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A study is aiming to improve the bandwidth of trans-directional coupled-line coupler by cascading multi-section coupler. Directional coupler are microwave passive devices featuring the functions of dividing and combing power and maintaining phase relationship between output ports. Microstrip coupled-line couplers are one way to implement directional couplers. For microstrip coupled-line couplers loaded with periodic elements, the designs not only increase the coupling coefficients and reduce the electrical lengths of the coupled lines, but also realize trans-directional coupler. However, compared to traditional microstrip coupled-line couplers, the periodically-loaded microstrip coupled-line couplers can only offer narrower bandwidth, which results in their limitation for wideband applications. The traditional multi-section couplers in series connection offer a solution for this problem by simply replacing each single traditional coupler by a periodical-loaded coupler. In this thesis, not only analysis cascading method of trans-directional coupler, but also design maximum-flat and equal-ripple three-section trans-directional coupler. The commercial EM simulation tools, HFSS and ADS, will be employed to simulate the proposed designs. The simulation results will be verified experimentally to confirm the feasibility of the broadband three-section periodically-loaded trans-directional couplers.

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xii
第一章 序論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的與文獻探討 2
1.3 論文架構 4
第二章 多級串接週期性負載轉向耦合器分析 6
2.1 耦合線方向耦合簡介 6
2.1.1 奇模與偶模分析 6
2.1.2 順向與反向耦合器 8
2.1.3 轉向耦合器 9
2.2 週期性負載轉向耦合器 11
2.2.1 週期性結構分析 11
2.2.2 週期性負載轉向耦合器分析 12
2.3 多級週期性負載轉向耦合器分析 14
2.3.1 耦合量與操作頻率選擇 14
2.3.2 多級方向耦合器串接 14
2.3.3 二級轉向耦合器的串接方法 16
2.3.4 對稱型多級轉向耦合器串接 17
2.4 結論 22
第三章 功率等分多級串接週期性負載轉向耦合器 23
3.1 多級週期性負載轉向耦合器設計 23
3.1.1 設計流程 23
3.1.2 製程限制 24
3.1.3 頻寬定義 24
3.2 功率等分非對稱週期性負載二級轉向耦合器 27
3.2.1 各級耦合器設計 27
3.2.2 功率等分非對稱二級週期性負載轉向耦合器模擬 33
第四章 最大平坦響應功率等分三級轉向耦合器 38
4.1 各級耦合器設計 38
4.1.1 中間級週期性負載轉向耦合器設計 38
4.1.2 前後級週期性負載轉向耦合器設計 40
4.1.3 理想最大平坦響應三級週期性負載轉向耦合器 42
4.2最大平坦響應三級週期性負載轉向耦合器模擬 46
4.2.1 奇、偶模調整 48
4.2.2 整體響應模擬 54
4.3 實作與量測 59
4.3.1 雙埠TRL校具設計 59
4.3.2 電路實作 61
4.3.3 量測結果 62
第五章 等漣波響應功率等分週期性負載轉向耦合器 68
5.1 各級耦合器設計 68
5.1.1 中間級週期性負載轉向耦合器設計 70
5.1.2 前後級週期性負載耦合器設計 71
5.1.3 等漣波響應三級轉向耦合器模擬 73
5.1.4 前後段單級反向+中間單級轉向耦合器 75
5.2 等漣波響應三級週期性負載轉向耦合器模擬 81
5.2.1 奇、偶模調整 81
5.2.2 整體響應模擬 86
5.3 實作與量測 89
5.3.1電路實作 89
5.3.2量測結果 91
第六章 總結 96
參考文獻 98

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