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研究生(外文):Hung-Wen Liu
論文名稱(外文):Design of Dual Polarized Dielectric Resonator Antennas
指導教授(外文):Jwo-Shiun Sun
外文關鍵詞:Dual Polarized Dielectric Resonator AntennaDielectric ResonatorMulti-Path Effects
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In this thesis, dual polarized dielectric resonator antennas have been studied. The dielectric resonator has many attractive features, such as high dielectric constant, high quality factor, and low frequency temperature coefficient. Dielectric resonator can reduce the wavelength of resonance mode to achieve antenna miniaturization. The dual-polarized design excites two orthogonal polarizations with the advantages of reducing the multi-path effects of the wireless communications and the antenna gain.
The design of dual polarized dielectric resonator antennas utilizes T-shape which to maintain high isolation of the two input ports enabling a reduced coupling effect between the excited modes. The Dual Polarized Dielectric Resonator Antenna exhibited the impedance bandwidth which met the specification of WLAN-802.11b (2400~2484MHz) and WLAN-802.11a(5725~5825MHz) and the measured peak gain of the antenna are 5~8.65dBi.

中文摘要................. i
第一章 緒論 ........1
1.1 研究背景 ........1
1.2 研究動機與方向....2
1.3 研究方法 ........3
1.4 論文大綱 ........4
第二章 天線之基礎理論......6
2.1 概述............6
2.2 平面天線之種類....6
2.3 平面天線之特性...12
2.3.1 天線阻抗與阻抗頻寬...12
2.3.2 天線之輻射場型......13
2.3.3 天線之指向性與增益...15
 2.4 平面天線之極化............15
2.5 雙極化天線...............19
第三章 微波介質共振器之理論分析......21
3.1 概述....................21
3.2 介質共振器...............21
3.2.1 介電常數............23
3.2.2 品質因素............25
3.3 介質共振器之基本模態分析.....33
3.3.1 圓柱介質共振器........33
3.3.2 矩形介質共振器........40
第四章 應用於單頻2.45GHz之雙極化介質共振器天線 ..51
4.1 概述..............................51
4.2 矩形介質共振器之介電係數..............51
4.3 單頻2.45GHz之雙極化介質共振器天線.....55
第五章 應用於雙頻2.45/5.8GHz之雙極化介質共振器天線....67
5.1 概述....................................67
第六章 結論與未來展望..............................80

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