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研究生(外文):Guan-Han Zhou
論文名稱(外文):Erosion Resistance of Geomesh subjected to Run-off Impact
外文關鍵詞:Tangential FlowGeomeshSoil Erosion
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Located within the subtropics, Taiwan has a climate characterized by abundant rainfall, which cannot be fully absorbed by soil, thus giving rise to surface runoff. When runoff flows converge, the thus generated strong erosive forces can occasion disasters such as slope sliding and failure, which further pose threat to the safety of people’s lives and properties. In this study, experiments were conducted to test tangential flow erosion at different flow rates using a tester developed by the author for this purpose, the situ soil collected from Yourui Creek as the test material, and geomesh in two aperture sizes with riprap in different particle sizes. During the experiment, changes in flow and turbidity in the test tank were observed and recorded in a measurement system. Based on the records, the erosion behavior in each of these experiments was evaluated. The soil washed out by erosion was collected at the end of the testing and put to a particle size analysis test to investigate the mechanisms of soil erosion. Testing results show that erosion behavior can be divided into two stages: non erosion and steady erosion. To precisely define erosion behavior on soil, box and whisker plots in statistics were used for the definition of different erosion stages.
Testing results show: (1) riprap porosity, geomesh aperture size and coverage are important factors that affect the amount of soil erosion; (2) lower riprap porosity, smaller geomesh aperture size and greater geomesh coverage contribute to the increase in soil resistance to erosion; and (3) the 3D woven structure of the two types of geomesh tested has an sediment trapping effect that also increases soil resistance to erosion.

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
誌 謝 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機與目的 1
1.2研究內容 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1邊坡沖蝕與防治方法參考文獻 3
2.2地工織物與應用 3
2.3生態植生毯相關試驗參考文獻 4
2.4臨界流速參考文獻 6
2.5土壤沖蝕率參考文獻 8
2.6切向水流相關試驗 10
第三章 試驗方法與設備 17
3.1試驗目的與規劃 17
3.2試驗儀器介紹 18
3.3試驗材料與性質 20
3.3.1生態植生毯性質 20
3.3.2土壤性質 21
3.3.3彈珠性質 22
3.4試驗步驟 22
3.5量測系統 23
第四章 試驗結果與討論 38
4.1土壤沖蝕行為觀察與分類 38
4.1.1尚未沖蝕 38
4.1.2開始沖蝕 38
4.2盒鬚圖之應用 39
4.3試驗槽觀察 39
4.4切向水流試驗結果 40
4.4.1 S-01試驗結果 40
4.4.2 S-02試驗結果 42
4.4.3 S-03試驗結果 44
4.4.4 S-04試驗結果 46
4.4.5 S-05試驗結果 47
4.4.6 S-06試驗結果 49
4.5囚砂率試驗結果 51
4.5.1 S-07試驗結果 51
4.5.2 S-08試驗結果 52
4.6試驗結果綜合討論 53
第五章 結論與建議 84
5.1結論 84
5.2建議 85
參考文獻 86
符號彙編 90

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