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研究生(外文):Chi-Feng Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Research and development of constant temperature and humidity system using heat recovery device
指導教授(外文):Ching-Song Jwo
外文關鍵詞:constant temperature and humidity systemdirect expansionheat recoveryfixed-frequencyenergy-saving performance
  • 被引用被引用:2
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本研究目的為藉由冷凝廢熱來取代恆溫恆濕的電熱再熱方式,藉此達到節省能源與降低運轉成的效益。實驗中使用一套熱回收裝置,使冷凝熱能供給恆溫恆濕系統其再熱過程所需之能量,並與傳統電熱再熱方式、定頻與變頻壓縮系統所匹配的四種運轉模式 (變頻電熱再熱方式、變頻熱回收再熱方式、定頻電熱再熱方式、定頻熱回收再熱方式)於相同的外氣、室內負載條件下,做一系列效益分析、運轉測試的比較。實驗結果顯示,於室內負載為50%(顯熱85W;潛熱20W)時,恆溫恆濕系統使用定頻熱回收較定頻電熱之再熱方式,COPCTHS可提升51.3%;整體耗電比較約提高23%,其中再熱裝置的能源消耗節省了81.4%。綜合上述四種運轉模式之測試結果,恆溫恆濕系統在整體耗電量上,使用變頻熱回收的運轉模式擁有較低的耗電量,其次為定頻熱回收的模式,再考慮系統的建置成本、運轉費用與穩定性下,本研究選用定頻熱回收的運轉模式做為一個較經濟的運轉模式。本實驗之冷凝熱回收裝置確實能供給恆溫恆濕系統其再熱過程之能量,並達到節省能源消耗的目標。

The objective of the study is to use condensing waste heat to replace electric reheating way under direct-expansion constant temperature and humidity so as to achieve the effect of energy saving and operation reduction. A set of heat recovery device is used in an experiment to make condensing heat energy supply the required energy to constant temperature and humidity system in its reheating process, and make a series of effectiveness analysis and comparison of operation test results of 4 operation models (inverter electric reheating way, inverter heat recovery reheating way, fixed-frequency electric reheating way, and fixed-frequency heat recovery reheating way) attached to traditional electric reheating way, fixed-frequency and inverter compression system under the same outside air and indoor loading conditions. Experimental results show that when indoor load is 50% (sensible heat 85W; latent heat 20W), the COPCTHS of fixed-frequency heat recovery used by constant temperature and humidity system can be increased by 51.3% comparing to reheating way of fixed-frequency electric heat, and overall power consumption is increased by around 23%, with the power consumption of reheating device saved by 81.4%. After synthesis of test results of the above 4 operation models, in the aspect of overall power consumption of constant temperature and humidity system, the operation model using inverter heat recovery has lower power consumption, and the next power-saving operation model is fixed-frequency heat recovery model. Also in consideration of the establishment cost, operation expenses and stability of system, the study selects fixed-frequency heat recovery operation model as a more economical operation model. The condensing heat recovery device used in the experiment can really supply energy to constant temperature and humidity system in its reheating process, and achieve the objective of saving energy consumption.


誌 謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 3
1.3 文獻回顧 4
1.4 研究特色 7
1.5 論文架構 8
第二章 相關理論分析 9
2.1 蒸氣壓縮循環理論 9
2.1.1 理想蒸氣壓縮循環 9
2.1.2 實際蒸氣壓縮循環 11
2.2 空氣之相關理論 12
2.2.1 露點溫度 12
2.2.2 濕度 12
2.2.3 濕度比 13
2.2.4 焓 13
2.2.5 乾球溫度與濕球溫度 14
2.2.6 空氣中的熱 14
2.2.7 性能係數與盤管能力 15
2.2.8 空氣處理程序 16
2.3 PID控制器 20
第三章 實驗裝置與方法 22
3.1 恆溫恆濕系統之節能效益分析實驗 23
3.1.1 恆溫恆濕系統效益分析 25
3.2 恆溫恆濕系統之成本效益分析實驗 27
3.3 實驗設備與量測儀器介紹 27
第四章 實驗結果與討論 39
4.1 恆溫恆濕系統節能效益分析之結果與討論 39
4.1.1 恆溫恆濕系統效益分析實驗之結果 39
4.2 恆溫恆濕系統成本效益分析結果 60
第五章 結論與後續研究 63
5.1 結論 63
5.2 後續研究 64
參考文獻 65
符號整理 68

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