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研究生(外文):Chian-Tai Wei
論文名稱(外文):Efficiency analysis of box plug-fan for hospitals and clinics ventilation system
中文關鍵詞:AMCA FEGASHRAE箱型無殼式風機損益平衡建置成本營運成本維護保養成本LCC
外文關鍵詞:Air American Society of Heating Refrigerating Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)Movement and Control Association (AMCA FEG)box plug-fanbreakeveninitial costoperating costmaintenance costLCC(Life cycle cost)
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早在十九世紀中即有醫療機構通風設備與汙染源的管理與控制相關的文獻發表。適當的通風設備可以有效的為醫療機構有效去除不適氣體與氣味,減低病菌與傳染源的數量至可接受的條件,同時提供從業人員與病患、家屬一個舒適的醫療品質環境。依據行政院衛生署的統計,台灣本島的醫療院都開始朝向大型化與全方位醫療項目的趨勢發展,每家院所的總病床數也不斷的增加當中,因此對於通風設備的需求更是與日俱增。本研究以ASHRAE Standard 90-75 (Energy conservation in new building design)、ASHRAE HVAC design manual for hospitals and clinics、ASHRAE 111-2008 (Measurement, testing, adjusting and balancing of building HVAC system)、AMCA 210 (Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Certified Aerodynamic Performance Rating)、AMCA 300 (Reverberant Room Method for Sound Testing of Fans)、AMCA 205 (Energy Efficiency Classification for Fans) 等國際性技術手冊作為實驗分析依據。結果發現醫療院所常用的三種通風設備中,單吸式離心風機的耗能為最高,箱型雙吸離心式風機的耗能為最低,箱型無殼式風機的耗能為次低。進而深入探討各設備的損益平衡,即設備成本加計營運成本與維護保養成本,結果顯示箱型雙吸離心式風機與箱型無殼式風機的總成本都比原設備低,實驗證明此兩種改善方案皆能充分替換醫療機構之原設備。另外,比較箱型雙吸離心式風機與箱型無殼式風機之總成本比較,數據顯示兩改善方案在第二年達到損益平衡交叉,因此箱型無殼式風機在第二年後將提供業主更經濟的營運、維護與保養成本。箱型無殼式風機將可成為替換醫療機構原有通風設備之最佳節能方案。倘若風機效率提升1%時,將可節省耗能0.1296kW,或相當於減少0.0807公斤的碳排放量。選擇適當的通風設備將能充分降低營運成本,達到更省錢也更省能之結果,同時提供未來「低碳管理雲」所需之低耗能設備選項。

Ventilation system and control of biologic contamination in hospitals and clinics has been the topic of much study since the middle of the nineteenth century. Proper ventilation system is essential to (1) remove indoor gases and odors; (2) reduce bacteria and viruses to an acceptable degree; and (3) offer optimum and comfortable conditions for the occupants. According to the publication from Department of Health, Executive Yuan, Taiwan, most hospitals and clinics are becoming bigger size with overall medical service than before. Therefore, ventilation systems turn to a major role in the building construction. This study is implemented in accordance with the international publication, including ASHRAE Standard 90-75, ASHRAE HVAC design manual for hospitals and clinics, ASHRAE 111-2008, AMCA 210, AMCA 300, and AMCA 205. In conclusion to compare with original system-- single-inlet centrifugal fan, improvement 1-- box double-inlet centrifugal fan, and improvement 2-- box plug fan, we find out the energy efficiency of improvement 1 is the best, then improvement 2. When we calculation the fan life-cycle cost of initial cost, operating cost, and maintenance cost, improvement 2 is the best, which is also break even with improvement 1 during the second year. Box plug fan is the best selection in hospitals and clinics on energy efficiency. If the efficiency of box plug fan efficiency increases by 1%, it is equivalent to saving energy by 0.1296kW or reducing 0.0807 kg of carbon emissions. To select a proper ventilation system is to reduce operating costs and save more money than ever. Meanwhile, this action is also to provide a facility option and connection for future 「Low Carbon Management Cloud」

摘要 i
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究背景與動機 2
1.3 文獻回顧 6
1.4 研究目的 8
第二章 風機原理及介紹 9
2.1風機的定義 9
2.1.1軸流式風機 9
2.1.2離心式風機 11
2.2風機性能參數 18
2.3風機測試方法依據標準 19
2.4 AMCA 210-07性能測試與系統效應 19
2.5 風機定律 23
2.6 風機能源效率分級 (Energy efficiency Classification for Fans) 24
2.7 AMCAFEG定義 25
2.8 AMCA FEG分類 26
第三章 實際案例效能與成本分析之改善 28
3.1原有設備介紹(單吸離心式風機) 28
3.1.1 原某醫院設計工作點 28
3.1.2 單吸離心式風機~選機軟體介面 28
3.1.3 單吸離心式風機~性能曲線 29
3.1.4 單吸離心式風機~外型尺寸圖 31
3.1.5 單吸離心式風機之整體分析 32
3.1.6 單吸離心式風機之問題因素 34
3.2系統改善(一)箱型雙吸離心式風機 35
3.2.1箱型雙吸離心式風機~選機軟體介面 35
3.2.2箱型雙吸離心式風機~性能曲線 36
3.2.3箱型雙吸離心式風機~外型尺寸圖 37
3.2.4箱型雙吸離心式風機之整體分析 38
3.2.5箱型雙吸離心式風機改善後成果 39
3.3 系統改善(二)箱型無殼式風機 40
3.3.1箱型無殼式風機~選機軟體介面 40
3.3.2箱型無殼式風機~性能曲線 41
3.3.3箱型無殼式風機~外型尺寸圖 42
3.3.4箱型無殼式風機之整體分析 43
3.3.5箱型無殼式風機改善後成果 44
3.4設備效率的計算 45
3.4.1原理分析 45
第四章 結果與討論 48
4.1生命週期成本(LCC)分析 48
4.2原有設備與改善方案設備之整體分析 48
4.2.1原設備整體分析 49
4.2.2箱型雙吸離心式風機整體分析 51
4.2.3箱型無殼式風機整體分析 54
4.3原設備及改善方案之損益平衡 55
4.4效率影響 58
4.5電費計算之效應 58
第五章 結論 60
5.1結論 60
5.2未來展望與建議 61
參考文獻 62

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[21].CNS 7778 B4046,「中華民國國家標準」,送風機,2009
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