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研究生(外文):Jun-Da Tu
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of anti-alpha-enolase autoantibodies in patients with asthma and high level cancer marker serum
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一個良好生物標記物不但可以幫助醫師對於病人病情判斷、評估及治療,甚至可能帶來龐大的商機。氣喘為一種呼吸道的慢性疾病,這類的疾病以及發炎反應的發生都跟免疫系統有關係,癌症則是目前醫學界仍無法解決的問題。近期的研究發現??-enolase (本篇簡稱ENO1)為一個具有潛力的生物標記,此蛋白及相對應的抗體出現可能可以用來作為這些疾病的偵測。我們蒐集了氣喘病人、具有高腫瘤標記的病人血清,利用基因選殖的方法表現並純化重組人類、金黃色葡萄球菌 (Staphylococcus aureus;本篇簡稱 SA)、肺炎鏈球菌 (Streptococcus pneumoniae;簡稱SP)及白色念珠菌 (Candida albicans;簡稱CA)的???????﹞妨寣A以Western blot與ELISA的方式偵測不同病人血清中抗體的存在情形。結果發現氣喘病人的血液中所帶有的anti-human ENO1、anti-SA ENO1及anti-CA ENO1 IgG抗體量與健康民眾比起來有較高情況,並且達到統計上的意義。我們得到結果發現anti-human ENO1自體抗體存在的情形在有高濃度AFP及CA-199兩種cancer marker的血清做出的結果體內anti-human ENO1自體抗體的濃度比正常組的還要高;anti-SA ENO1抗體存在的情形在有高濃度CA-125及CA-153兩種cancer marker的血清做出的結果體內anti-SA ENO1抗體的濃度比正常組的還要高;anti-SP ENO1抗體的ELISA結果在所有高濃度cancer marker血清病人和正常人血液的吸光值相比皆未達到統計上的差異;anti-CA ENO1抗體存在的情形在有高濃度AFP、CEA及PSA三種cancer marker的血清做出的結果體內anti-SA ENO1抗體的濃度比正常組的還要高。
A meaningful biomarker not only helps clinical doctor to evaluate patient’s condition and treatment, but also brings huge business opportunities. Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease. Asthma and inflammatory reaction are related to the immune system. And cancer is a big problem of medical profession. Recently, alpha-enolase protein (ENO1) and its antibodies had found as a potential biomarker to predict those diseases. We used the recombinant Staphylococcus aureus (SA) Streptococcus pneumoniae (SP) and Candida albicans (CA) ENO1 to analysis the presence of antibodies in patients with asthma and high cancer marker by western blot and ELISA method.
The results showed that patients with severe asthma had higher concentration of anti-human ENO1, anti-SA ENO1 and anti-CA ENO1 IgG antibodies. It also found some results in patients with high cancer marker. Anti-human ENO1 autoantibodies present a high concentration situation in patients with high AFP and CA-199 cancer marker. High anti-SA ENO1 antibodies are observed in patients with high CA-125 and CA-153 cancer marker. And high anti-CA ENO1 antibodies appear in patients with high AFP, CEA and PSA cancer marker. It is special that the concentration of anti-SP ENO1 antibodies is not different between all patients and control group.
In this study, we provide a direction. Researchers can increase the number of subject to further confirm our results in the future. Or they can design new experiments to explain the mechanism of ENO1 antibody causing disease.
壹. 前言………………………………………………………………….09
一、 Alpha-enolase簡介………………………………...…………09
二、 氣喘疾病的簡介……………………………………..………12
三、 生物標記的特性……………………………………………..14
貳. 實驗目的…………………………………………………………….19
參. 實驗材料與方法………………..…………………………………...16
一、 實驗材料……………………………………..………………16
二、 實驗方法……………………………………………………..20
1. 病人血清蒐集………………………………………………20
2. ???????○J白質的製備………………………………………..21
3. 聚丙烯氨膠體(SDS-PAGE)電泳法……………………….23
4. 西方墨點法(western blot)…………………..………………23
5. 酵素結合免疫分析法(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay;ELISA)……………………………………………..24
6. 過敏原檢測…………………………………………………24
7. 統計分析…………………………………………………25
肆. 實驗結果…………………………………………………………26
1. 研究對象之特徵……………………………………………26
2. 氣喘病人體內存在台灣常見過敏原IgE種類分析………27
3. ENO1蛋白的純化…………………………………………28
4. 利用西方墨點法確認ENO1蛋白…………………………29
5. 利用西方墨點法分析各組別血液當中anti-ENO1 抗體存在情形………………………………………………………29
6. 利用ELISA分析氣喘病人血液當中anti-ENO1 抗體存在情形………………………………………………………30
7. 利用ELISA分析高腫瘤標記血液當中anti-ENO1 抗體存在情形………………………………………………………30
伍. 討論………………………………………………………………32
1. 受試者資料分析……………………………………………32
2. 過敏原分析………………………………………………32
3. ENO1蛋白的純化…………………………………………34
4. ENO1蛋白的確認…………………………………………34
5. 氣喘病人ENO1抗體分析…………………………………35
6. 高腫瘤標記血清ENO1抗體分析…………………………36
7. Western bolt與ELISA結果不符合分析………………37
陸. 未來展望……………………………………………………………39
柒. 圖表…………………………………………………………………40
捌. 參考文獻……………………………………………………………52
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