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研究生(外文):Wang, Yi-Ching
論文名稱(外文):Optimal inventory models with/without preservation technology and quality improvement investments for a deteriorating item in an imperfect production system
指導教授(外文):Yu, Chao-Pen
外文關鍵詞:DeteriorationImperfect productionInspectionBackorder replenishmentPreservation technologyQuality improvement
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The generation of imperfect quality product during the manufacturing process is inevitable, the factors made up with imperfect raw materials, insufficient manufacturing processes, poor production devices, inadequate qualification of employees…etc., are directly impact the quality of finished products and increase the overall cost of whole production system. Particularly the global market has witnessed shortage of raw materials with fluctuating costs that makes situation worsened to the manufacturing sectors in recent years. In response to these concerns, manufactures are keen to build up the cost-effective production system with a robust inventory model, as how to implement lean production, structure an effective inventory management, and squeeze the production overall cost for a good margin of profit from imperfect production systems are critical elements for enterprises.
In this study, a single stage of imperfect production system proceeds with inspection, rework, allowable backorder, and backorder replenishment rate for a deteriorating item are considered and set to simulate as a real situation derived a heuristic algorithm model for an optimal inventory when shortage caused by deterioration can be completely replenished. Meanwhile, the preservation technology and quality improvement investments are simultaneously incorporated to minimize the overall cost of whole production system improving the deterioration and defective rates effectively by rising up the production yields and shortening the lead time with an optimal solution to satisfy market demands is the objective of this research. Numerical examples and sensitivity analyses are given to validate the results of inventory system. The study ends with managerial implications for a manufacturing firm towards decision-making for determining optimal production policies for imperfect production systems and directions for future research.

摘要 I
目錄 III
表目錄 V
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的與範圍 3
1.3 研究流程 4
2.1 損耗性產品存貨相關文獻 6
2.2 非完美生產存貨系統之相關文獻 8
2.2 非完美生產存貨系統之相關文獻 9
2.3 產品檢驗 11
2.4 瑕疵品重工 14
2.5 缺貨水準及補貨政策 16
2.6 保存技術 18
2.7 品質改善 19
2.8 研究方法 21
第三章 損耗性商品非完美生產系統存貨模式 22
3.1問題定義與描述 22
3.2 研究假設 25
3.3 參數符號說明與定義 26
3.4 存貨模式建構與推導 27
3.4.1 參數模型 30
3.4.2 存貨週期各項成本 38
3.5 數值範例 41
3.6 敏感度分析 45
3.6.1 正常生產期間時間長度之敏感度彙整 46
3.6.2 單位時間總成本之敏感度彙整 51
第四章 導入保存技術及品質改善之存貨模式 55
4.1 問題定義與描述 55
4.2 研究假設 58
4.3 參數符號說明與定義 59
4.4 存貨模式建構與推導 60
4.5 數值範例 66
4.6 敏感度分析 69
4.6.1 正常生產期間時間長度之敏感度彙整 70
4.6.2 單位時間總成本之敏感度彙整 75
第五章 結論、貢獻與未來發展 79
5.1 結論 79
5.2 貢獻 83
5.3 未來研究方向 84
參考文獻 85

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