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論文名稱(外文):Applying Importance-Satisfaction Model to Elucidate Customer Perceptions in Taiwan Night Markets
指導教授(外文):Lin,Yu Ru
口試委員(外文):Lai, Ming-CheYoung, Tzong-Ke
外文關鍵詞:A Mobile-Guiding ServiceNight MarketsImportance-Satisfaction Model (I-S Model)
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過去有不少研究著墨在「夜市」此議題,但很少有學者將模式套用在夜市的議題並深化探討之。本文提出應用重要度-滿意度模式(Importance-Satisfaction Model, I-S Model),透過此模式探討夜市,並加入行動導覽服務此一變數,以期了解消費者對台灣夜市之觀點。採用問卷方式,採集相關資料,由問卷調查中可得知,消費者滿意並重視的部份包含了夜市這項休閒活動、夜市在台灣觀光業的地位、提供重視多樣化的產品選擇、地理位置、治安、動線規劃及攤販的服務態度。但較不滿意的部份是垃圾桶、廁所,夜市的整潔及停車區域的不足。其中,行動導覽是通過行動網路獲得所需的基礎設施、平臺、軟體(或應用)等的一種資源或(資訊)服務。隨著行動網際網路的蓬勃發展,網際網路已逐漸深入現代人的生活當中。然而本研究的受訪對象大多為本國人藉此發現行動導覽服務目前在台灣消費者心中尚並不屬於重要的選項。有鑒於此若夜市經營者能維持消費者所重視的部分並改進不足的項目,不但能增加競爭優勢,亦可滿足消費者的期待。
There were many researches on the topic of ‘night market’ industry, through methodologies such as action research, case study, literature review and structured interviewing. However, few of pass researches use models to elucidate night markets. This study applied Importance-Satisfaction Model (I-S Model), with a mobile-guiding service as variable, to provide more comprehensive evaluation of the night market industry. A questionnaire was developed and survey was conducted to collect data. The survey result reveals that consumers consider the following aspects of night market as important: variety of goods, location, security, circulation, and vendor’s service and hospitality. Also, provision of rubbish bins, toilet, car park, and general cleanliness are considered the areas which need improvement. The mobile-guiding service is found to be non-essential for Taiwanese local consumers. Night market operators and retailers can achieve competitive edge and customer’s satisfactory rate by attending and maintaining customer’s need, and improve on the identified shortcomings.
Acknowledgement I
Chinese Abstract II
English Abstract III
Table of Contents IV
List of Tables VI
List of Figures VII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation and Objectives of this Study 5
1.3 Organization of the Thesis 7
Chapter 2 Literature Review 8
2.1 Night Markets 8
2.1.1 Night Markets’ Features 8
2.2 A Mobile-Guiding Service 12
Chapter 3 Methodology 15
3.1 IPA (Importance Performance Analysis) 15
3.2 I-S Model (Importance-Satisfaction Model) 16
3.3 Questionnaire Design 19
3.4 Reliability and Validity of Data 22
3.5 Study Context and Sample 23
Chapter 4 Results 25
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Recommendations 30
References 35
Appendix-Questionnaire 39
Table 1 Taiwan Citizens’ Domestic Tourist Travel Indexes 1
Table 2 Related Indices of the Inbound Visitors in Taiwan 2
Table 3 Ranking of the Major Scenic Spots Inbound Visitors Visited 3
Table 4 Taiwanese Famous Night Markets 3
Table 5 The Perceived Problems in Night Markets 21
Table 6 Reliability of the Four Dimensions 22
Table 7 Demographics of the Sample 24
Table 8 Results of I-S Model 27
Figure 1 Importance - Satisfaction Model (I-S Model) 17
Figure 2 The I-S Model of the Case Study 25

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