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研究生(外文):Yu-Yun Hung
論文名稱(外文):The effect of county and school factors on adolescence smoking behavior in Taiwan-A multi-level analysis
指導教授(外文):Song-Lih Huang
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  以民國99年國中學生吸菸行為調查(GYTS)為樣本,計抽樣222所學校,共21,282 人,經篩選後的有效問卷計有20,337份,。本研究有兩個依變項,一為「過去30天內是否吸菸?」,另一為「是否嘗試吸菸?」;個人層級的變項包含:「年級」、「性別」、「家長是否吸菸」、「零用錢」;學校層級之變項則有「該校家長吸菸率」與「校內控菸程度」。
縣市層級變項則由多個政府調查及相關資料庫取得同年度的資料,先透過單變項分析選出可進入最後分析模型之變項,最後再經探索性因素分析後區分為四種概念:「人口、人力概況與產業型態」、「經濟、消費能力」、「社會與物質剝奪程度」、「所得分配公平性」。由於GYTS為分層抽樣之調查,且檢驗組內相關係數後發現資料之間具有相依性,故使用多層次分析方法(multi-level analysis)進行資料分析。



Most teenagers started experimenting on smoking in fifth to eighth grade in Taiwan. GYTS showed that smoking prevalence among adolescent has not reduced significantly in recent years. Most studies about teen smoking focused on personal, familial, and school-level factors. However these factors are situated among school environment and community environment, forming a nested relationship. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of environmental characteristic on teen smoking from individual level, school level and county level factors.
This is a cross-sectional study. The database was from the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) conducted in Taiwan in 2010. Data in this study are limited to 7 to 9 grade. A total of 20,337 students from 222 junior high schools participated in 2010. The overall response rate was 94.37% in 2010. The outcomes were “current smoking within 30 days” and “ever-tried smoking”. The individual level factors included grade, gender, parental smoking, and allowance. The school level factors included the prevalence of parent smoking and school smoke-free policies. And the county level factors were from other government statistics. We analyzed the data by multilevel logistic regression using SAS 9.2.
The results show about 25% junior high students had smoking experience and 8% students smoked in the past 30 days. Higher grade, male, parental smoking and higher allowance were positively associated with higher likelihood of current smoking and ever tried smoking. For school level variables, models indicate that the prevalence of parent smoking and weaker enforcement of school smoke-free policies were associated with current smoking and experimental smoking. After individual level and school level factors were adjusted, the rate of employment in primary sectors was significantly positive correlated with current smoking and experimental smoking. Teenagers that live in the county which have lower rate of parental cohabitation had more opportunities to start smoking. Gini-index was significantly positive correlated with ever-tried smoking, but not with current smoking.

In this study, we found that those school level and county level factors were associated with current smoking and experimental smoking among adolescent. It is important to consider local variations. The finding could help central government design a better tobacco control policy. This research has suggested that central government should help junior high school enforce their smoke-free policies. The government should invest more resources to help local governments which had higher Gini-index to build the public facilities, improve working conditions, and supply more quit smoking services.

This is a cross-sectional study. The database was from the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) conducted in Taiwan in 2010. Data in this study are limited to 7 to 9 grade. A total of 20,337 students from 222 junior high schools participated in 2010. The overall response rate was 94.37% in 2010. The outcomes were “current smoking within 30 days” and “ever-tried smoking”. The individual level factors included grade, gender, parental smoking, and allowance. The school level factors included the prevalence of parent smoking and school smoke-free policies. And the county level factors were from other government statistics. We analyzed the data by multilevel logistic regression using SAS 9.2.
The results show about 25% junior high students had smoking experience and 8% students smoked in the past 30 days. Higher grade, male, parental smoking and higher allowance were positively associated with higher likelihood of current smoking and ever tried smoking. For school level variables, models indicate that the prevalence of parent smoking and weaker enforcement of school smoke-free policies were associated with current smoking and experimental smoking. After individual level and school level factors were adjusted, the rate of employment in primary sectors was significantly positive correlated with current smoking and experimental smoking. Teenagers that live in the county which have lower rate of parental cohabitation had more opportunities to start smoking. Gini-index was significantly positive correlated with ever-tried smoking, but not with current smoking.

In this study, we found that those school level and county level factors were associated with current smoking and experimental smoking among adolescent. It is important to consider local variations. The finding could help central government design a better tobacco control policy. This research has suggested that central government should help junior high school enforce their smoke-free policies. The government should invest more resources to help local governments which had higher Gini-index to build the public facilities, improve working conditions, and supply more quit smoking services.

目 錄
摘 要 i
Abstract iii
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究重要性 3
第三節 研究目的 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 個人層級之影響因子 8
第二節 學校層級之影響因子 12
第三節 區域/縣市層級影響因子 13
第四節 有效之菸害介入方法 17
第五節 總結 19
第三章 研究方法 20
第一節 研究架構 20
第二節 樣本及變項資料來源 22
第三節 研究樣本之篩選 24
第四節 研究變項之操作型定義 26
第五節 統計方法 33
第四章 研究結果 35
第一節 是否嘗試過吸菸 35
第二節 過去30天內吸菸 47
第三節 結果比較 58
第五章 討論 59
第一節 研究限制 59
第二節 結果討論 61
第六章 結論與建議 71
第一節 結論 71
第二節 政策建議 73
第七章 參考文獻 75
第一節 中文文獻 75
第二節 英文文獻 77

表3-4-1. 依變項定義與資料來源 31
表3-4-2. 個人層級-自變項定義與資料來源 31
表3-4-3. 學校層級-自變項定義與資料來源 31
表3-4-4. 縣市層級-自變項定義與資料來源 32
表4-1-1. 樣本特徵與嘗試吸菸之盛行率 38
表4-1-2. 家長吸菸、初級行業比之描述性統計 39
表4-1-3. 學生嘗試吸菸率之描述性統計 39
表4-1-4. 「是否嘗試過吸菸」之個人層級、學校層級單變量分析 41
表4-1-5. 「是否嘗試過吸菸」-縣市層級變項之單變量分析 42
表4-1-7. 縣市層級分組及四大潛在因素 44
表4-1-6. 「是否嘗試過吸菸」之分析模型 46
表4-2-1. 樣本特徵與過去30天吸菸之盛行率 49
表4-2-2. 家長吸菸、學生吸菸率之描述性統計 50
表4-2-3. 「過去30天內吸菸」之個人層級、學校層級單變量分析 53
表4-2-4. 「過去30天內吸菸」-縣市層級變項之單變量分析 54
表4-2-5. 「過去30天內吸菸」之分析模型 57
表5-2-1. 相關係數表 70

圖2-3-1. Lorenz Curve 13
圖3-1 . 研究架構圖 21
圖3-2 . 樣本篩選流程及進入分析之樣本數 25
圖4-2-1. 縣市層級-家長吸菸率與學生吸菸率之相關散布圖 51
圖4-2-2. 學校層級-家長吸菸率與學生吸菸率之相關散布圖 51

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