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研究生(外文):Li-Rong Yang
論文名稱(外文):Study on the Zn2+- and Dopamine-induced Degeneration of Mouse Dopaminergic neurons
指導教授(外文):Lung-Sen Kao
外文關鍵詞:dopaminezincparkinson's disease
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帕金森氏症(Parkinson’s disease)是常見的一種神經退化性疾病。帕金森氏症病患的病症有顫抖、身體僵直、運動遲緩,並且無法自主行動,主要的病理特徵是位於人類中腦黑質緻密區中多巴胺神經元有逐漸退化死亡的情形。過去研究顯示氧化壓力的形成與多巴胺神經元的缺失具有相關性。多巴胺為一種神經毒會造成腦內氧化壓力的增加。另外,在帕金森氏症病患的病理組織切片發現位於黑質緻密區的鋅離子含量有明顯增加的情形。實驗室先前的研究顯示出鋅離子與多巴胺造成的神經細胞死亡具有協同作用,並且在大鼠腦部紋狀體區域發現有多巴胺減少的現象,但相關的分子機制仍然未知。因此在本篇研究,我們建立了一個具有鋅離子與多巴胺協同作用導致神經元死亡的小鼠模式。在我們所建立的小鼠模式發現,分別在黑質緻密區注入鋅離子;紋狀體區域注入多巴胺並不會導致多巴胺嚴重受損的情形。然而,同時在黑質緻密區注入鋅離子與紋狀體區域注入多巴胺,可以觀察到紋狀體區域的多巴胺有嚴重受損的情形,並且具有協同作用。為了進一步探討氧化壓力的形成,我們在建立的小鼠模式中處理抗氧化劑乙醯硫胱胺酸(N-acetylcysteine, NAC)或榖胱甘肽(glutathione, GSH),再分別在黑質緻密區注入鋅離子與紋狀體注入多巴胺去看是否具有保護的作用。結果顯示乙醯硫胱胺酸對於鋅離子與多巴胺造成多巴胺神經元死亡的現象具有保護作用。這些結果顯示鋅離子與多巴胺可能經由自體吞噬作用(autophagy)與內質網調控細胞死亡(endoplasmic reticulum; ER)的分子調控路徑造成多巴胺神經元死亡。
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases. The clinical symptoms of PD are tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, and autonomic dysfunctions. The pathological feature of PD is the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc). Extensive studies have shown the involvement of oxidative stress in the loss of dopaminergic neurons. Dopamine (DA) is a possible neurotoxin to increase oxidative stress. Furthermore, postmortem studies show that the Zn2+ level is increased in SNpc. Our previous study revealed that Zn2+ and DA synergistically caused neuronal cell death and DA depletion in the rat striatum, but the molecular mechanisms remain unclear. In this study, we established a mouse model for the study of synergistic effects of Zn2+ and DA. The result showed that individual infusion of Zn2+ and DA in SN and striatum, respectively, did not cause severe damages. However, simultaneous infusion of Zn2+ and DA synergistically elicited a significant depletion of the striatal DA content. Furthermore, to determine the antioxidant effect on the Zn2+- and DA- induced degeneration of dopaminergic neurons, various concentrations of N-acetylcysteine (NAC)- or glutathione (GSH) were infused with Zn2+ and DA into SN or striatum. We found that NAC but not GSH significantly rescued the death of dopaminergic neurons induced by Zn2+ and DA. Our results suggest that Zn2+- and DA- induced degeneration of mouse dopaminergic neurons may be mediated by the activation of autophagy and ER stress.
Abstract 1
摘要 2
Abbreviations 3
Chapter 1: Introduction 5
1.1. Parkinson’s disease (PD) 5
1.2. Nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway 5
1.3. Dopamine (DA) 6
1.3.1 Characterization of DA 6
1.3.2 Neurotoxicity of DA 7
1.4. Zinc 7
1.4.1. Characterization of Zinc 7
1.4.2. Neurotoxicity of Zinc 8
1.5. Molecular pathways of nigral degeneration 8
1.5.1. Oxidative stress 8
1.5.2. Endoplasmic reticulum stress 9
1.5.3. Apoptosis 10
1.5.4. Autophagy 10
1.5.5. Inflammation 11
1.5.6. JAK-STAT pathway 12
1.6. Specific Aims 13
Chapter 2: Materials and Method 14
2.1. Animals 14
2.2. Stereotaxic surgery 14
2.3. Animal perfusion and fixation 15
2.4. Tissue frozen section 15
2.5. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) 15
2.6. Immunofluorescent staining (IF) 16
2.7. Cell Counting and Optical Densitometry Analysis 17
2.8. HPLC-EC analysis 17
2.9. Western blotting 18
2.10. Statistics 19
Chapter 3: Results 20
3.1. The synergistic effects of Zn2+- and DA-induced striatal DA depletion in mouse model 20
3.2. Characterization of the synergistic effects of Zn2+ and DA on ST and SN. 21
3.2.1 Zn2+- and DA-induced neurotoxicity in striatal DA and DA metabolites content by HPLC-EC 21
3.2.2 Zn2+- and DA-induced neurotoxicity on the number of TH+ neurons
in SNpc. 21
3.3. The antioxidant effect of Zn2+- and DA-induced neurotoxicity on TH+ immunoreactivity. 22
3.3.1 No significant effect of GSH on the Zn2+- and DA-induced
neurotoxicity 22
3.3.2 The protective effect of NAC on the Zn2+- and DA-induced neurotoxicity
3.4. The possible signaling pathway involved in the synergistic effects of Zn2+- and DA-induced degeneration of mouse dopaminergic neurons. 24
3.4.1 Zn2+- and DA-induced autophagy in SN and ST. 24
3.4.2 ER pathway may involve in Zn2+- and DA-induced neuronal death in SN
and ST 25
3.4.3 Apoptosis was not detected in Zn2+- and DA-infused SN and ST 25
3.4.4 Inflammation may not involve in Zn2+- and DA-induced degeneration of dopaminergic neurons. 26
3.4.5 The role of JAK-STAT pathway in Zn2+- and DA-induced damages in SN
and ST. . 26
Chapter 4: Discussion 28
Reference 32
Figures 38
Figure 1. Quantification of TH+ fibers density in the ST by optical densitometry analysis 38
Figure 2. No significant damages were detected in one week after infusions of DA and Zn2+ on TH+ immunoreactivity. 42
Figure 3. Synergistic effects of Zn2+ and DA on TH+ immunoreactivity 43
Figure 4. The neurotoxic effects of Zn2+ and DA on the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system. 45
Figure 5. Effects of infusions of Zn2+ and DA on the number of TH+ neurons in SNpc. 47
Figure 6. Effects of GSH on Zn2+- and DA-induced neurotoxicity: various concentrations of GSH. 49
Figure 7. Effects of NAC on Zn2+- and DA-induced neurotoxicity: various concentrations of NAC. 51
Figure 8. The antioxidant effect of NAC on Zn2+- and DA-induced neurotoxicity. 53
Figure 9. Infusions of Zn2+ and DA induced activation of autophagy pathway in
SN and ST 54
Figure 10. ER stress was elicited by infusions of Zn2+ and DA evidenced by the activation of caspase 12 56
Figure 11. Infusions of Zn2+ and DA did not trigger mitochondria-dependent apoptosis. 58
Figure 12. No alterations on inflammation pathways were found upon treatments
of Zn2+ and DA in ST and SN. 60
Figure 13. Effects of Zn2+ and DA on the expression STAT1 in ST and SN 63
Figure 14. Effects of Zn2+ and DA on the activation of p-STAT1 (Ser727) 65
Figure 15. Effects of Zn2+ and DA on the expression of STAT3 67
Figure 16. Effects of Zn2+ and DA on the activation of p-STAT3 (Ser727) 69
Appendix1. Hypothetical mechanism of DA toxicity 71
Appendix2. Neuronal death pathways activated by Zn2+ 72

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