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研究生(外文):Chia-Tzu Chen
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Betel Quid Chewing on Tobacco Smoke Specific Carcinogen NNK Metabolism in human urine.
指導教授(外文):Tsung-Yun Liu
外文關鍵詞:NNKNNALbetel quidLC/MS/MS
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台灣目前估計約有350萬吸菸人口,每年推估有超過18,800人死於吸菸相關疾病,死因統計資料亦顯示與吸菸相關的死因約佔16%;另外台灣嚼食檳榔的人口數約為180萬,研究指出,嚼食檳榔者有87%有吸菸的習慣。香菸中的尼古丁經由nitrosation會產生強致癌物質4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3 pyridyl)-1- butanone (NNK),而NNK在人體中,會經由CYPA2As酵素作用形成代謝物4-(Methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-Pyridyl)-1- Butanol (NNAL),再經phase II酵素加成作用,最後由尿液中排出。檳榔中含有許多物質,其中的黃樟素,經動物實驗證實,對於CYP2As酵素具有誘發的作用;實驗室以往數據指出,倉鼠在投予黃樟素後第九天後給予NNK,尿中的之代謝物NNAL的量會降低。然而,此現象是否在人體出現,仍未見諸報導。
此實驗是比較純吸菸者以及吸菸同時嚼食檳榔者尿中NNAL含量的差異,而尿中NNAL的濃度是利用液相層析串聯質譜儀搭配同位素稀釋法來進行定量。由於NNAL在尿液中的含量非常的低,為ppt (pg/ml)等級,因此必須使用固相萃取(Solid Phase Extraction, SPE)的方式,來進行濃縮。本實驗的研究樣本為台灣吸菸者與吸菸又同時嚼食檳榔者的尿液,在尿液中加入β-glucuronidase來檢測尿中的total NNAL含量,並且用尿液中的creatinine (Cre)的含量來進行濃度的校正。
實驗的結果,單純抽香菸者的16個樣本,尿液中Total NNAL的平均濃度為149.46ng/mg Cre,而抽菸且嚼食檳榔者的33個樣本,尿液中NNAL的平均濃度為85.97 ng/mg Cre,且此差異達到統計上的顯著意義(p=0.007); free NNAL的部分為60.04及23.97 (pg/mg Cre),且此差異達到統計上的顯著意義(p=0.004)。而從此結果可以合理的懷疑,由於CYP2As酵素活化,使NNK的α-hydroxylation上升,導致NNAL的排出量下降。從NNK的解毒效果的指標NNAL-Gluc/free NNAL ratio來看,純吸菸者為4.73 (1.8~7.66),抽菸且嚼食檳榔者為3.44 (2.45~4.43),明顯的較純吸菸者來的低,因此可以合理的懷疑,檳榔中有物質會影響到NNK在體內的解毒途徑,可能會增加NNK的毒性。

According to recent estimates, there are about 3.5 million smokers in Taiwan. Statistical data have shown that more than 18,800 deaths are attributed to smoking-related diseases in Taiwan annually and 16% of all deaths are smoking-related. In addition, there are about 2.5 million betel quid chewers in Taiwan, and 94% of betel quid chewers are also cigarette smoker. 4-(Methylnitro samino)-1-(3 pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK), derived from nicotine nitrosation, is a strong cigarette related carcinogen. NNKis metabolized either though CYP2As to reactive metabolites and bind to DNA or reduced to 4-(Methylnitrosamino)-1- (3-Pyridyl)-1- Butanol (NNAL) and conjugated by phase II enzyme and is finally excreted in urine. Betel quid contain many substances, including safrole, which have been reported to induce CYP2As enzyme in animal experiments. The data also indicated that the urinary NNAL levels were decreased following safrole treatment in hamster for 9 days. Nevertheless, whether this interaction happens in human has yet to be identified.
The aim of this study was to compare the NNAL levels in urine from smokers and smokers with betel quid chewing habits using isotope-dilution LC-MS/MS method. Because the content of NNAL in human urine can only be measured in parts per trillion (ppt) level, this experiment applied Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) to enrich the NNAL before analyses. The total NNAL in urine samples were analyzed following β-glucuronidase digestion and the free and total NNAL level were calibrated by the content of ceatinine (Cre) in urine.
In the 16 smoking only urine samples, the average concentration of total NNAL was 149.46 ng/mg Cre; however, in the 33 samples from betel quid chewing smokers, the average concentration of total NNAL was 85.97 ng/mg Cre. The difference of total NNAL contents between smokers and smokers also chewed betel quid is statistically significant. The average concentration of free NNAL in the smokers and smokers with betel quit chewing is 60.04 and 23.97 (pg/mg Cre). The difference of free NNAL contents between smokers and smokers also chewed betel quid is also statistically significant. The results could be reasonable doubt that the CYP2As enzyme was activated, so that the α-hydroxylation of NNK rose and leading to decreased the NNAL excretion. In addition, the ratio NNAL-Gluc to free NNAL is a useful biomarker for NNK detoxification in smokers. In this study, this NNAL-Gluc to free NNAL ratio in smokers was higher than smokers with betel quit chewing ( 4.73 v.s. 3.44). Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that betel quid components might affect NNK metabolism in vivo.
Many substances have potential to affect the metabolism in human body. As a result, it is difficult to discuss the metabolic rate of a single chemical across different subjects. Furthermore, this study did not consider specific smoking habits. For instance, what brand of tobacco, or how often they smoked. These conditions would directly affect the nicotine and NNAL levels in the human body. Only when these factors can be corrected, the experiment would be more accurate.

四、抽菸與嚼食檳榔對於尿液中Total NNAL及Free NNAL的影響……27
六、基質效應 (Matrix effect)…………………………………………………31

Fig 1. NNAL的母離子在TIC掃描下的層析圖譜…………………………………43
Fig 2. 使用positive ion mode 進行NNAL 的full scan的層析圖………44
Fig 3. 水中的NNAL與內標之層析圖譜…………………………………………45
Fig 4. 尿中的NNAL與內標之層析圖譜 ………………………………………46
Fig 5. 水中NNAL之檢量線箱圖…………………………………………………47
Fig 6. 吸菸者與吸菸同時嚼食檳榔者Total NNAL之箱型圖……………………48
Fig 7. 吸菸者與吸菸同時嚼食檳榔者Free NNAL之箱型………………………49
Fig 8. 經MIP萃取後之層析圖譜…………………………………………………50

Table 1. NNAL的精確度及準確度偵測結果………………………………………51
Table 2. 尿中Total及Free NNAL含量……………………………………………52
Table 3. Glucuronide /Free NNAL ratio及尿中Creatinine含量……………………53
Table 4. 吸菸者與有嚼食檳榔習慣之吸菸者尿中內標的peak area比較………54
Table 5. NNAL與N7-MethG及8-OhdG相關性比較………………………………55

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