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研究生(外文):Chun-chu Ma
論文名稱(外文):The role of online brand experience on enhancing customer loyalty-Based on the case of smartphone operating systems
外文關鍵詞:Customer loyaltyonline brand relationship.Smartphone operating systemsOnline brand experience
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近年來智慧型手機的快速成長,逐漸改變了人們的生活型態。而智慧型手機主流作業系統(例如,Google android, Apple ios 和Windows phone)間的競爭更加激烈;系統製造商面對本質上喜新厭舊的科技時代顧客群,一個重大挑戰就是如何有效維持其忠誠度。
本研究以線上品牌經驗為主要核心變數,而關切其重要的前因與後果變數。主要前因變數為系統之實用與愉悅相關屬性,而後果變數則包括滿意度、信任、品牌形象、線上品牌關係、與忠誠度。本究方法以網路問卷收集資料,並以SEM進行分測量模型與結構模型分析,主要結論可列舉如下:(1) 知覺娛樂對線上品牌經驗的影響力不如知覺易用、知覺有用、與知覺美學;(2) 線上品牌經驗的後果變數中,除了滿意度未顯著正向影響信任,其他變數皆有顯著影響力;(3) 品牌形象對顧客忠誠可發揮顯著正向影響力。
In recent years, the rapid growth of smart phones has gradually changed people''s lifestyles. The competition among mainstream smartphone operating systems (for example, Google android, Apple ios and Windows phone) gets more and more intensive. Facing most customer has variety seeking tendency in this information technology era, the operating system manufacturers confront with the great challenge of how to effectively maintain their customers’ loyalty.
This study bases online brand experience (OBE) as the focal construct to investigate its important antecedent and consequent variables. The main antecedent variables include utilitarian as well as hedonic system attributes, and consequent variables include satisfaction, trust, brand image, online brand relationships and loyalty. Web questionnaire survey was conducted to collect data form representative samples. Data analyzed by SEM to test measurement and structural models. Major findings can be listed as follows: (a) perceived entertainment has less influences on online brand experience as compared with of the online brand experience as the influence of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and perceived aesthetics; (b) besides satisfaction does not affect trust significantly, all other consequent variables of OBE play important roles; (c) brand image can affect customer loyalty positively.
The main conclusions of this study help to provide smartphone operating system manufacturers practical guidelines on how to effectively improve the system in order to enhance customer loyalty and corporate profitability.
Chinese abstract…………………………………………i
Abstract....... ..............................ii
Table of content………………………………………iv
Table of content (cont.)……………………v
List of Table.......... ......................vi
List of Figure. ..............................vii
Chapter 1 Introduction. ........................1
1.1. Research Background and Motivation........ 1
1.2. Research Problems......................... 3
1.3. Research Objectives....................... 3
1.4. Research Flow............................. 4
Chapter 2 Leterature Review.................... 5
2.1. Online Brand Experience................... 5
2.2. System Utilitarian Attributes............. 8
2.2.1. Perceived Ease of Use................... 9
2.2.2. Perceived Usefulness.................... 9
2.3. System Hedonic Attributes................. 10
2.3.1. Entertainment........................... 10
2.3.2. Aesthetics.............................. 11
2.4. Trust..................................... 12
2.5. Satisfaction.............................. 13
2.6. Brand Image............................... 14
2.7. Online Brand Relationship................. 16
2.8. Customer Loyalty.......................... 17
Chapter 3 Research Design and Method........... 18
3.1. Hypothesis ................................18
3.2.1. Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Usefulness..................................... 18
3.2.2 .Entertainment and Aesthetic............................. 18
3.2.3. Online Brand Experience, Satisfaction, Trust and Brand Image.......................... 19
3.2.4. Satisfaction and Trust................. 20
3.2.5. Satisfaction and Online Brand Relationship................................... 21
3.2.6. Satisfaction and Loyalty........................................ 21
3.2.7. Trust and Loyalty............................................... 22
3.2.8. Trust and Online Brand Relationship................................... 22
3.2.9. Brand Image and Trust......................................... 23
3.2.10. Online Brand Relationship and Loyalty........................................ 23
3.2. Research Framework ................................................24
3.3. Construct and Measurement................................... 25
3.4. Sample and Survey......................................... 33
3.4.1. Sampling ................................................33
3.4.2. Survey Method.......................... 33
3.5. Analysis Method........................... 34
Chapter 4 Data analysis and Result......................................... 35
4.1. Pretest and Pilot test.......................................... 35
4.2. Descriptive Analysis....................................... 37
4.2.1. Characteristics of Respondents.................................. 37
4.2.2. Measurement Results for Relevant Research Variables............. 42
4.3. Reliability and Validity Analysis......... 43
4.4. Structural Equation Model (SEM).......................................... 47
4.5.ANOVA Analysis .............................................. 53
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Sugestions..................................... 55
5.1. Conclusions................................... 55
5.2. Managerial Implications................... 57
5.3. Research Limitations and Future Research.......................... 58
References............................................................. 59
Appendix: Chinese version of the questionnaire......................... 69
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