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研究生(外文):Chin-Ling Chen
論文名稱(外文):Stroke patients delay medical treatment with the analysis of the results of health education
指導教授(外文):Bor-Wen Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Strokethe effectiveness of health education
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Stroke is a major disease which threatens the quality of life of patients seriously and increases the cost of medical care. Thrombolytic therapy has been proven to be beneficial to acute ischemic stroke patients. Nevertheless, it can be administrated only within 3-4.5 hours after symptoms onset. Therefore, in order to treating stroke patients in a timely manner, it needs that the patient or their family identifies the warning signs quickly and activates the emergency medical service system immediately, that the emergency medical system dispatches their personnel fast, performs pre-hospital notification, and delivers the patient to the stroke center, and that the patient was diagnosed and treated rapidly after arriving at the stroke center. According to the local research, there are only 29.4% of stroke patients arriving at emergency department within 3 hours after stroke attack in Taiwan and thus few patients with acute ischemic stroke can receive thrombolytic therapy.
Therefore, our study used questionnaires interviews (before and after the test
administered health education center) to collect data and patient medical
information gathering,and aims to know the reasons why the stroke patients in
Taiwan delay in seeking stroke care. In addition, we also perform the education
program of stroke to patients admitted because of stroke and their family. After
ducation program, those patients and family are asked to complete another form of
e questionnaire to understand the effect of the education program.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
第一章、緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 3
第三節 研究目的 5
第四節 研究步驟與流程 5
第五節 研究限制 8
第二章、文獻探討 9
第一節 急性腦中風概述 9
第二節 靜脈血栓溶解治療概述 13
第三節 緊急醫療處置之概述 15
第四節 自覺症狀之相關因素 14
第五節 客製化照護衛教 15
第三章、研究方式 16
第一節 研究概念架構… 16
第二節 研究期間及對象 17
第三節 研究設計與工具 18
第四節 操作型定義 20
第五節 名詞界定 24
第六節 資料處理與分析 25
第四章、研究結果 26
第一節 問卷信度分析 26
第二節 樣本的描述性統計分析結果 27
第三節 分析中風行動測驗量表 40
第五章、討論與建議 42
第一節 研究重要結果及討論 42
第二節 未來後續研究建議 45
參考文獻 46
附錄一:量表使用同意書 53
附錄二:腦中風簡介 57
附錄三:腦中風自我照顧 58
附錄四:提升中風照顧之品質問卷 59
http://www.stroke.org.tw/guideline/guideline_new.asp2008 [cited 2012 May 8]
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