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研究生(外文):Chai-Lung Chao
論文名稱(外文):The study of service marketing strategy and competitive advantage - a case of an organic retail brand
指導教授(外文):Jonathan C. Ho
口試委員(外文):Louis Y.Y. LuI.C. Wu
外文關鍵詞:service marketing strategycompetitive advantage
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臺灣有機產業自1995年發展以來,隨著國人對健康意識逐漸重視,消費意識抬頭,再加上近年來多次黑心食品事件的推波助瀾,在產業的推展上有著絕大的助益。對於標榜純天然、無毒、無污染、無添加優勢的有機產業,不僅受到政府的重視和支持,更贏得了消費者的信任和青睞。根據農委會統計,臺灣有機農業 2010年產值 24億元,至 2012年 6月就已達 31億元,每年更以 15%~ 20%的幅度成長,可見得有機產業已屬成長型的行業。各連鎖品牌無不使出渾身解數,持續運用各種策略來加強顧客滿意作為企業永續發展的基礎,不僅如此,企業的未來生存及發展亦須視如何強化自身的核心競爭力而決定,所以,核心競爭力是企業持續的適應市場變化能力和創新能力的綜合體與完全的展現,更是獲利的來源。


本研究採用個案探討的方式研究,以臺灣有機零售通路市佔率第一的品牌公司作為個案研究對象,試著以實務上的各策略做法作為討論的主軸,並從服務行銷策略7Ps中的人員理念深植(People)、商品安全控管(Product)、服務流程(Process)及實體環境(Physical Evidence)等四個不同策略構面,探討個案品牌公司是如何利用服務行銷建立顧客的信賴關係、提升競爭力並營造其競爭優勢。故本研究結論歸納:

Taiwan organic industry was developed since 1995 and has been greatly expanded owing to Taiwanese are gradually emphasis on health-conscious, the consumer awareness and many dishonest food events during recent years. The superiorities of organic industry are pure nature, no poisons, no pollution and no additives. It not only be emphasized and supported by government but also win the trust and favor by consumers. According to the Council of Agriculture statistics, the output value of Taiwan organic industry in 2010 is 24 million and up to 31 million till June of 2012. It also grows up 15-20% annually. Hence we can see organic industry is a growth industry. Besides, the enterprise’s future exist and development also depends on how to strength self core competency. Therefore, the core competency of enterprises is not only the appearance of its business variation adaptability and innovative capability but also its source of profits.

Every administrator of organic marketing channel has to find the way to win consumers’ confidence and satisfy their need of safe and security. To operate the concept of service marketing to plan and manage marketing strategy including to control food safety for consumers, to deepen belief and practice service marketing idea, to create and maintain warn, safe, comfort and clean shopping environment and facilities. It shows that service marketing plays the decisive role in management and marketing.

In this subject, we use case study to research and the object of study is the first organic brand in Taiwan. We use all practical strategy to be the main subject in the discussion and study them how to build consumers confidence, upgrade competitiveness and create competitive advantage by using four points-people, product, process, physical evidence in 7Ps of service marketing strategy. There are three conclusions in this research as below:
1. To build service concept in all employee deeply, create internal common consensus and develop customer service confidence in order to create valuable and unique core competency.
2. The advantage of product safety management can not only establish the confidence of all employee but also help to establish consumers’ trust and then to support enterprise’s quality image.
3. Both of superior service procedure and shopping environment not only make self-profession, superior managing experience and advantage stand out but also win the trust from customers and enlarge the distance between other competitors.

The organic industry has been the potential star and the market competitive is getting white-hot. In order to keep the leading position, the enterprise has to create competitiveness continuously and maintain self advantages.
Meanwhile, to own a financial group background is not the only weapon. They have to cooperate and support with a powerful managing strategy, integrate internal and external sources and upgrade service marketing strategy continuously. Otherwise, the enterprise will be disappeared due to no adaptability in the variety and changing market.
書名頁 i
論文口試委員審定書 ii
授權書 iii
中文摘要 iv
英文摘要 vi
誌謝 viii
表目錄 xi
圖目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 服務行銷 4
第二節 核心競爭力 6
第三節 研究方法 8
第四節 研究架構 9
第三章 有機產業現況 10
第一節 定義與意義 10
壹、有機農業的定義 10
貳、有機的意義 11
第二節 產業發展概況 12
壹、全球產業概況 12
貳、國內產業概況 14
第四章 個案分析 20
第一節 個案背景 20
壹、公司沿革 20
貳、經營理念 21
參、主要消費對象 22
第二節 策略運用與執行 23
第五章 結論與建議 33
第一節 研究結論 33
第二節 分析建議 35
第三節 後續研究建議 37
參考文獻 38
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維基百科, 2013,樂活族,http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/樂活族。
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盧映利, 2011,非凡新聞週刊-非凡媒體網,搶賺食在安心 3000億商機餐桌危機大突圍, 263, 2011/05/01。
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