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論文名稱:建構一個達到卓越企業之策略管理: 以美國國家品質獎得獎主為例
論文名稱(外文):Strategic Management toward Business Excellence- some insights and evidences
指導教授(外文):Chi-Kuang Chen
口試委員(外文):Kuo-Ming WangJiun-Yi Jang
外文關鍵詞:Business ExcellenceBusiness StrategyStrategic ManagementStrategy PlanningStrategy Deployment
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Due to differences that exist between the planning and implementation on strategic management approaches, organizations reach a performance that can be better if the strategic planning and the day to day business operations are linked. The purpose of this research is to identify successful points that contribute organizations to deploy their strategy. This research review well-known strategy deployment models including Balanced Scorecard, Hoshin, Malcolm Baldrige Award and European Foundation for Quality Management Excellence Model Quality Award, summarize successful points from the reviewed strategy deployment models, and examine successful points in terms of two empirical cases using secondary information from the world-class organizations, Medrad and Xerox. The finding indicate that the analyzed organizations link strategy planning and implementation using a variety of management tools and systems in its operation, also it is illustrated that all twelve successful points has been used in order to have successful implementation of strategic management. The successful points proposed can help organizations to achieve their planned objectives, contributing to upgrade industrial and occupational competitiveness, facilitating social and economic development.
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Figures iv
List of Tables vi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Motivation 1
1.3 Research Objectives 2
1.4 Research Methodology and Procedure 2
Chapter 2 Literature Review 4
2.1 Strategy 4
2.2 Levels of strategy 6
2.3 The management tools for strategy deployment 7
2.3.1 Balanced Scorecard 7
2.3.2 Framework for strategy deployment “Saunders” 9
2.3.3 Hoshin Kanri 10
2.3.4 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award 13
2.3.5 European Foundation for Quality management Excellence Model 17
2.4 Strategy Deployment 19
2.4.1 Areas of success 19
2.4.2 Areas of difficulty implementing strategy 19
Chapter 3 Successful points from the management tools for strategy deployment 21
Chapter 4 Empirical investigation of successful point in a world class organization 27
4.1 Case Description – MEDRAD 27
4.2 Empirical evidences of successful points –MEDRAD 29
4.3 Case Description – XEROX 41
4.4 Empirical evidences of successful points – XEROX 43
Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusions 53
References 55
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