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研究生(外文):Chien-Cheng Chen
論文名稱(外文):Visual Depth Guided Color Image Rain Streaks Removal Using Sparse Coding
指導教授(外文):Duan-Yu Chen
口試委員(外文):Jun-Wei HsiehYu-Fei Huang
外文關鍵詞:rain removalcolor imagesparse representationdictionary learningimage decompositiondifference of depth
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單張影像去雨化一直以來都是極具挑戰性的議題,因為單張影像缺少了時間上的動態資訊,然而我們提出綜合多種特徵的影像處理技術達到單張影像去雨的效果。首先,初始影像利用”Guided Filter”將原始影像先粗略地分為”高頻”及”低頻影像”,再進階對高頻影像拆解成”雨成分”及”非雨成分”,當中利用到影像處理的”稀疏矩陣”及”字典訓練”等技術。另外分類的特徵除了傳統的”HOG”以外,還另外增加兩項新的特徵”DoD”和”Eigen color”來加強分類的效率及準確度,與文獻[12]相比,我們提出的方法去雨效果更為顯著,而且視覺的感受更為清晰。
Rain removal from a single colorful image is a challenging problem since no motion information can be obtained from successive images. In this work, an input image is first decomposed into low-frequency part and high-frequency part by using guided image filter. So that the rain streaks would be in the high-frequency part with non-rain textures, and then the high-frequency part is decomposed into a “rain component” and a “non-rain component” by performing dictionary learning and sparse coding. To separate rain streaks from high-frequency part, a hybrid feature set is exploited which includes histogram of gradient (HoG), difference of depth (DoD) and Eigen color. With the hybrid feature set applied, most rain streaks can be removed; meanwhile, non-rain components can be enhanced. Compared with the state-of-the-art work, our proposed approach is the first solve the problem on color images and achieves better results with not only the rain components being removed more effectively but also the visual quality of restored images being improved.
摘要 …………………………………………………………………… i
Abstract ……………………………………………………………… ii
Index ………………………………………………………………… iii
List of Table and Figure ………………………………………… iv
一、 Introduction ………………………………………… 1
二、 Difference of Depth (DoD) ……………………… 4
三、 Rain Streaks Removal Using Hybrid Feature Set 8
3.1 Low-frequency …………………………………… 10
3.2 MCA-based Image Decomposition ………………… 11
3.3 Dictionary Learning and Partition…………… … 13
3.4 Identify Miss-classified Rain Streaks by DoD 14
3.5 Sparse Coefficients ……………………………… 17

四、 Rain Removal and Restoration of High Frequency Non-rain Components …………………………… 19
4.1 Automatic Identifying Dictionary with Rain Components Included ……………………………… 19
4.2 Rain removal ………………………………………… 21
4.3 Restoration of High Frequency Non-rain Component
by DoD ………………………………………………… 22
4.4 Restoration of High Frequency Non-rain Component by Eigen color………………………………………… 23

五、 Experimental results ……………………………… 27
5.1 Results of Rain Streaks Removal ………………… 27
5.2 Time Complexity Analysis ………………………… 37
六、 Conclusions …………………………………………… 30
七、 Reference ……………………………………………… 43
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