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研究生(外文):Hsuan-Yu Pan
論文名稱(外文):Estimation of structure parameters by Stochastic Subspace Identification
指導教授(外文):Tachung Yang
口試委員(外文):Chuan-Sheng ChiouChung-Chyuan Sun
外文關鍵詞:JointParameter identificationStochastic subspace identification
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  • 點閱點閱:369
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This research aims at estimation of strueture using the data driven stochastic subspace identification. Differ from frequency domain method . The time domain method can resuce the people give an input for structural and promotethe efficiency of the identification processes.
The data driven stochastic subspace identification is use the noise by environment and use those noise to arouse structural to get the output to do analysis. Stochastic subspace identification use the covariance and projection and singular value decomposition.
Use the MATLAB to simulate, the result erro margin not over five percent, if understand the structural characteristic and to adjust the program, and only ues the accelerometer to identification.
第一章  緒論..........................................1
1.1   研究動機.......................................1
1.2   文獻回顧.......................................5
1.3   研究目標.......................................7
1.4   本文大綱.......................................8
第二章  理論推導......................................9
2.1   State Sapace Model............................9
2.1.1  離散時間的State-Space Models..................11
2.2   馬可夫參數....................................13
2.3   SSI-COV理論架構...............................14
2.3.1  隨機過程之基本假設.............................14
2.3.2  量測資料重組...................................15
2.3.3  SSI-COV識別法.................................16
2.4   SSI-DATA理論架構...............................18
2.4.1  由輸出向量重建系統狀態..........................18
2.4.2  投影概念......................................19
2.5   提出系統模態數.................................21
2.6   討論..........................................23
2.6.1  SSI-COV之特性..................................23
2.6.2  SSI-DATA之特性.................................23
第三章  數值模擬.......................................26
3.1   驗證隨機子空間鑑別法之可行性.....................27
3.1.1  各種雜訊之鑑別結果..............................27
3.2   模擬結論.......................................32
第四章  結論..........................................46
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