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研究生(外文):Kai-Shao Chan
論文名稱(外文):The optical design of the ultra-thin plan-plate typePV concentrator for III-V group
指導教授(外文):Chung - Ping LiuChin -Tin Hsiao
口試委員(外文):Shin - Mu Lin
外文關鍵詞:aspect ratioconcentration ratiosolar trackerhigh concentrating photovoltaic systems
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A concentrator is used with an III-V multi-junction solar cell to form a high concentrated photovoltaic (HCPV) system, the conversion efficiency of the system can be increased due to more lights collected. In designing the HCPV system the aspect ratio is very important to practical usage and high value is desirable, an large aspect ratio will enhance machinery earthquake resistance so that the price of the whole HCPV system can be apparently reduced. In this study, the new design of solar concentrator composed of TIR section and conic section for III-V multi-junction solar cell is proposed.
Through simulation data, it is found that this new compound concentrator can offer a higher flexibility and a better aspect ratio. In this work, the main geometrical concentration ratio of this concentrator is 1370X, the aspect ratio of 4.27, and the conversion efficiency is 80%. Moreover, the uniformity of illumination on the surface of the solar chip is 0.375 and the half acceptance angle is 0.586°.
審定書 ii
授權書 iii
摘要 iv
誌謝 viii
目錄 ix
表錄 xii
圖錄 xiii
第一章、緒論 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 集光型太陽能發電系統 9
1.2.1 太陽電池晶片部份: 10
1.2.2 模組部份 12
1.2.3集光器部份 13
1.2.4 追日器部份 17
1.3 研究動機與目的 19
第二章、理論背景 22
2.1 Fermat原理 22
2.2 Snell’ s Law 22
2.3全內反射與臨界角 23
2.4色散 24
2.5 非成像光線追跡 25
2.5.1 邊緣光線定理 28
2.5.2 光展量E’tendue 30
2.6 光學設計規格 31
2.6.1 集光倍率(Concentration ratio) 31
2.6.2 接收半角(Acceptance half angle) 32
2.6.3 深寬比(Aspect ratio) 33
2.6.4 均勻性(Uniformity) 33
2.7 生產條件 34
2.8 文獻回顧 35
第三章、非成像光學設計 38
3.1 模擬環境與材料規格分析 38
3.2系統架構介紹 43
3.2.1陣列聚焦透鏡的設計結構 44
3.2.2導光元件設計結構 47
3.2.3收光元件設計結構 50
3.3 光線入射分析 51
3.4設計考量與評估 52
第四章、模擬設計結果分析 54
4.1折射式模型設計 54
4.1.1收光元件初階設計 54
4.1.2收光元件中階設計 57
4.1.3收光元件完整設計 60
4.1.4小結 62
4.2反射式模型設計 63
4.2.1小結與比較 66
4.3光學損失分析 68
第五章、結論 70
參考文獻 72
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