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研究生(外文):Tien-Kai Chu
論文名稱:IEEE 802.16j之資源管理與其效能評估
論文名稱(外文):Resource Management and Performance Evaluation on IEEE 802.16j
指導教授(外文):Wei-Ru Lai
口試委員(外文):Po-Chiang LinKuen-Liang Sue
外文關鍵詞:802.16jRelay stationBase stationDownlink Access zoneDownlink Relay zoneResource allocation
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在Wimax IEEE802.16標準所規範的無線都會網路,當手機(Mobile Station,MS)距離基地臺(Base station,BS)較遠或位於訊號不良的地區時,通道品質會較差,會導致過多的封包遺失。因此在2009年WiMAX Forum公佈IEEE 802.16j Relay的標準,在BS的涵蓋範圍的邊界或訊號不良處佈建中繼站(Relay station,RS),如此可大幅改善MS的無線傳輸品質並且提升整體系統效能。
本論文探討IEEE 802.16j Relay系統,探討利用Relay的佈建以及無線電資源的配置來提高資源的使用率,增進系統效能。我們使用塞機率(new call blocking probability)、換手強制斷訊的機率(force-termination probability)和通訊不成功的機率(incomplete probability)做為評論系統優劣的分析項目。
我們提出一個模擬MS撥打電話的演算法,評估在特定系統參數下,一通新的電話打來而MS因為無線電資源不足而無法被服務的機率。另外當MS持續通話並因移動產生換手(Handoff)事件時,因為目的地BS的資源不足以提供服務而造成強制斷訊的機率。評估結果為分配下行存取區(Downlink Access zone)及下行中繼區(Downlink Relay zone)中用來傳輸資料的通道資源,透過演算法模擬,觀察BS與RS的資源分配對服務中斷機率的影響,並且從BS與RS的服務範圍內觀察服務中斷的機率,來作進一步的討論,目標是讓MS無法被服務的可能性降低,以達到最佳的系統效能。
When the mobile station users far from the base station or in the communications adverse coverage in the Wimax IEEE802.16e standard specification wireless Metropolitan Area Network, could be replaced by a higher order modulation technology, but the data rate will be lower .WiMAX IEEE802.16j relay station standard in 2009,provisioning coverage within the boundaries of the base station,can significantly improve the user wireless transmission quality and enhance overall system performance.
The thesis is about how to build relay and radio resource allocation to elevate usage of resource, and to improve system efficiency. We use new call blocking probability, force-termination probability, incomplete probability as options to analyze system efficiency.
We bring up one user behaviour simulating model to evaluate the possibility that user can not be served because of the lack of radio resource on specific system parameters. The result is when allocating Downlink Access zone and Downlink Relay zone, the resource allocation of base station and relay station in Downlink Relay zone affect system efficiency significantly. Based on statistic of data transmitting rate and number of relay station to allocate resource, elevating resource usage, and minimize the probability that people can not be served, for the optimal system efficiency.
書名頁 i
論文口試委員審定書. ii
授權書. iii
摘要 iv
誌 謝 vii
目錄 viii
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
第一章 簡介 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與方法 4
1.3 論文架構 5
第二章 WiMAX 相關技術介紹 6
2.1 IEEE 802.16無線網路基本介紹 6
2.2 IEEE 802.16j網路架構 7
2.3 802.16j訊框架構 12
2.3.1穿透式中繼站 12
2.3.2 非穿透式中繼站 14
2.4 資源單位的計算 15
2.5 WiMAX中的可適性調變與編碼 19
第三章 系統演算法與細節詳述 22
3.1模擬地圖架構 23
3.2通道需求與資源分配 24
3.3電腦模擬程式介紹 28
3.3.1演算法參數介紹 28
3.3.2演算法參數的效能評估 30
3.3.3演算法流程 33
第四章 系統模擬與測試結果 36
第五章 結論 44
參考文獻 45
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