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研究生(外文):Yu-Ting Wang
論文名稱(外文):Simulations of SC-FDMA transceiver with smart array antenna based on Robust Nulling Method
指導教授(外文):Jeich Mar
口試委員(外文):Char-Dir ChungPo-Chiang Lin
外文關鍵詞:Long Term Evolutionsmart antennasingle input multiple outputdirection of arrivalnulling extensionsignal-to-interference-plus-noise ratiobit error rate
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本論文對建構於零化延展(null-extension)之智慧型天線(smart antenna)SC-FDMA傳接機進行性能模擬。智慧型通訊系統之傳接機具備感知通道環境能力,依據量測信號改變系統參數,達到最佳的信號傳輸品質,而系統參數包含發射功率、調變、編碼率、位元錯誤率(bit error rate, BER)與信號干雜比(signal to interference plus noise ratio, SINR)等。在干擾環境中,信號干雜比將是一個評估通道狀況非常重要的參數,因此本論文主要研究目的為降低SC-FDMA傳接機位元錯誤率與正確估測信號干雜比,藉以達到提升行動寬頻通訊系統性能之目的。
本論文研究項目包含:(1) SIMO(Single Input Multiple Output)天線之選擇合併(Selection Combining, SC)、最大比率合併(Maximal Ratio Combining, MRC)和等增益合併(Equal Gain Combining, EGC)等三種分集合併(diversity combining)處理研究與SC-FDMA傳接機性能模擬;(2) 模擬在多路徑所造成的角擴散環境下,進行目標來向(direction of arrival, DOA)估測,並基於強健式零化(robust nulling)之數位波束成型進行接收端信號干雜比估測。
In this thesis, the performance of uplink SC-FDMA transceiver is simulated to determine the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) of target bit error rate (BER) for different user speeds as well as modulation and code rate combinations. Intelligent wireless communications system design requires estimating the SINR in order to modify the transmission parameters to make efficient use of system resources autonomously. Therefore, a robust null-extension based SINR estimation scheme in the multipath angular spread environments is studied for receiving beamforming, which uses an improved beamforming weight algorithm.
The study items include: First, the diversity combining techniques including selection combining (SC), maximal ratio combining (MRC) and equal gain combining (EGC) for improving the performance of single input multiple output (SIMO) SC-FDMA transceiver is studied. Secondly, we will study a multi-mode smart antenna, which includes (1) digital beamforming mode to steer the main beam at the direction of the target; (2) direction of arrival (DOA) mode which uses generalized of multiple signal classification (GMUSIC) algorithm to estimate the DOA and angular spread; (3) nulling mode to maximize desired signal power and minimize interference signal power. Finally, a robust adaptive null-extension based SINR estimation scheme is studied in the multipath angular spread environments.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
符號說明 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與目的 1
1.2 研究方法與項目 2
1.3 章節簡介 3
第二章 LTE上鏈SC-FDMA系統簡介 4
2.1 LTE簡介 4
2.1.1 LTE訊框結構 4
2.2 SC-FDMA傳接機架構 5
2.2.1 信號星雲圖及調變 7
2.2.2 子載波映射配置 8
2.2.3 保護區間 10
2.2.4 導引信號 12
2.2.5 資源網 15
2.2.6 頻域等化 16
2.3 無線通道模型 17
第三章 SC-FDMA上鏈接收機天線模式 22
3.1 SIMO SC-FDMA模式 23
3.1.1 選擇合併法 25
3.1.2 最大比率合併法 25
3.1.3 等增益合併法 25
3.2 DBF SC-FDMA模式 26
3.2.1 均勻線性相列天線 27
第四章 基於適應性零化之SINR估測 32
4.1 角擴散模型 33
4.2 分區波束指向相列天線 35
4.3 目標來向估測 37
4.3.1 Standard MUSIC 38
4.3.2 Generalized MUSIC 40
4.4 天線場型零化處理 40
4.4.1 強健式零化法則 42
4.5 信號干雜比估測 45
4.5.1 最佳化之信號干雜比估測 47
4.5.2 基於強健式零化之信號干雜比估測 48
第五章 數值模擬 50
5.1. 系統模擬參數設定 50
5.2. SC-FDMA傳接機性能模擬 52
5.3. 目標來向模擬 57
5.4. 天線場型零化模擬 60
5.5. 信號干雜比估測模擬 67
第六章 結論 73
參考文獻 74
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