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研究生(外文):Hsu, Po-Ning
論文名稱(外文):Resistive Switching Characteristics in LaAlO3-based RRAM With Embedded Nickel Nanocrystals
指導教授(外文):Hsieh, Ing-JarWu, Chien-Hung
外文關鍵詞:Resistive random-access memoryLaAlO3Nickel nanocrystals
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近年來在非揮發性記憶體 (Non-volatile memory) 的研究上正加速蓬勃發展,但目前面臨著高操作電壓、操作速度慢及低耐久度等缺點,且元件不斷微縮的趨勢下,使得閘極氧化層變薄進而導致漏電流變大,而使可靠度降低等問題。非揮發性電阻式記憶體其結構簡單、低操作電壓、操作時間快速、可多位元記憶、耐久性佳、記憶元件面積縮小、非破壞性讀取和低成本等優點,而被廣泛地研究中。但在除此之外還必須具備較佳的穩定性,如較長的耐受度及保存能力,才能夠在眾多新式記憶體中脫穎而出。
本研究為了改善氧化鑭鋁電阻式記憶體的操作功率與穩定性,在不同的電極氧化鑭鋁電阻式記憶體上中嵌入鎳奈米晶粒。本研究可以分為兩部份,第一部份是先使用氮化鉭(TaN)當電極,製作5、10、20、30 nm四種厚度的氧化鑭鋁電阻式記憶體,並分別以未退火、300℃ 及400℃ 不同溫度的退火條件;第二部份則是選定氧化鑭鋁厚度20及30 nm,並分別用鋁(Al)、氮化鉭(TaN)和鈦(Ti)在氧化鑭鋁層上嵌入鎳奈米晶粒並進行退火做比較。
所有嵌入嵌入鎳奈米晶粒的元件都呈現了雙極性電阻轉換特性,而選用鋁(Al)作為電極,厚度20 nm並且嵌入鎳奈米晶粒,未退火的元件擁有>60次的操作次數、能夠持續量測1萬秒的耐久度、以及在加溫100℃時依舊能夠擁有健全的雙極性電阻式記憶體特性。

Recent years, the non-volatile memory had been accelerating booming. But also have disadvantages like high operating voltage, slow operating speed and low durability. Also in keep miniature the semiconductor component, it will make gate oxide thin film thinner result in large current, decrease the reliability. Non-volatile resistive switching memory have many advantages, ex: simple structure, low operating voltage, fast operating speed, multi-bit save capability, good durability, smaller size, non-destructive read and low cost. Besides it must also have better stability. For example the longer durability and better save capability. In this study, in other to decrease lanthanum aluminate oxide (LaAlO3) resistive switching memory operating voltage and improve the stability.In different symmetrical electrodes LaAlO3 resistive switching memory embedded nickel nano-crystals.
This study can divide into two parts. First is choosing 5, 10, 20, 30 nm four thickness of LaAlO3 with TaN by as-deposited, 300℃, 400℃ different annealing conditions. The second is chosen thickness of LaAlO3 20 and 30 nm, which adding nickel nano-crystals embedded into different symmetrical electrodes Al, TaN and Ti by as-deposited, 300℃, 400℃ different annealing conditions.
This NiNCs embedded LaAlO3 RRAM studied shows the bipolar resistive switching property and reaches the best performance by non-annealing, Al/ LaAlO3 (20 nm) / NiNCs/ Al. It has over than 60 times switching voltage test, 104 retainability, and reproducible resistive switching characteristics at annealing 100℃.

中文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i
英文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
誌謝 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii
目錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 簡介與文獻回顧 4
2.1 記憶體簡介--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
2.1.1 鐵電記憶體(ReRAM)--------------------------------------------------------- 4
2.1.2 磁阻式記憶體(MRAM)------------------------------------------------------- 5
2.1.3 相變化記憶體(PCRAM)------------------------------------------------------ 5
2.1.4 電阻式記憶體(RRAM)-------------------------------------------------------- 6
2.2 電阻式記憶體操作狀態與轉換特性 9
2.2.1 操作電壓(Voltage)------------------------------------------------------------- 9
2.2.2 電流上限值(Current compliance)-------------------------------------------- 9
2.2.3 路徑形成(Forming)------------------------------------------------------------ 9
2.2.4 設置(Set)與重置(Reset)------------------------------------------------------- 10
2.2.5 單極性(Unipolar)與雙極性(Bipolar)---------------------------------------- 10
2.2.6 無極性(Nonpolar)-------------------------------------------------------------- 10
2.3 電阻式記憶體轉換機制 13
2.3.1 缺陷級電荷誘捕和釋放(Trap Charging and Discharging)--------------- 13
2.3.2 燈絲理論(Filament Theory)--------------------------------------------------- 14
2.4 傳導機制 23
2.4.1 離子傳導(Ionic Conduction)-------------------------------------------------- 23
2.4.2 歐姆傳導(Ohmic Conduction)------------------------------------------------ 24
2.4.3 空間電荷限制傳導(Space-Charge-Limited Conduction)----------------- 25
2.4.4 普爾-法蘭克發射(Poole-Frenkel Emission)-------------------------------- 25
2.4.5 蕭特基發射(Schottky Emission)--------------------------------------------- 26
2.4.6 穿隧發射(Tunneling Emission)---------------------------------------------- 27
2.5 高介電材料崁入金屬奈米晶體 28
第三章 實驗流程 33
3.1 實驗步驟名詞解釋 33
3.1.1 RCA------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33
3.1.2 溼式氧化(Wet Oxidation)----------------------------------------------------- 34
3.1.3 射頻濺鍍系統(RF Sputter System)------------------------------------------ 35
3.1.4 電子束蒸鍍系統(Electron Beam Evaporation System)------------------- 35
3.1.5 熱阻絲蒸鍍系統(Thermal Evaporation Coater)---------------------------
3.1.6 退火(Annealing)---------------------------------------------------------------- 36
3.2 試片製作流程 37
3.2.1 基材與絕緣---------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
3.2.2 下電極製程---------------------------------------------------------------------- 38
3.2.3 第一層高介電材料鍍製------------------------------------------------------- 38
3.2.4 金屬奈米晶粒鍍製------------------------------------------------------------- 39
3.2.5 退火條件------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40
3.26 上電極鍍製---------------------------------------------------------------------- 40
3.2.7 控制組備製---------------------------------------------------------------------- 41
3.3 I-V 量測設備 42
第四章 實驗結果與討論 43
4.1 薄膜結構分析 43
4.2 電性量測分析 43
4.2.1 5 ~30nm LaAlO3未嵌入鎳奈米晶粒---------------------------------------- 43
4.2.2 TaN電極,20 -30nm LaAlO3嵌入鎳奈米晶粒--------------------------- 44
4.2.3 Ti電極,20 ~ 30 nm LaAlO3嵌入鎳奈米晶粒---------------------------- 44
4.2.4 Al電極,20 ~ 30 nm LaAlO3嵌入鎳奈米晶粒--------------------------- 44
4.3 4.3 條件綜合比較 45
4.3.1 漏電流曲線分析---------------------------------------------------------------- 45
4.3.2 綜合比較------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45
第五章 結論及未來展望- 74
5.1 結論------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 74
5.2 未來展望------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 74
參考文獻 75

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