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研究生(外文):Huang Yi Min
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Factors Affecting Polypharmacy of Residents Living in Long-Term Care Facilities in Tainan City
指導教授(外文):Chen Chiu Lan
口試委員(外文):Li Sin ChengLiu Shu Fen
外文關鍵詞:long term carepolypharmacy
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本研究的對象為台南市媽廟,愛心,懷安,慈安和聖公養護中心居住超過3個月以上65歲以上住民,由研究者親自收集資料。研究工具使用結構式問卷,包括:「日常生活評估量表」、「工具性日常生活評估量表」、「認知功能」、「憂鬱狀態量表」、「主要慢性疾病」、「長期給藥治療記錄單」,並且以台灣簡明版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷評估住民生活品質。所得資料以統計軟體SPSS Statistics 21.0進行分析。共收得有效問卷376份。結果顯示,此376人的平均年齡為76.01±8.19歲,均罹患有慢性病,平均罹患有4.11±1.77個慢性疾病,其中86.1%罹患消化系統疾病,78.7%罹患中樞神經疾病,58.5%罹患心臟血壓疾病,57.4%罹患糖尿病。平均每一人吃7.75種藥;日常生活評估量表得分為33.68±5.03;工具日常生活評估量表得分為1.86±1.77;憂鬱狀態簡短量表得分為5.72±3.19;MMSE得分10.78±4.58;各範疇生活品質的得分為:生理19.84±8.33;心理18.13±7.49;社會11.95±4.09;環境29.22±6.26。進一步複回歸分析發現如下:憂鬱狀態 (p=0.002,Ajusted R2=0.935)對用藥種類具有重要的影響力,並且發現其影響是透過年齡的增長使得客觀心理狀態變差造成用藥種類之增加。
本論文針對台南市長期照護機構高齡住民用藥之研究,發現多重用藥 (最大單日用藥種數在5種以上) 的盛行率為79.8%,重度多重用藥 (最大單日用藥種數在10種以上) 的盛行率為40.1%。發生多重用藥機會較高者依次為:年齡較高者、無宗教信仰者、教育程度較低者、無子女者、每月收入較低者、未婚者、身體功能狀況之依賴程度較高者、客觀心理健康狀態較差者。

Taiwan, a country now in an aging society, health care of the elderly gets more attention, although a lot of studies on the elderly residents in long-term care facilities, but there are few related articles about common drug problem of the residents in these institutions. The main purpose of this study is to show the prevalence of polypharmacy of the elderly in long-term care facilities in Tainan City and explore some related factors. The total number of the study are 376 people, which obtained from a sample survey of the sociodemographic information, objective physical and mental health, quality of life, and then link their outpatient prescription files to get their medication information during the study period (December 2012 to February 2014). 
The cases of the study were residents from Ma-miao, Ai-xin, Huai-an, Tsz-an, Sheng-gung nursing homes in Tainan City, who lives more than three months and over 65 years old, the researcher collect the information by himself. Research tools using a structural questionnaire, the questionnaire included: " Barthel scale", " Instrumental activities of daily living scale", " Mini-Mental State Examination", " Geriatric Depression Scale," "Major chronic diseases", "Medication records "and " World Health Organization Quality of Life Taiwan version Questionnaire". The data were analyzed by SPSS Statistics 21.0. 376 valid questionnaires were collected. The results show that the average age is 76.01 ± 8.19 years old, and 376 people suffering from chronic diseases, with an average risk of 4.11 ± 1.77 chronic diseases, of which 86.1% suffering from digestive diseases, 78.7% suffering from central nervous system disorders, 58.5% suffering from heart disease, 57.4% suffering from diabetes. Each person takes average 7.75 kinds of medicine in a day, Barthel scale score is 33.68 ± 5.03, Instrumental activities of daily living scale score is 1.86 ± 1.77, Geriatric Depression Scale scores is 5.72 ± 3.19, Mini-Mental State Examination score is 10.78 ± 4.58, each domain score of quality of life: physiological domain is 19.84 ± 8.33, psychological domain is 18.13 ± 7.49, social domain is 11.95 ± 4.09, environment domain is 29.22 ± 6.26. Multiple regression analysis found the depression status (p = 0.002, Adjusted R2 = 0.935) is an important factor that affecting on the medication. Then found the objective mental state deteriorating through the increase of age, then cause an increase of kinds of medication
Prevalence of polypharmacy for elderly residents in long-term care facilities in Tainan city (more than five kinds of medication in a single day) was 79.8%, prevalence of severe polypharmacy (more than 10 kinds of medication in a single day) was 40.1%. The higher chance to get polypharmacy is: the higher age, no religion, less educated, childless, lower monthly income, unmarried, higher dependence on physical functional, those with poor objective mental health status.
Because long-term care facilities directly brought insurance cards of the resident in order to bring their drugs back, so mostly are fixed medical treatments. How to reduce polypharmacy, thus reducing risk of polypharmacy, is an important health care system issues. The results of this study is to understand medication circumstances of those residents in the long-term care facilities. The results can help the establishment of medication database , and can be used in teaching, research and planning of the NHIs’ long term care program , and thus can be used as formulation reference of health policy direction.

中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
誌謝 V
目錄 VII
表目錄 X
圖目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究重要性 4
第三節 研究目的 5
第四節 研究問題 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 長期照護機構與機構住民 6
第二節 住民的用藥情形 10
第三節 生活品質的概念與生活品質的測量 12
第三章 研究方法 18
第一節 研究架構 18
第二節 研究假設 19
第三節 研究設計,研究對象與研究倫理 21
第四節 問卷內容與研究工具 22
第五節 資料收集與分析 27
第四章 研究結果 29
第一節 長期照護機構高齡住民社會人口基本特質 30
第二節 長期照護機構高齡住民生理、心理健康狀態 33
第三節 長期照護機構高齡住民生活品質量表得分情形 36
第四節 長期照護機構高齡住民罹病與用藥情形 37
第五節 長期照護機構高齡住民社會人口基本特質、生理、心理客觀健康狀態、生活品質和用藥情形之關係 38
第五章 討論 46
第一節 長期照護機構高齡住民社會人口基本特質 47
第二節 長期照護機構高齡住民生理健康狀態 48
第三節 長期照護機構高齡住民心理健康狀態 49
第四節 長期照護機構高齡住民生活品質得分情形 49
第五節 長期照護機構高齡住民用藥情形 53
第六節 長期照護機構高齡住民用藥情形相關影響因子探討 54
第六章 結論與建議 65
第一節 結論 66
第二節 建議 68
第三節 研究限制 70
參考文獻 71
附錄一 受試者同意書 73
附錄二 台灣簡明版世界衛生組織問卷使用授權書 76
附錄三 研究問卷 77

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