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研究生(外文):Shen, Yu-Tzu
論文名稱(外文):The Multi-risk Overlaps Impact Analysis Induced by Bulk (mass) Liquefied Ammonia Leakage in West Dock (wharf) of Taichung.
指導教授(外文):Hsieh, Ming-Hong
口試委員(外文):Shih, Hui-ChungChang, Ming-kuen
外文關鍵詞:AmmoniaALOHADispersing model
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本研究以國內某家化學工廠氨氣微量外洩可能引發危害事件進行分析探為例,利用美國EPA與NOAA所開發的ALOHA軟體,針對高壓液化急毒性液體-液氨(Ammonia, NH3)儲槽危害物質分析探討,從源頭著手建置多重風險堆疊機制,評估工廠製程中若處理不當或化學品外洩等狀況將引發之連鎖危害,藉由擴散模式和致死範圍之模擬與分析探討。
以台灣夏、冬季最常吹拂之南風與東北季風,進行多重風險堆疊分析探討多重風險重疊分析,模擬出針對廠區產生之最大風險損失。由研究結果得知即使在危害最低之南風吹拂下,8英吋液氨槽管線破裂,若引發火災爆炸,將產生連鎖反應,不但導致其周圍之三座液氨儲槽連續爆炸,以爆炸為例,其蒸氣雲爆炸以濃度在爆炸上限為200000ppm距離最高可達5.4km (面積3988000 m2);而液氨儲槽在吹東北風時,若發生BLEVE,其熱輻射37.5 kW/ m2爆炸距離最高可達22 m(面積15300 m2)。因為液氨毒性物質,根據Probit方程式,以10分鐘之致死率10%、50%、99%之濃度分別為4376 ppm(面積351000 m2 、距離6.7 km)、10779 ppm(面積78000 m2、距離4.6 km)及55613 ppm(面積13000m2、距離1.8 km),其危害波及範圍至附近火力發電廠、LNG儲槽及化工廠等,看似不危險的情況,實際上依然可引發後續無法想像的連鎖危害,使廠區造成嚴重人員及財產風險損失,甚至造成毒性危害威脅社區居民健康。

Ammonia is a both acute toxicity, high corrosive hazardous gases, in recent years, both in Taiwan and abroad ammonia leak incident occurred, and often have caused serious casualties when toxic gas leaked, in addition to explore the occupational safety and health and environmental impact related, the operational impact and risk further explore the events that may arise from the plant is also an important issue.
In this study, a domestic home chemical plant ammonia leak trace analysis may lead to hazardous events exploration, for example, the use of the U.S. EPA and NOAA ALOHA software developed for high pressure liquefied Acute toxicity liquid - liquid ammonia storage tank (Ammonia, NH3) analysis and Discussion hazardous substances from the source to multiple risks begin to build a stack mechanism to assess the plant manufacturing process chain harm if handled improperly or chemical leaks and other conditions will lead to the, by simulating the diffusion mode and lethal range of discussion and analysis.
According study result, Taiwanese summer and winter are the most commonly southerly breeze and the northeast monsoon , the risk for multiple stacking multiple risk analysis to explore the overlap analysis, simulation of the biggest risks for losses arising from the plant . The results from the present study that even at the lowest hazard southerly breeze , 8 -inch pipeline ruptured ammonia tank , if the explosion caused a fire , will have a ripple effect , not only led to three ammonia tanks around the continuous explosion to explosion for example, its concentration in the vapor cloud explosion to explosion limit of 200000ppm distances up to 5.4 km ( area 3988000 m2); ammonia tank explosion and blowing northeasterly , if BLEVE occurs, the thermal radiation 37.5 kW / m2 distance up to 22 m ( area of 15300 m2). Because ammonia toxic substances , according to the Probit equations to 10 minutes of mortality rate of 10 % , 50 % and 99 % respectively, the concentration of 4376 ppm ( area of 351000 m2, 6.7 km away ), 10779 ppm ( area of 78000 m2, distance 4.6 km) and 55613ppm ( area 13000 m2, distance 1.8 km), the scope of the harm spread to the nearby power plant , LNG storage tanks and chemical plants , seemingly dangerous situation , in fact, still can cause harm to follow the chain can not imagine that plant personnel and property risks causing serious damage and even cause toxic hazards threaten the health of community residents .
The result indicated that the risk of multiple stacked mechanism can explore the full impact of the leak could cause actual plant with the consequences, according to investigate the proliferation of single leak from the tank, but it ignores the actual chemicals in the operation of the chemical is not a single set, and Once the leakage cause harm, not only will it cause harm to an individual tank, can trigger a chain hazards surrounding chemicals, and lead to more serious consequences. It’s not only a more complete process of hazard identification and risk assessment, the better the planning and operation set accordingly necessary control measures and emergency response.

誌謝 I
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 IV
目錄 VI
表目錄 XIII
第一章 前言 16
1.1 研究背景 16
1.2 研究動機 17
1.3 研究目的 18
1.4 研究範圍 19
1.5 研究步驟與流程 21
第二章 文獻回顧 23
2.1 災害案例 23
2.1.1 災害案例(一)墨西哥石油公司(Pemex)火警事故 23
2.1.2 災害案例(二)美國德州威果鎮案 24
2.1.3 災害案例(三)吉林屠宰場液氨爆炸案 25
2.1.4 災害案例(四)烏魯木齊鋼鐵廠發生液氨爆炸案 27
2.2 化學物質之危害特性 29
2.2.1 液氨之危害特性 29
2.3 法規彙整-儲槽之安全距離與防溢堤 31
2.4 歷年災害案例統計 35
2.5 國內模擬儲槽洩漏之案例回顧 39
第三章 材料與方法 40
3.1 現場訪視與資料蒐集 40
3.1.1 現場訪視 40
3.1.2 資料蒐集 43
3.1.3 儲存條件蒐集 45
3.1.4 大氣資料蒐集 45
3.2 ALOHA模擬 50
3.3.1 ALOHA模擬軟體簡介 50
3.3.2 ALOHA條件設定 53
3.3.3 模擬情境設定 57
3.3 最嚴重情境與衝擊範圍分析 58
第四章 結果與討論 59
4.1 模擬情境設定 59
4.2 情境一-液氨V4大儲槽洩漏,風向北北東風,風速1.5m/s 61
4.3 情境二-液氨V4大儲槽洩漏,風向南風,風速1.5m/s 66
4.4 情境三-液氨V4大儲槽洩漏,風向北北東風,風速6.5m/s 71
4.5 情境四-液氨V4大儲槽洩漏,風向南風,風速4.5m/s 76
4.6 情境五-液氨V1小儲槽洩漏,風向北北東風,風速1.5m/s 80
4.7 情境六-液氨V1小儲槽洩漏,風向南風,風速1.5m/s 89
4.8 情境七-液氨V1小儲槽洩漏,風向北北東風,風速6.5m/s 97
4.9 情境八-液氨V1小儲槽洩漏,風向南風,風速4.5m/s 104
4.10 最大風險損失 111
第五章 結論 112
5.1 結論 112
5.2 建議 115
第六章 參考文獻 116

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