During the study process in Vinh Long Lottery One-member Limited Liability Company, I found that the business results which the company had achieved were unlike its expectation and incommensurate with its scale and potential. The reason was not just because of the products quality, but it derived from the poor strategic management operation by the company. From that point, along with the combination of knowledge accumulated from the learning and going deeply into study of the company’s operations, I have chosen the theme: "A Study of Enhancing the Competition Advantages for the Lottery Company Using Five-Force Model and SWOT Analysis”. With this study project, I hope to apply the strength of competitive strategies to the unit where I am working in particular and to the enterprises of Vietnam in general so as to obtain the achievements as well as adapt to the integration of Vietnam’s economy into the world’s. Content includes the preface and five chapters: Preamble presentation purposes and reasons for selecting topics, objectives and scope of the research topic, the expected result that the subject will be achieved. Chapter 1: Introduction This chapter introduces an overview of the subject and the lottery company, history, business objectives, organizational structure, production systems, marketing systems. Chapter 2: Literature Review This chapter presents the basic concepts of competition, type of competition, competitive strategy with 5 forces model and SWOT analysis of Michael E. Porter and tools in order to develop competitive strategies. Chapter 3: Methodology This chapter presents the research methodology, interviews with industry experts, research subjects, research sites, the strategy of Michael E. Porter, model 5 forces analysis, SWOT matrix building, matrix environment elements inside (IFE), the matrix of environmental externalities (EFE). Chapter 4: Analysis of Results This chapter presents an overview of the market's lottery business, the industry environment analysis 5 forces model of Michael E. Porter, SWOT analysis of the company's matrix, evaluating the effectiveness of strategies to achieve, the proposed solution complete business strategy of the company until 2018. Chapter 5: Conclusions and Recommendations In this chapter, the topic has summarized the issues that companies need to implement the completion strategy in order to achieve the mission and vision of the company, the solution, proposing practical and effective help business companies achieve desired results.