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研究生:Enkhzaya Nergui
研究生(外文):Enkhzaya Nergui
論文名稱:Evaluating Employee Performance and Work Motivation in the Hotels in Mongolia
論文名稱(外文):Evaluating Employee Performance and Work Motivation in the Hotels in Mongolia
指導教授:Grace Chun-Lun Chien
指導教授(外文):Grace Chun-Lun Chien
外文關鍵詞:work motivationemployee performancework-motivatorsMongolian hotels
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This thesis study is based upon the evaluation and examination of the impact of work motivation on employee performance in Mongolian hotels. The purpose of this study is to 1) exam hotel employees’ work motivation in Mongolia; 2) exam hotel employee’ performance in Mongolia; and 3) identify the relationship between work motivation and employee performance. The target group of this research included the employees of four “4-Star” hotels, twenty “2 Star” hotels, and twenty-four “3 Star” hotels. The total population for this study amongst all the hotels was about 1850 employees (NSO, 2013). A convenient sample applied and a quantitative research methodology used. Survey questionnaires designed with 7-point Likert-type scales and questions anchored between (1) strongly disagree to (7) strongly agree. In general, the result proved by previous studies and the result was ‘work motivation positively impacts on employee performance’ which is proven by previous studies. The finding indicated financial motivation, internal self - concept motivation, goal internalization motivation but not enjoyment motivation and externals self-concept motivation were found to have significant contribution to the prediction of employee performance. Implications and suggestions for future studies were provided in this study’s last chapter.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgements iii
Abstract iv
List of Tables vii
List of Figures viii
1.1 Research Background and Research Motivation 2
1.2 Tourism Industry in Mongolia 4
1.3 Research Significance 7
1.4 Research Objectives 8
1.5 Research Flow 9
2.1 Employee Performance 10
2.1.1 Employee Performance in Hotel Industry 11
2.2 Performance Management and Performance Improvement Theory 13
2.3 Role Theory 15
2.4 Motivation Theories 16
2.4.1 Theory Y 18
2.4.2 McClelland’s Theory of Needs 19
2.4.3 Motivation-Hygiene Theory 19
2.4.4 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 22
2.4.5 Summarizing Needs-Based Theories 23
2.5 The Relationship between Employee Performance and Work Motivation 24
2.6 Summary of Literature Review 26
Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY 27
3.1 Research Design 27
3.2 Research Purpose and Hypothesis 28
3.3 Population, Sample and Sampling Plan 29
3.4 Design of the Questionnaire 29
3.5 Pilot Test 31
3.6 Data Collection 31
3.7 Data Analysis 32
3.8 Results of Pilot Study 33
4.1 Respondents’ Demographic Profile 48
4.2 Results of Field Study 50
4.3 Hypothesis Testing 57
5.1 Conclusions 63
5.2 Theoretical and Practical Implications 64
5.3 Research Limitations and Future Research 65
Bibliography 67
Appendix A Draft Questionnaire for Pilot Study 74
Appendix B Draft Questionnaire for Field Study 78
Appendix C Mongolian Version of Questionnaire 82
Appendix D Translation from Mongolian Questionnaire 87

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