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研究生(外文):Chan, Chih Yu
論文名稱(外文):Efficient Skyline Query Processing with MapReduce
指導教授(外文):Chen, Arbee L.P.
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With the increasing number of querying methods, preference queries become a very popular research topic. Among all kinds of queries, skyline query is important in today's databases and information retrieval. Moreover, the development of technologies makes it possible to collect and utilize the rapid growth of data. Google in 2004 published an open document to share a computing framework named MapReduce, which makes big data processing efficient.
Skyline query costs much in processing, and it becomes even more difficult when facing a huge amount of data. In this study, we designed an efficient MapReduce algorithm for skyline queries. We also implemented the algorithm on the Hadoop platform to verify the efficiency and effectiveness of this algorithm.

第1章 緒論 1
第2章 相關研究 4
2.1 Skyline演算法的相關研究 4
2.2 Skyline在高度分散環境下查詢處理的相關研究 5
2.3 MapReduce框架 8
2.4 適用於MapReduce框架的Skyline查詢的相關研究 10
第3章 問題與定義 12
3.1 問題 12
3.2 直觀演算法 13
3.3 問題定義 16
第4章 資料分割及演算法介紹 18
4.1 演算法概要 18
4.2 網格分割及篩選 20
4.3 角度分割及篩選 22
4.4 兩種分割方法的效能分析 25
第5章 實驗與結果 27
5.1 回應時間 27
5.2 片段運算平衡 28
5.3 片段Global Skyline的貢獻比較 29
第6章 結論 31
參考文獻 32

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