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研究生(外文):Ju-Yu Hung
論文名稱(外文):A Study of city Sewerage System microtunneling construction for cost variance in the pipeline relocation factor - A Case Study of Keelung City the Pak Sewerage System Pipeline works
外文關鍵詞:Sewerage Systemmicrotunneling construction works
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污水下水道設施是「現代化」的基本指標,更是文明之象徵,污水下水道建設為都市健全發展重要公共建設,攸關一個國家的公共衛生品質甚鉅,因此污水下水道建設被世界各國視為國家基礎建設,在瑞士洛桑管理學院評估國家競爭力時,以「公共污水下水道普及率」為「健康與環境」之指標,如能加速污水管線施作進度,必能有效提高國內污水下水道之普及率,更能提昇國家之競爭力。目前國內污水下水道建設施工因受限於都市均已開發,為降低施工過程中影響鄰近週邊民眾之生活品質,所以大多朝向免開挖工法之大方向邁進,而免開挖工程在台灣已施行二十多年,起初由國外引進此工法及相關機具設備施工時,也曾遇到不少施工障礙,但藉由過去施工案例的經驗分享及不少研究學者的探討與相關資料回饋等等,現於國內推進施工技術與地質礙障等因素克服技巧皆已成熟;由於主要礙障因素經由過去施工經驗的回饋而漸漸排除後,反而突顯了次要因素的影響;民國九十年時,研究者胡振中曾以污水下道施工採短管推進工法歸納出幾項影響成本因素,其中則以管遷因素為首,影響比例就佔了 42%,而管遷因素不僅讓工程進度緩慢竣工遙遙無期,更使工程經費無法如預期支出,此現象卻總是在工程完竣後,業主決算時才有辦法統計出實際的支費與展延的工期。如今這管遷因素已比當年統計調查的影響比例更高,更讓預估編列與決算結果相差甚遠,因此本研究藉由基隆北港地區污水下水道工程做為案例,蒐集案例執行情形資料,作為實務分析依據。於研究結果來指出目前都市採短管推進工法所遭遇管線遷移之重要性,更希望爾後在類似都市地區進行推進工法之初估規劃設計者能有對此有考量,將使污水工程執行更實務有所助益。

Sewage facilities are "modernization" of basic indicators, it is a symbol of civilization, the construction of urban sewage healthy development of important public works, public health relevant to the quality of a country is very huge, so the sewer construction is regarded as national infrastructure around the world construction, the assessment of national competitiveness School of Management in Lausanne, Switzerland, to "public sewage penetration rate" for the "Health and environment" indicators, such as sewer lines can apply for accelerated progress, will be able to effectively improve the penetration of domestic sewage, better enhance the competitiveness of countries. Domestic sewage is currently limited due to the construction of urban construction have been developed to reduce the impact of the construction process, the quality of life of people in the surrounding neighborhood, so most of the excavation work toward free method of forward direction, while free excavation in Taiwan has implemented three ten years, initially from abroad this construction method and construction-related machinery and equipment, construction has encountered many obstacles, but by past construction experience sharing and case studies scholars to explore a lot of information and feedback, etc. construction is now promoting domestic technology and geological factors to overcome the obstacle avoidance techniques have switched mature; obstacle after obstacle because the main factor in past construction experience via feedback and gradually exclude, but to highlight the impact of secondary factors; while Republican nine decades, research by Wu Cheng-chung sewer construction once adopted under short pipe jacking method summarized several factors that affect the cost, which places the tube moved factors led affect the proportion accounted for 42%, while the factors that not only allow the tube to move the slow progress of the project was completed within the foreseeable future, more funding so that the project does not work as expected expenditures, this phenomenon was always after completion, when the owners of the accounts only way to support the actual statistics of fees and extension of the duration. This pipe has now moved to the factors affecting the ratio is higher than the year of the survey, leaving estimates and accounts restated results far, this research area by Keelung Pak sewage works as a case, the information collected case scenario execution, as practice analytical basis. At present the findings to indicate that the city adopt a short pipe jacking method of the importance of the pipeline relocation experience, hope and later in a similar urban planners and designers to promote the region Preliminary engineering methods have to have this consideration, would make more practical implementation of sewage works helpful.

摘要 ........................................................ I

ABSTRACT ........................................................ II

目錄 ................................................... III

表目錄 ........................................................ IV

圖目錄 ......................................................... V

第一章 緒論 ......................................................... 1
1.1.研究動機 ....................................................... 1
1.2.研究目的 ....................................................... 1
1.3.研究範圍與限制 ................................................. 1
1.4.研究方法及流程 ................................................. 2

第二章 文獻回顧 ..................................................... 4
2.1.國際污水下水道建設歷程發展概述 ................................. 4
2.2.污水下水道相關名詞解釋 ......................................... 5
2.3.台灣污水下水道普及率統計 ....................................... 7
2.4.工程執行預算編列模式 ........................................... 8

第三章 污水下水道推進工法之概要 .................................... 10
3.1.小管徑推進工法概述 ............................................ 10
3.2.國內短管推進常用之設備 ........................................ 12
3.3.都市污水下水道短管推進施工影響成本之重要因素 .................. 15

第四章 案例之研究 .................................................. 16
4.1.案例一 ........................................................ 16
4.2.案例二 ........................................................ 21
4.3.案例三 ........................................................ 26

第五章 研究成果探討與分析 .......................................... 31
5.1.管遷費用影響分析 .............................................. 31
5.2.探討短管推進工率效益與分析 .................................... 36

第六章 結論與建議 .................................................. 38
6.1.結論 ....................................................... 38
6.2.建議 ........................................................ 38

參考文獻 ......................................................... 40

附錄 A 基隆市污水下水道系統分期實施計畫圖 ........................... 41

附錄 B 基隆市污水下水道系統第二期實施計畫範圍示意圖 ................. 42

附錄 C 案例一各段管徑推進工率紀錄及平均工率權重計算資料 ............. 43

附錄 D 案例二各段管徑推進工率紀錄及平均工率權重計算資料 ............. 50

附錄 E 案例三各段管徑推進工率紀錄及平均工率權重計算資料 ............. 56

【1】 臺北市政府工務局衛生下水道工程處(2011),「臺北市污水下水道法規彙編」。

【2】 倪至寬(2009),「衛生下水道施工與標準作業程序(上)」,詹氏書局。

【3】 內政部營建署會計室(2009),「污水下水道系統建設情形統計分析」。

【4】 余彬泉(1997),「頂管施工技術」,人民交通出版社,p23~32。

【5】 楊新乾(1992),「共同管道工程」,詹氏書局。

【6】 中興工程顧問股份有限公司(2007),「基隆市污水下水道系統第一期修正實施計畫-北港系統管線新建工程委託技術服務」勞務契約。

【7】 政陸工程有限公司(2000),「基隆市污水下水道系統第一期修正實施計畫-北港系統管線新建工程第二標-地質調查及試驗報告」。
【8】 環亞工程技術顧問有限公司(2011),「基隆市污水下水道系統第一期修正實施計畫-北港系統管線新建工程第三標-地質調查及試驗報告」。

【9】 鑫源工程有限公司(2011),「基隆市污水下水道系統第一期修正實施計畫-北港系統管線新建工程第四標-地質鑽探工程」。

【10】 林昭洲(2004),「下水道工程採明挖工法及非掘削工法之效益評估-以和美鎮道周路雨水下水道工程為例」,逢甲大學土木工程所碩士論文。

【11】 廖哲偉(2008),「污水管線小管推進工程在卵礫石層施工之探討」,國立臺灣海洋大學河海工程所碩士論文。

【12】 胡振中(2001),「都市污水下水道採短管推進工法影響成本因素之研究」,國立中央大學土木工程所碩士論文。

【13】 中華民國內政部營建署全球資訊網(2014) 網址http://www.cpami.gov.tw/。,:

【14】 內政部營建署下水道建設計畫資訊整合應用網(2014),網址:

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