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研究生(外文):Tsung-Yuan Wang
論文名稱(外文):Interaction of Gravel Content between Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity and Macropore in Sand
指導教授(外文):Li-Ling Lin
口試委員(外文):Shun-Ping TsaoYi-Zhin TsaiKwong-Fai Lo
外文關鍵詞:Volume percentage of gravelMacroporosityThe ratio of macroporosity to total porosity fr
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使用的礫石含量介於 0%-50% 飽和水力傳導度採用定水頭實驗,,並且利用壓力鍋排水實驗計算土體中粗孔隙體積(macro pores)。

實驗結果顯示,隨著礫石含量的增加,飽和水力傳導度也隨之增加。而實驗中亦發現飽和水力傳導度與粗孔隙度與總孔隙度之比值,“粗孔比 fr”,呈正相關。


本研究另外分析砂質壤土與坋質壤土,發現砂質壤土與砂土在礫石體積百分含量與飽和水力傳導度之間有相同的趨勢;而坋質壤土則是礫石體積含量增加,水力傳導度反而下降。推測其原因為細質地土壤其細孔隙較多,故礫石填入時對 fr 的影響不大,而礫石增加曲折度變大,通水面積減少,所造成的影響較 fr 大,導致水力傳導度下降。

In natural condition, there are gravel content in the soil. The saturated hydraulic conductivity between the homogeneous soil and heterogeneous soil are quite different. Sand samples with different gravel content were chosen as the experiment materials in this research. The saturated hydraulic conductivity of different treatment was measured.

The gravel volume content in this research was between 5%-50%. The saturated hydraulic conductivity was measured in constant head condition. The macropore parameters in samples were measured by draining in prssureplate drainage apparatus experiment.

The results indicated that, the saturated hydraulic conductivity would increase with the increased gravel amount. During the draining in pressureplate experiment, we found that the saturated hydraulic conductivity is positively correlated with “the ratio of macroporosity to total porosity, fr ”

This research also analyzed the saturated hydraulic conductivity of sandy loam and silty loam. Sandy loam showed the same trend with sand soil. However, the silty loam showed that when the gravel content increased , the saturated hydraulic conductivity decreased .We speculate that the fine-textured soil has more minor porosity , so the fr increased slightly. Higher gravel content resulted in higher tortuosity. The effect of tortuosity is stronger than fr in fine-textured soil. Therefore, the saturated hydraulic conductivity decreased.

ABSTRACT .............II
第一章 前言 .............1
第一節、 研究動機 .............1
第二節、 研究目的 .............2
第二章 文獻回顧 .............3
第一節、 飽和水力傳導度與土壤性質之關係.............3
一、 土壤質地的分類 .............3
二、 飽和水力傳導度與土壤質地之關係.............5
第二節、 粗孔隙對飽和水力傳導度之影響.............6
第三節、 添加物對飽和水力傳導度之影響.............8
一、 飽和水力傳導度隨添加物含量增加而降低.............8
二、 飽和水力傳導度隨添加物含量增加而增加.............9
第三章 研究材料與方法.............12
第一節、 研究材料 .............12
一、 土樣採樣地點 .............12
二、 所添加之礫石.............13
第二節、 研究流程與方法.............15
一、研究流程 .............15
二、 研究方法 .............17
第四章、 結果與討論.............31
第一節、 重填土實驗結果.............31
一、 土壤之基本性質.............31
二、 各礫石體積百分含量之物理性質分析.............33
第二節、 與非擾動土比較 .............39
一、 以實測值分析 .............39
二、 以重填土實驗結果預測.............43
第三節、 與其他質地土壤比較.............45
第五章 結論與建議.............47
第一節、 結論 .............47
第二節、 建議 .............48
參考文獻 .............50

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