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研究生(外文):Bo-Chang Zhong
論文名稱(外文):Effect of commercial sterilization on the quality of marinated duck collagenogenic by-products with vacuum package during storage at room temperature (228±2℃)
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國內對於鴨肉的消費已逐漸走向以部位肉如鴨胸、鴨腿等高價部位為主,所以同時也產生許多副產物例如鴨頭頸、鴨腳、鴨翅及鴨殼等。而這些副產物主要以滷味加工且深受消費者所喜愛。而食品常以低溫保存防止微生物生長及延長食用期限但此種保存常需消耗大量能源是有違世界各國所提倡節能減碳的政策,因此如何讓食品可在常溫作保存並且不會影響其品質是所有食品科學研究者的研究重點。食品添加物的使用、包裝方式及殺菌條件的配合是常用以達到此目的的最佳方式。因此,本試驗旨在探討不同乳酸鹽添加量及商業滅菌處理對真空包裝之鴨副產品滷味於常溫儲藏期間品質之影響,而本試驗分成兩部分,第一部分為乳酸鈉添加量及滅菌條件的確立,第二部分為將最佳的乳酸鈉添加量及滅菌條件應用於多筋膜鴨副產品滷味的製備並於常溫 (28±2℃) 下進行 8 週的儲藏試驗以了解鴨副產品滷味品質的變化。 結果顯示:加熱條件及乳酸鈉對滷汁中產氣莢膜桿菌殺菌效果之試驗評估,可發現添加 0、1.5、2 及 2.5%乳酸鈉處理組經 121℃不同加熱時間 15、30、45 及 60鐘,培養於 37℃一週後,其產氣莢膜桿菌孢子皆無萌發生長之情形。另外,鴨副產品滷味經 121℃不同加熱時間15、20、25 及 30 分鐘後其感官品評之結果顯示以121℃加熱15分鐘之鴨副產品滷味在風味、質地、顏色及總接受度分數皆高於其他處理組。常溫儲藏試驗部分,微生物品質上,鴨胗、鴨腳及鴨翅於滷汁中添加2%乳酸鈉經121℃加熱15分鐘滅菌處理後常溫 (28±2℃) 儲藏8週期間其總生菌及厭氧菌數皆未測得。pH值方面,鴨胗、鴨腳及鴨翅於常溫(28±2℃) 儲儲藏8週期間各組均無顯著差異且呈現穩定狀態。鴨胗截切值與截切能量部分,於常溫 (28±2℃)儲藏8週期間呈現穩定且皆無顯著差異;另外,於常溫(28±2℃)儲藏 8 週期間鴨胗之揮發性鹽基態氮值亦無顯著差異。產品滷汁之明膠含量測定則可發現鴨腳滷汁之明膠含量最高 (2095.22 mg/ml),鴨翅滷汁次之 (1423.24 mg/ml),而鴨胗滷汁最低(1318.14 mg/ml),但各產品於常溫 (28±2℃) 儲藏8週期間內皆無顯著差異; 特性部分,鴨胗、鴨腳及鴨翅之滷汁凝膠強度、硬度與彈性於常溫 (28±2℃) 儲 週期間亦皆無顯著差異。感官品評測定方面,可發現於常溫 (28±2℃) 儲藏8週期間,鴨胗、鴨腳及鴨翅其各別之風味、質地、顏色與總接受度均無顯著差異,且皆0可被品評者所接受;滷汁凝膠感官品評部分,亦可發現於常溫(28±2℃) 儲藏8週期間,鴨胗、鴨腳及鴨翅滷汁凝膠其各別之風味、質地、顏色與總接受度亦均無顯著差異,且皆可被品評者所接受。綜觀上述,真空包裝之鴨副產品滷味經121℃滅菌15分鐘處理後能有效殺滅細菌且於常溫下儲藏8週依舊可維持食品之風味、顏色、質地與總接受度。

In Taiwan, the consumption of duck meat has been changed and trended to be part of meat such as breast and thigh as well as also resulted in a large production in duck by-products such as head and neck, wing, feet, gizzard, and frame etc. These duck by-products usually are processed as marinated products which are very popular by local peoples. Generally, the food can be kept long shelf life and prevented bacteria from growing by low temperature preservation. Low temperature preservation is need more energy to keep and this technique is unsuitable for save energy and decrease carbon policy in many countries. Therefore how to keep the quality of food during room temperature storage are hot research topics for food scientists in the present. Food additive, package and sterilization usually are used to treated food and the best model to reach the target. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of sodium lactate level and commercial sterilization on the quality of marinated duck by-products with vacuum package during storage at room temperature (28 ±2℃). The optimum condition of sodium lactate level and commercial sterilization will be set in the first experiment and the quality of marinated duck by-products treated by the optimum model will be evaluated during storage at room temperature (28 ±2℃) for 8 weeks in the secondary experiment.
The results of the first experiment showed that the count of C. perfringens was non-detection in all of treatments when marinades treated with different levels of sodium lactate (0, 1.5, 2and2.5%) and different sterilization condition(121℃ for 15, 30, 45 and 60min) then incubated at 37℃ for 7 days. In the sensory evaluation of marinated duck by-products which sterilized at 121℃ for 15, 20, 25 and 30min, the flavor, texture, color and overall acceptance of marinated duck by-products (gizzard, wing and feet) sterilized at 121℃ for 15 min the best results compared to the other treatments.
The results of the microbial quality of marinated all duck by-products treated with 2% sodium lactate and 121℃ for 15 min during storage at room temperature showed that the total plate count and anaerobic plate count of marinade of duck by-products were non-detection during whole storage at room temperature (28 ±2℃). The pH value of marinade if all duck by-products was no significantly different during storage at room temperature. In the analysis of peak force, shearing energy of duck gizzard was no significantly different during storage at room temperature. The gelatin concentration of marinade of duck feet was significant higher than wing and gizzard, and was (2095.22, 1423.4 and1318.14mg/ml) in order. The gel strength, hardness and elasticity of marinade from marinated duck by-products were no significantly different during storage at room temperature. The VBN value of duck gizzard was no significant changes during storage at room temperature. In the sensory evaluation of marinated duck by-products, the flavor, texture, color and overall acceptance were no significant changes during storage at room temperature. In the gel sensory evaluation of marinade from marinated duck by-products the flavor, texture color and overall acceptance were no significant changes during storage at room temperature.
In conclusion, marinated duck by-products with 2% sodium lactate and vacuum-packaging through sterilized at 121℃ for 15 min can completely inhibit the growth of Clostrdium perfringens and also can keep the quality of marinated duck by-product at room temperature (28 ±2℃) for 8 weeks.

壹 前言 1

貳 文獻探討 2
一 台灣鴨副產物之產量與應用 2
二 食品保存的處理模式 2
(一) 真空包裝(vacuum packagimg)及調氣包裝(modified atmosphere packaging) 2
(二) 醃漬(curing) 3
(三) 發酵(fermentation) 3
(四) 加熱處理(heating) 6
(五) 乾燥(drying) 7
(六) 輻射照射(radiation) 7
三 影響常溫保存因素之探討 8
(一) 水活性(water activity,Aw) 8
(二) pH值 11
(三) 食品添加物 15
(四) 調氣包裝 16
四 常溫保存與微生物的關係 17
(一) 半乾性食品 17
(二) 罐頭食品 18
五 Sous-vide 19
(一) 何謂Sous-vide 19
(二) 應用 20

參 材料與方法 22
一 產氣莢膜桿菌(Clostridium perfringens)孢子之製備 22
(一)產氣莢膜桿菌來源與培養 22
(二)產氣莢膜桿菌孢子之製備 22
二 滷汁製備 24
三 加熱條件及乳酸鈉對滷汁中產氣莢膜桿菌殺菌效果之評估 25
四 加熱時間對鴨副產品滷味感官品評之影響 26
五 鴨副產品滷味製備及常溫儲藏試驗 26
(一) 材料來源 26
(二) 鴨副產品滷味製備 27
(三) 常溫儲藏試驗 29
(四) 分析項目 29
六 分析項目 30
(一)總生菌數(total plate counts) 30
(二)厭氧菌數(anaerobic plate counts) 30
(三)pH值 30
(四)揮發性鹽基態氮(volatile basic nitrogen, VBN) 30
(五)一般化學組成分析 32
(六)截切值與截切能量(peak force and shearing energy) 34
(七)明膠含量測定 34
(八)凝膠物性測定 35
(九)感官品評測定 36
(十)統計分析 36

肆 結果與討論 37
一 加熱條件及乳酸鈉對滷汁中產氣莢膜桿菌殺菌效果之評估 37
二 常溫儲藏試驗 42
(一) 一般化學組成分析 42
(二) 微生物品質 44
(三) pH值 47
(四) 揮發性鹽基態氮值(volatile basic nitrogen, VBN) 47
(五) 截切值與截切能量(peak force and shearing energy) 50
(六) 明膠含量
(七) 鴨副產品滷味之凝膠特性分析 51
(八) 感官品評 67

伍 結論 78
一 乳酸鈉添加量及滅菌條件的確立 78
二 常溫儲藏試驗 78

陸 參考文獻 79

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