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研究生(外文):Zheng-Min Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Feedback SVM for Recognizing Cardiac Arrhythmia
指導教授(外文):Huan Chen
口試委員(外文):Bo-Chao ChengHuang-Chen LeeWen-Hsing KuoYao-Chung Fan
外文關鍵詞:ECGcardiac arrhythmia recognizefeedbackSVM
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For the past few years, the mortality rate of heart disease is among the top three, but the medical resource is still limited to the patient who need to health care. If the ECG arrhythmia can be detected automatically, the medical resource can be better saved and the medical personnel’s burden can be further relieved. This paper studied how to improve the existing ECG arrhythmia pattern recognition algorithms to increase the accuracy of arrhythmia recognition.In this paper we proposed a SVM with feedback mechanism method. First of all, we use the R-R intervals as ECG features to build a SVM model. SVM model is evolved when the ECG arrhythmia pattern is reviewed by doctors iteratively. In particular, only support vectors are needed to be verified by doctors to revise the SVM, as a result, much effort can be saved when numerous ECG data is reviewed by doctors. Results show that our proposed scheme can reduce the verification time while maintain the recognition accuracy.
致謝辭 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 論文架構 3
第二章 理論背景與相關知識 4
2.1 心電圖 4
2.1.1 心電訊號產生 4
2.1.2 心電訊號量測 5
2.1.3 心電圖定義 6
2.2 ECG訊號擷取設備 7
2.2.1 傳統ECG擷取 7
2.2.2 心跳帶 8
2.2.3 其他心率擷取設備 8
2.3 MIT-BIH心律不整資料庫 9
2.3.1 常見心律不整 11
2.4 支持向量機(Support Vecotor Machine) 11
2.4.1 SVM理論 12
2.4.2 C-Support Vector Machine(C-SVC) 15
2.4.3 LIBSVM函式庫工具 17
第三章 研究方法與架構 19
3.1 系統架構概述 19
3.2 資料擷取轉換 19
3.2.1 注釋資料擷取 19
3.2.2 ECG特徵計算 20
3.2.3 轉換LIBSVM資料格式 22
3.3 心律不整辨識 23
3.3.1 LIBSVM參數設定與方法 23
3.3.2 初始化資料集與SVM模型 28
3.3.3 SVM模型回饋方法 30
第四章 實驗結果 41
4.1 實驗環境 41
4.1.1 心律不整資料集數據 41
4.1.2 實驗測試方法 43
4.2 實驗結果 43
4.2.1 驗證SVM模型回饋前後準確率 43
4.2.2 驗證心電記錄辨識敏感度與特異度 45
4.2.3 修正資料量與準確率比較 47
第五章 結論與未來展望 51
參考文獻 52
附錄一 55
附錄二 58
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