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研究生(外文):Yi-Cheng Tsou
論文名稱(外文):Examination of International Brand Naming Strategies of Taiwanese Brands
指導教授(外文):Wen-Hsien Huang
口試委員(外文):Hui-Yi Lo
外文關鍵詞:Brand naming methodTypeface sizeTypeface designBrand attitudeBrand name attitude
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近年來,台灣連鎖餐飲品牌紛紛走向國際化,面對進入國際市場,如何在保有原品牌特質之情況下,採用適當的品牌命名方式去翻譯品牌,成為台灣連鎖餐飲業面對的一大議題。過去文獻中,多針對從歐美市場進入華人市場的角度,進行品牌命名方式的探討 然而對於從台灣市場進入歐美及其他海外市場的角度,過去沒有相關文獻進行探討,故本研究擬針對此現象進行探討。

本研究欲採用 Zhang & Schmitt (2001) 提出的品牌命名框架 包含拼音翻譯、語意翻譯和拼音語意翻譯三種命名方式,探討消費者在不同故事情境下,字體大小及字體設計如何影響消費者的品牌態度與品牌名稱態度。


實驗一採用 3 (品牌命名方式:拼音翻譯 vs. 語意翻譯 vs. 拼音語意翻譯) ×3 (字體大小:強調英文大 vs. 強調英文大 vs. 中英文一樣大)受測者間因子設計,實驗結果顯示 : (1)品牌命名方式以語意翻譯呈現時,相較於拼音語意翻譯,會使消費者擁有較高的品牌態度和品牌名稱態度(2)字體大小以強調中文大呈現時,相較於強調英文大和中英文一樣,會使消費者擁有較高的品牌名稱態度(3)字體大小為強調英文大時,採用拼音翻譯會比拼音語意翻譯具有較高的品牌名稱態度。

實驗二採用 3 (品牌命名方式:拼音翻譯 vs. 語意翻譯 vs. 拼音語意翻譯) ×3 (字體設計:書法體 vs. 印刷體 vs. 美術體) 受測者間因子設計,實驗結果顯示 : (1)品牌命名方式以「語意翻譯」呈現時,相較於拼音語意翻譯,會使消費者擁有較高的品牌名稱態度(2)字體設計為「書法體」之情況下,相較於印刷體,會使消費者擁有較高的品牌態度(3)當字體設計為「書法體」之情況下,消費者對於拼音翻譯有更好的品牌態度(4)當字體設計為「美術體」之情況下,消費者對於語意翻譯會有更好的品牌態度。


In recent years, Taiwan Food and Beverage Industry branch out into oversea markets, firms often face the choice of brand naming, what kind of naming retain the original characteristics of the brand and make overseas consumer acceptance. However, no prior research has developed a framework for brand-name decision process, which standing from Taiwanese brands to other oversea markets. There are many researches about reaching to Chinese markets. In this research, we present not only a framework about translating options but evaluate brand names. We review previous research about naming method and test the framework in a series of two experiments.

We choice Chinese name as the original name, translating an English name into different naming methods. Moreover, this study also discuss different typeface size (i.e., Chinese or English name is the target of emphasis larger or smaller) and typeface design (i.e., Chinese name is the target of emphasis design) in order to better understand consumer evaluations.

In study one, a 3 (brand naming method: Phonetic vs. Semantic vs. Phonosemantic) by 3 (typeface size: Emphasize Chinese vs. Emphasize English vs. Emphasize Chinese versus English same size) between-subject factorial design was used to test our predictions. The results show that, (1) Consumers have a significant difference on brand attitude and brand name attitude to the brand naming method. (2) We demonstrate the interaction effects on brand name attitude. (3) When naming method present in semantic translation, consumers will have much higher brand attitude and brand name attitude (4) When typeface size emphasize Chinese larger, consumers will have much higher brand name attitude.

In study two, a 3 (brand naming method: Phonetic vs. Semantic vs. Phonosemantic) by 3 (typeface design: Calligraphy vs. Printing vs. Graphic lettering) between-subject factorial design was used to test our predictions. The results show that, (1) Consumers have a significant difference on brand attitude and brand name attitude to the brand naming method. (2) When naming method present in semantic translation, consumers will have much higher brand name attitude. (3) We present typeface design in calligraphy, consumers will have much higher brand attitude than printing. (4) When we present typeface design in calligraphy, using phonetic translation, consumers will have much higher brand attitude. (5) When we present typeface design in graphic lettering, using semantic translation, consumers will have much higher brand attitude.

This paper investigates brand naming method, review the research about the related issues, and discuss that different situations using which brand naming method may often gain more effective brand attitude or brand name attitude. Implications for marketing managers and future research directions are also discussed.

第一節 研究背景與動機..............1
第二節 研究目的..............3
第三節 研究流程..............4
第一節 品牌命名方式 (Brand naming method) ..........5
第二節 字體大小 (Typeface size) ..............9
第三節 字體設計 (Typeface design) ..............12
第一節 研究變數之定義與操弄衡量..............18
第二節 實驗設計..............19
第三節 問卷結果分析..............22
第一節 研究變數之定義與操弄衡量..............30
第二節 實驗設計..............32
第三節 問卷結果分析..............34
第一節 研究結論..............41
第二節 學術貢獻..............44
第三節 管理意涵..............45
第四節 研究限制與未來研究方向..............46
參考文獻.............. 47

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