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研究生(外文):Ya-Wen Hsu
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Strategtic Responses of Backlight Module Industry to Emerging OLED Development Trends-Company F as A Case
指導教授(外文):Dr. Ta-Jung Lu
外文關鍵詞:Backlight ModuleBusiness strategiesKey Success FactorVertical IntegrationMergers and Acquisitions
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本案研究之背光模組(Backlight Module)是TFT-LCD之關鍵零件。由於TFT-LCD為非自發光之顯示器,故需加上可投射出高亮度光源的背光模組以顯示內容。然,極具潛力的OLED具有自發光力,可撓曲性、面板輕薄、全彩高亮度等特性,恰可以彌補目前顯示技術主流的TFT-LCD需要背光、對比亮度低等缺陷,被認為是新一代顯示技術的希望。在此同時,背光模組業者也持續不斷投入大量資源於產品設計及結構的改善,希望能讓TFT-LCD擁有更佳的效能,藉由經營策略降低成本,創造競爭優勢,以避免遭到淘汰的命運。因此本研究希望深入探討台灣顯示器產業面臨之挑戰以提供業者如何迎接挑戰的策略建議。

The world market of Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display (TFT-LCD) panel in 2013 has exceeded US$130 Billion. Taiwan manufacturers accounted for 34%, which is the second highest. However, the performance of TFT-LCD was lower than expected in recent years. The competitive equilibrium among Japan, Korea and Taiwan has been transformed in to a new situation due to the gradual rise of the manufacturers in China. In addition OLED, a potential substitute of TFT-LCD, has developed rapidly to become a threat to the display industry.

Backlight (Backlight Module) is a key component used in LCD. Since TFT-LCD is a non-self-luminous display technology, it must be coupled with a light source from the back of the display panel that projects uniform, high-brightness backlight to produce a visible image. The great potential of OLED as an emerging flat panel display technology, which is a self-luminous, flexible, and lightweight panel with wide viewing angle, high brightness, full color and other characteristics has become a big threat. The current mainstream flat panel display technology, TFT-LCD, has functional limitations such as requiring backlighting, slow response, low luminance contrast and other issues. The OLED technology compliments these deficiencies. It is considered to be the hope of next generation display technology.

At the mean time, backlight module industry has continually invested in improving product design and structure to make TFT-LCD performs better. They reduce costs by using business strategies to create competitive advantages and to avoid being eliminated.

This research studies the market through game theory, business strategies and key success factors by studying literatures and conducting interviews. The case company employs vertical integration to reduce production costs, and merger to acquire complementary technologies to enhance its competitiveness. In addition, interview with experts of the industry to verify the application of theory and practice, and to sum up how the backlight module industry can deal with the competition in the market. Is the OLED capable of entering large-size panel? Finally, to deduce the feasibility of applying OLED onto large-size panels. The following findings have been obtained: 1. The maturity and cost competitiveness of TFT-LCD technology are the advantages that will affect the diffusion of the emerging OLED technologies. 2. Vertical integration can improve productivity, reduce costs, and develop diversified technologies. 3. Mergers and acquisitions strategy is one of the complementary approaches to obtain OLED technologies. 4. Development of key technologies is one of the key success factors.

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 賽局理論 6
第二節 經營策略 10
第三節 關鍵成功因素 15
第四節 垂直整合 19
第五節 併購 22
第六節 技術創新 24
第三章 研究方法 26
第一節 個案研究法 26
第二節 次級資料蒐集分析法 28
第三節 半結構式訪談 31
第四章 背光模組產業競爭分析 33
第一節 背光源模組簡介 33
第二節 總體環境賽局分析 37
第五章 個案公司經營策略分析 43
第一節 公司簡介 43
第一節 經營策略分析 45
第六章 結論與建議 54
第一節 研究結論 54
第二節 研究建議 57
參考文獻 58
附錄 訪談內容 63

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