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研究生(外文):Li-Zhi Hsu
論文名稱(外文):3D Information Visualization Based on Spatial Deployment Strategies
指導教授(外文):Lieu-Hen Chen
口試委員(外文):Hsiao-Kuang WuMeng-Feng Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Computer GraphicsVisualization SystemData MiningOctree
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Nowadays, information on the internet has accumulated so rapidly and explosively. The tremendous amount of information often causes users confusion while searching and browsing. How to help users find really relevant data in an information visualization system has become an important research issue. Therefore, in this research, we develop a novel system which aims to intuitively enhance users’ perception by visualizing data and its correlations through a multi-resolutional 3D interface.
By utilizing the data mining technologies, our system analyzes related keywords, which are extracted from the related posted comments on the Internet by a Web crawler, and clusters them together into a hierarchical structure. Considering the limitation of the number of targets that a user can recognize simultaneously, our system constructs the data hierarchy according to the Octree Space Partitioning (OSP) method. And the relative 3D position of each node on the same level is calculated and deployed by using a force-driven method. The result is then interactively represented through a graphical user interface. This approach does not only keep the layout of screen easy-to-view, but also provide users useful visual clues which are consistent with their 3D stereoscopic experience. The experiment results show that our system can successfully enhance users’ perception, and, moreover, provide the potential of a chance discovery.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 論文架構 2
第二章 相關研究 3
2.1 網路爬蟲 3
2.2 Data Mining 3
2.3 My SQL資料庫 4
2.4 資料關聯性演算 4
2.5 空間分配策略 6
第三章 系統架構及操作方法 8
3.1 系統架構 8
3.2 操作方法 10
第四章 系統實作 14
4.1 網頁擷取與資料庫設計 14
4.2 階層化資料結構 15
4.3 視覺化介面設計 16
4.4 空間分配 18
4.5 Cube設計 22
第五章 結論 25
參考資料 26

圖 1 啤酒與尿布 5
圖 2 FP-TREE資料結構 6
圖 3 OCTREE樹狀結構 7
圖 4 系統架構圖 9
圖 5 搜尋字輸入介面 10
圖 6 3D視覺化顯示 11
圖 7 OCTREE空間位置偵測與介面佈局的改變 12
圖 8 進入JUNGLE分類裡觀察子分類 13
圖 9 STOP WORD資料表 14
圖 10 將分析過後的文字訊息存入資料表之中 15
圖 11 FP-TREE建構流程圖 16
圖 12 關聯性分佈圖 17
圖 13 透明化關聯性分佈圖 18
圖 14 OCTREE空間分配方法 19
圖 15 空間點到連結的垂直距離 20
圖 16 垂直距離的例外狀況 21
圖 17 CUBE資料視覺化 22
圖 18 正方體的分類方式 23
圖 19 CUBE顯示介面 24
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