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研究生(外文):Chun-Chih Jared Liu
論文名稱(外文):HURP Regulates Golgi Structure via Stabilizing Stable Microtubule
指導教授(外文):Chang-Tze Ricky Yu
口試委員(外文):Li-Jen SuChang-Han ChenShao-Chih Chiu
中文關鍵詞:HURPPRMT5TRIP11PP2CβAurora-Aglu-α-tubulinstable MTs高基氏體磷酸化甲基化
外文關鍵詞:HURPPRMT5TRIP11PP2CβGolgiAurora-Aglu-α-tubulinstable MTsphosphorylationmethylation
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高基氏體是細胞重要之胞器,負責修飾、包裹、與分類運送來自於粗糙內質網製造的蛋白質,脊椎動物之高基氏體位於細胞核周遭中心體(centrosome)附近,由許多扁平囊袋組成新月形或緞帶(Ribbon)結構。已知細胞內有多種因子可以調節高基氏體的組成,包括多種調節因子以及微管(microtubule)。高基氏體已知可與一小撮特殊微管連結,此微管性質穩定,稱為穩定性微管(stable microtubule) ,其上的α-tubulin被發現常進行蛋白質去酪氨酸化(detyrosination)或乙醯化(acetylation)等後轉譯調節。雖然早有文獻指出,當細胞內所有的微管被去聚合化後(depolymerization),會促使高基氏體解構,但尚無證據指出此穩定性微管是否與高基氏體的組成有直接關係;此外,關於此穩定性微管如何被調節的研究至今仍有待闡明。本研究發現了一個可以穩定染色體兩側近端紡錘絲的蛋白HURP,在被Aurora-A磷酸化於serine 725(HURP p725)後,於G1 phase可以分佈到穩定性微管上;利用 RNAi 壓抑HURP表現後,穩定性微管結構縮小消退,高基氏體結構碎裂(Fragmentation)。而穩定性微管結構主要為glu-α-tubulin,是α-tubulin經由carboxypeptidase剃除其最後一個胺基酸tyrosine而形成,當處理carboxypeptidase 抑制劑 parthenolide或利用 RNAi 壓抑carboxypeptidase後,glu-α-tubulin表現減少,高基氏體碎裂;在RNAi 壓抑HURP的細胞中重新表現glu-α-tubulin將會使使碎裂的高基氏體重新組裝成完整的Ribbon結構,顯示穩定性微管有助於高基氏體的形成,而HURP透過穩定glu-α-tubulin穩定度,調控高基氏體結Ribbon結構。HURP p725除了會穩定此微管外,也會和高基氏體的主要調節蛋白TRIP11有交互作用並調節此蛋白之位置。使用HURP serine 725模擬被Aurora-A磷酸化突變體HURP S725E,表現在壓抑HURP細胞中相較於HURP S725A會使碎裂的高基氏體重新組裝成Ribbon結構,且對於促進高基氏體不穩定藥物Brefeldin A有較高的藥物抗性。HURP p725會被蛋白質去磷酸酶PP2Cβ去磷酸化,減少glu-α-tubulin並使高基氏體之穩定性降低。此結果證明了HURP p725對高基氏體結構之調節及穩定的重要性。以上結果顯示HURP p725對於高基氏體的組裝是有貢獻的。PRMT5(protein arginine methyltransferase 5)可以和HURP交互作用並甲基化HURP arginine 122位置,本研究也發現Aurora-A磷酸化HURP於serine 725是需要PRMT5甲基化HURP arginine 122,使用模擬PRMT5不甲基化HURP arginine 122的突變體R122K表現在細胞,會抑制Aurora-A磷酸化HURP S725的生成;HURP R122F表現在壓抑HURP細胞中相較於HURP R122K會使碎裂的高基氏體重新組裝並且對Brefeldin A有較高的藥物抗性。所有的結果顯示,HURP在M phase承接了PRMT5之訊號,造成HURP serine 725被Aurora-A磷酸化,經過修飾的HURP透過強化高基氏體附近的微管與引導TRIP11在胞內的分布控制高基氏體的結構完整並加強穩定性。
Golgi is responsible for modifying, packaging, and sorting proteins delivered from the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Golgi membranes in vertebrate cells are integrated into a single compact entity termed the Golgi ribbon that is normally localized in the perinuclear area and in close vicinity to the centrosomes. Various factors involved in maintaining the architecture of Golgi have been explored including microtubule. Golgi interacts with a subset of microtubules, named stable microtubule (stable MT), which displays higher resistance to microtubule depolymerizing agents and undergoes posttranslational modifications such as detyrosination or acetylation. Although it has long been known that depolymerization of intracellular microtubule disassembles Golgi, yet it is not clear how microtubule contributes to Golgi assembly, and no evidence showing the essential role of the stable MT in Golgi formation. Besides, how the stable MT is regulated remains largely unknown.The study points out firstly that a kinetochore microtubule stabilizing protein, HURP, is localized to the stable MT when phosphorylated by Aurora-A at serine 725. The HURP p725 forms a tubulin-independent fiber and is localized to the stable MT. Knockdown of HURP makes stable MT shrink and disassembles Golgi. Further analyses reveal that HURP enhances the protein stability of glu-α-tubulin, one of the modifications of stable MT. Reduction of glu-α-tubulin by knocking down or inactivating the glu-α-tubulin producing enzyme, tubulin carboxypeptidase, by chemical inhibitor or RNAi, abolishes stable MT and disassembles Golgi. Overexpression of ectopic glu-α-tubulin, instead of α-tubulin, rescues the HURP shRNA-induced Golgi degeneration, collectively indicating that HURP facilitates the Golgi assembly through stabilizing stable MT. Moreover, to demonstrate the importance of HURP p725 on Golgi formation, three approaches are adopted. Firstly, HURP 725E, a mutant mimicking HURP phosphorylation at serine 725, has better Golgi rescue effect than HURP 725A, which abolishes HURP phosphorylation at serine 725, in cells harboring HURP shRNA. Secondly, PP2Cβ is found to bind HURP and reduce the level of HURP p725. Overexpression of PP2Cβ decreases the level of stable MT and disassembles Golgi. Thirdly, the Golgi disrupting agent brefeldin A (BFA) disperses HURP p725, reduces glu-α-tubulin, and disrupts Golgi. Interestingly, the HURP p725 is formed only when HURP is methylated by PRMT5 at arginine 122, and the HURP 122F mutant, which mimics HURP methylation at arginine 122, has higher potency to regenerate Golgi in HURP shRNA cells and stabilize Golgi in BFA treated cells than HURP 122K, which loses the methylation effect at arginine 122. At last, a Golgi regulator, TRIP11, is identified as a HURP interaction protein. HURP 725E has higher binding affinity to TRIP11 than WT and 725A. HURP is proposed to guide TRIP11 to Golgi and thereby help assembles Golgi. In conclusion, the study points out that the spindle binding protein HURP, able to stabilize kinetochore fiber in mitosis, is required for Golgi assembly due to the stable MT stabilizing activity of HURP, particularly when it is methylated by the known Golgi regulator PRMT5 and subsequently phosphorylated by the sensor for Golgi status, Aurora-A.
論文摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 VI
圖表目錄 X
附圖表目錄 XII
第壹章、 緒論 1
第一節、HURP 1
壹、HURP之結構 1
貳、HURP在細胞內之分佈及其功能 2
參、HURP與癌症之關係 6
第二節、HURP的修飾 7
壹、Aurora-A對HURP的修飾及影響 7
貳、PRMT5對HURP的修飾及影響 9
第三節、高基氏體(Golgi) 10
壹、高基氏體(Golgi) 10
貳、TRIP 11 15
第四節、穩定性微管(stable microtubule) 17
第五節、研究動機及實驗設計 18
第貳章、實驗材料與方法 22
第一節、實驗材料 22
壹、勝任細胞 (Competent Cells) 22
貳、抗生素 (Antibiotics) 22
參、Luria-Bertain 細菌培養液(LB medium) 22
肆、細胞株 (Cell line) 22
伍、細胞轉染試劑 (Transfection reagent) 23
陸、抗體(Antibody) 23
第二節、實驗試劑 26
壹、Calcium-manganese based 緩衝溶液(CCMB buffer) 26
貳、Luria-Bertain 細菌培養液(LB medium) 26
參、Luria-Bertain 細菌培養基(LB agar plate) 26
肆、10倍Tris-borate-EDTA 緩衝溶液(10X TBE buffer) 27
伍、DNA瓊膠 27
陸、DMEM細胞培養液 27
柒、DMEM細胞凍存培養液 28
捌、10倍磷酸鹽緩衝溶液 29
玖、胰蛋白酶-乙二胺四乙酸四鈉消化液 29
壹拾、免疫螢光染色試劑-PLP 固定溶液 30
壹拾壹、免疫螢光染色試劑-細胞通透性/ 蛋白質阻斷溶液 30
壹拾貳、免疫螢光染色試劑-清洗溶液 31
壹拾參、細胞溶解緩衝溶液 31
壹拾肆、免疫沉澱法清洗溶液 32
壹拾伍、4倍SDS 電泳追蹤染劑 32
壹拾陸、聚丙烯酰胺膠體電泳分離膠體 33
壹拾柒、聚丙烯酰胺膠體電泳焦集膠體 33
壹拾捌、10倍蛋白質電泳緩衝溶液 34
壹拾玖、10倍全濕式電泳轉漬緩衝溶液 34
貳拾、10倍TBST緩衝溶液 35
貳拾壹、西方墨點法蛋白質阻斷溶液 35
第三節、實驗方法 35
壹、質體量化 35
貳、表現載體的製備 37
參、細胞培養 39
肆、質體的表現 39
伍、蛋白質分析 40
陸、細胞週期分析 42
第參章、實驗結果 44
第一節、HURP位於Golgi周圍並能調控Golgi結構 44
壹、HURP在細胞內之位置 44
貳、HURP具有調控Golgi結構之能力 45
第二節、Aurora-A磷酸化HURP使HURP在G1 phase更靠近Golgi 45
壹、Aurora-A磷酸化HURP s725後分布於Golgi 45
貳、HURP p725於細胞週期間的表現表現量變化 46
第三節、HURP p725位於Golgi周圍穩定的microtubule並可調控其表現 46
壹、HURP p725位於穩定的microtubule 46
貳、HURP 能維持Golgi周圍microtubule的穩定 47
參、HURP 能促進glu-α-tubulin的Bundling與表現 47
第四節、glu-α-tubulin能調控Golgi的結構 48
壹、抑制glu-α-tubulin的表現造成Golgi的Fragmentation 48
貳、EGFP-glu-α-tubulin表現質體的建構 49
參、EGFP-glu-α-tubulin能rescue shHURP所引發的Golgi Fragmentation 49
第五節、表現HURP S725E能促進Golgi的組裝 50
壹、BFA能使HURP p725離開Golgi並能使Golgi碎裂 50
貳、表現HURP S725E能抵抗BFA造成的Golgi不穩定及rescue shHURP造成的Golgi Fragmentation 50
第六節、PRMT5甲基化促使HURP磷酸化並可調控Golgi 51
壹、PRMT5甲基化HURP R122為Aurora-A磷酸化HURP S725所需 51
貳、表現HURP R122F能抵抗BFA造成的Golgi不穩定及rescue shHURP造成的Golgi Fragmentation。 52
第七節、PP2Cs去磷酸化HURP p725並調節Golgi結構 52
壹、PP2Cs在細胞中的位置 52
貳、PP2Cs與HURP有蛋白質-蛋白質交互作用並可去磷酸化HURP p725 53
參、PP2Cs可以調節Golgi 54
第八節、HURP引導TRIP11位置來調控Golgi結構 54
壹、TRIP 11在細胞中的位置 54
貳、TRIP 11在與HURP S725E蛋白質-蛋白質交互作用較強 55
參、HURP能調控TRIP11的分布 55
第肆章、 討論 57
第伍章、 結論 61
參考文獻 62
圖表 70
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