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研究生(外文):Shih-Ninig Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Influence of Rhetoric on Slogans-The Moderating Effect of Driven Processing
指導教授(外文):Ying-Ching LinDau-Sung Ju
外文關鍵詞:word rhetoricconceptually drivendata-driven
  • 被引用被引用:4
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根據Richard J. G.. and Philip G..Z.(2004)的解釋,知覺過程以驅動方式區分為兩種,一種為由下而上的處理,當刺激(聽覺、視覺、觸覺等)從外界進入後會向上反映傳送到大腦,然後再加以分析的一種知覺方式,相較於後者屬於較被動的方式,稱之為數據驅動處理,另一種為由上而下的處理,當接觸到外界刺激時,會直接產生一種較高層次的心理(過去的經驗、知識以及背景)運作來對刺激物做解讀,稱之為概念驅動處理。
This article is focuses on applying the text in the rhetoric to advertising slogans
will affect the degree of advertising slogans evaluations and memory, as well as
adding driven processing moderators will affect the evaluation and memory or not?
Advertising slogans in this article are composed of two sentences, because this
article focuses in writing rhetoric, which has the dual characteristic of quantity of
words and rhymes. Only by comparing two sentences will have two types of rhetoric.
According to Richard J. G. and Philip G. Z. (2004), interpretation of the
perceptual process can divided into two part by driven processing. One is the
bottom-up processing. When the stimulus (auditory, visual, tactile, etc.) entering from
the outside will reflect upward to the brain, and then coupled with a perceptual
analysis method, compared to the latter is more passive manner, called data-driven
processing. The other one is top-down processing, when exposed to external stimuli,
will produce a higher level of direct psychological (past experience, knowledge and
background) operation to do on the interpretation of stimuli, called conceptually
driven processing.
The results showed that when people belonging to the conceptually driven
processing way, rhymes will affect the advertising slogan evaluation. Non-rhyming
has higher assessment than rhymes (sound the same) and rhymes (sound different).
When people belonging to the conceptually driven processing way, the quantity of
words and rhymes will not affect the evaluation of advertising slogans. Under the
conceptually driven processing, words and rhymes will affect the degree of
advertising slogans’ memory. Words which are the same quantity have higher level of
memory than words different, and rhyme has higher level of memory than
non-rhyming. Under the data-driven processing only the words will affect the level of
memory, and words the same will have higher level of memory than words different.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的
第二節 研究問題
第三節 研究流程
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 廣告與廣告標語的關係
第二節 廣告中修辭的運用
第三節 消費者對廣告的態度與記憶度
第四節 概念驅動與數據驅動
第五節 小結
第三章 實務資料與驗證
第一節 實務資料設計
第二節 實務資料問卷結果與分析
第三節 實務資料結論
第四章 正式實驗
第一節 研究架構與假說
第二節 實驗設計
第三節 實驗結果
第五章 研究結果與建議
第一節 研究結果討論
第二節 理論與管理實務
第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議

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