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研究生(外文):Stanley Rob McDaniel Padgett
論文名稱(外文):The impact of harbor engineering in Anping harbor on plankton and benthos composition
指導教授:黃榮富 博士
指導教授(外文):Jung-Fu Huang, Ph.D.
外文關鍵詞:planktonbenthosdiversityharbor engineeringAnping Harbor
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The purpose of this study is to assess the impact on harbor engineering —specifically the effects on the community of plankton and benthos on the construction of a new entrance—on Anping Harbor. The dominance, density, number of species, and biodiversity of plankton and benthos biomasses within Anping Harbor and the nearby open waters, were collected from data of monthly samples of five sampling points over a six-year period (2005 ~ 2011).
This study has identified 278 phytoplankton species, representing four different phyla. Among them, Chrysophyta and Pyrrophyta were the major phytoplankton types. Samples from the open water bare no significant difference in the number of species, density (cell/L), and biodiversity of phytoplankton before (2005~2008) and after (2009~2011) the construction of a new entrance. The species dominance display slight alterations after construction of new entrance. Samples from the inner harbor reveal significant decreases in density, and significant increases in the number of species and Simpson’s 1-D Index. Differences in species dominance are seen as well in the inner harbor. The populations of zooplankton communities compose of around 89 species of diverse phyla. Among them, the annelida, copepod, and larva of bivalvia are the main zooplankton species before and after construction. Zooplankton species are most abundant in the summer and contributes to an increase in species richness, but the Simpson’s 1-D Index present a less diverse after construction. The benthos communities count around 156 species. Of the total species find, four families—the Portunidae, Leiognathidae, Apogonidae and Pteroeididae—are the dominant groups throughout the studies, before and after construction of the new entrance way. Abundance and richness increased after construction as well as the diversity community of benthos.
In conclusion, the new entrance in Anping Harbor brings about significant impact in the open water, and markedly affects the phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass as well as the benthos communities within the harbor and coastal waters. Both plankton and benthos, as an indicator of water quality, reveal that water quality in the Anping Harbor has improve after the construction of a new entrance; however, additional parameters and data should be taken into consideration and further analyze for a more accurate prediction of water quality. These findings might serve as baseline data for coastal ecosystem monitoring programs in Anping coastal waters, and the approach used in Anping Harbor could be replicated for improving water quality of other semi-closed harbor where there has shown a poor flow of water.
Keywords: plankton, benthos, diversity, harbor engineering, Anping Harbor
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ III
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................................... V
ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................. VI
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 1
1. LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................... 3
1.1 Anping Harbor ........................................................................................ 3
1.2 Geographic Location ............................................................................... 5
1.3 Population ............................................................................................... 5
1.4 Climate and Weather............................................................................... 5
1.5 Understanding Environmental Issues of Anping Harbor ....................... 6
2. Microorganism/microbiology Parameters .................................................... 7
2.1 Phytoplankton ......................................................................................... 7
2.2 Zooplankton .................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Importance of Benthos .................................................................................. 10
3. Materials and methods ...................................................................................... 11
3.1 Sampling site ............................................................................................... 11
3.2 Samples Collection ..................................................................................... 13

3.2.1 Phytoplankton .................................................................................... 13
3.2.2 Zooplankton ....................................................................................... 14
3.2.3 Benthos ............................................................................................... 15
3.3 Data analysis .............................................................................................. 17
4. Results and Discussion ........................................................................................ 18
4.1 Phytoplankton .............................................................................................. 18
4.2 Zooplankton ................................................................................................ 37
4.3 Benthos Communities ................................................................................. 50
5. Summary and Conclusion ................................................................................... 61
6. References ........................................................................................................... 64
Appendix 1 Phytoplankton densities (cell/L) from each station before construction of Anping Harbor ........................................................................................ 72
Appendix 2 Phytoplankton number of species before construction of Anping Harbor ......................................................................................................... 75
Appendix 3 Zooplankton density (cell/L) before construction of Anping Harbor . 78
Appendix 4 Zooplankton number of species before construction of Anping harbor ..................................................................................................................... 80
Appendix 5 Benthos abundance (ind./m³) before construction of Anping Harbor. 82
Appendix 6 Benthos number of species before construction of Anping Harbor .... 83
Appendix 7 Small harbor to the north indicates fishing harbor (after construction), big harbor to the south indicates the commercial harbor of Anping, Tainan ..................................................................................................................... 84
Appendix 8 Modify Niskin Bottle (PVC tube, upper hands) use for the collection of phytoplankton and net (lower hand) for final collection ........................ 85
Appendix 9 Zooplankton collection net .................................................................. 86
Appendix 10 Phytoplankton dominant species before construction (2005-2008) and after construction (2009-2011). .................................................................. 87
Appendix 11 Zooplankton dominant species before construction (2005-2008) and after construction (2009-2011). .................................................................. 88
Appendix 12 Benthos dominant species before construction (2005-2008) and after construction (2009-2011). ........................................................................... 89
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