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研究生(外文):Chang, Shu-Ping
論文名稱:利用微衛星基因座變異探討臺東鸞山地區臺灣穿山甲(Manis pentadactyla pentadactyla)之親屬關係與社會結構
論文名稱(外文):The Kinship and Social Structure of the Formosan Pangolin (Manis pentadactyla pentadactyla) in Luanshan, Taitung,Based on Microsatellite Variations
指導教授(外文):Pei, Jai-ChyiHung, Kuo-Hsiang
口試委員(外文):Lin, Liang-KongChang, Hsueh-Wen
外文關鍵詞:Formosan pangolinspatial correlation of home rangekinship analysismating system
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本研究利用微衛星DNA分子標誌物進行遺傳變異分析,並結合無線電追蹤所得之個體空間分佈模式,探討臺灣穿山甲(Manis. pentadactyla pentadactyla)族群內親屬關係。自2009年04月-2013年05月,共收集臺東鸞山地區穿山甲血液樣本54隻(29雄、25雌),其中包含2009-2013年長期追蹤個體7隻(3雄、4雌)。無線電追蹤資料顯示,同期部分個體活動範圍多有重疊。以10組微衛星基因座分析54隻穿山甲遺傳訊息,每個基因座對偶基因數目為2-8個,平均為4.8個,異型合子平均觀測值(Ho)為0.533,異型合子平均理論值(He)為0.603,FIS近親係數平均值為0.083,顯示當地穿山甲可能有近親交配的情況。遺傳結構結果顯示,未發現有遺傳分化的跡象。進一步以ML-relate分析個體間親屬關係,並搭配個體捕捉時之年齡、性別與體重資料,發現54隻個體配對關係中共279對具有親屬關係,其中166對具全手足關係(兄弟41對、姊妹36對、兄妹55對、姊弟34對)、107對半手足關係(兄弟23對、姊妹30對、兄妹36對、姊弟18對)和6對親子關係(父子1對、父女2對、母子1對、母女2對)。綜觀上述資料,活動範圍重疊之個體具有全手足或半手足關係者,之間是否為繁殖配對則尚未確定。另外,根據生態以及遺傳資訊分析個體間親屬關係,並依照彼此間親子、全手足與半手足關係推論當地穿山甲生殖率高,可能主要的婚配制度為一夫多妻,另外,亦發現單一雌性在不同生殖季與不同雄性交配生產,呈現短期配對關係的現象。
Variations of microsatellites and the spatial relationship among individuals based on radio tracking were used to assess the kinship of a Formosan pangolin (Manis. pentadactyla pentadactyla) population. From April, 2009 to May, 2013, blood samples of 54 individuals (29 males and 25 females) were collected from Luanshan, Taitung. Among others, 3 males and 4 females have been radio-tracked since 2009, and their home ranges were mostly overlapped. Number of alleles of the 10 microsatellites loci analysed in this study ranged from 2 to 8 (mean=4.8). The mean observed heterozygosity (Ho) and expected heterozygosity (He) was 0.533 and 0.603, respectively. The mean FIS was 0.083, suggested possible case of within population inbreeding. No significantly genetic differentiation was detected in Luanshan population. The ML-relate program and individual information (e.g. age, sex and weight) were used to assess kinship among these individuals. A total of 279 pairs, of kin relationships were found, including 166 full-sibling pairs (41 brothers, 36 sisters, 55 older brother/sister and 34 older sister/brother), 107 half-sibling pairs (23 brothers, 30 sisters, 36 older brother/sister and 18 older sister/brother), and 6 parent-offspring relationships (1 father/son, 2 father/daughter, 1 mother/son and 2 mother/daughter). Some individuals with full-sibling or half-sibling relationships were overlap in their home ranges, but their mating status can’t be confirmed. The mating system of pangolins might prefer polygyny, but female individuals were found to form temperally pairing and mat with different males in difference seasons.
摘要 I
Abstract III
謝誌 V
目錄 VII
圖表目錄 IX
壹、前言 1
貳、文獻回顧 3
一、動物的社會結構 3
(一)婚配制度 3
(二)親屬關係 4
二、穿山甲簡介 5
(一)全世界穿山甲分類概況 5
(二)臺灣穿山甲簡介與族群現況 5
(三)穿山甲相關遺傳研究 6
三、族群遺傳學(population genetics)7
四、微衛星DNA 8
(一)微衛星DNA簡介 8
(二)微衛星DNA之優點 9
參、材料與方法 10
一、研究樣區 10
二、研究方法 12
(一)樣本收集 12
(二)DNA萃取 14
(三)微衛星體基因座選殖 16
(四)聚合酵素連鎖反應(Polymerase chain reaction, PCR)調控模式17
(五)利用聚丙烯醯胺膠膜電泳法(Polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis, PAGE)進行微衛星基因型檢測 18
三、分子資料分析 19
(一)基因型的判別與量化 19
(二)族群遺傳多樣性分析 19
(三)族群遺傳結構分析 21
(四)族群親屬關係分析 21
四、評估穿山甲個體年齡與建立婚配制度之方式 22
肆、結果 23
一、微衛星基因座遺傳多樣性分析 23
二、族群遺傳結構分析 25
三、個體間親屬關係分析 32
四、鸞山村臺灣穿山甲個體活動分佈與親屬關係之關聯性 36
伍、討論 39
一、微衛星遺傳多樣性分析 39
二、族群遺傳結構分析 40
三、個體間親屬關係與婚配制度分析 40
四、鸞山村臺灣穿山甲個體活動分佈與親屬關係之關聯性 42
參考文獻 44
附錄一 53
附錄二 58
作者簡介 59




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