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研究生(外文):Ming-kai Chen
論文名稱(外文):High efficiency power management mechanism for display on mobile device
指導教授(外文):Chia-Hung Yeh
外文關鍵詞:Human visual perceptionSubjective quality assessmentEnergy savingBacklight scalingMobile device
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In the last decade, mobile devices had been an important part of our life. With the advance in information and communication technology, mobile devices can achieve almost everything with proper apps. However, the durability of the mobile devices is still a problem. The major parts which consume most of the energy are the screen, communication unit and the computation unit arranged in descending order. Base on this fact, we focused on lower the power consumption of the screen by adjusting the backlight level, since the backlight system dominate the screen power requirement. So we proposed a backlight adjustments based on the subjective quality assessment. First of all, for collecting the basic data of human visual perception, series of quality assessment are performed. According to these data, this paper designed a backlight adjustment algorithm based on the luminance and contrast. In the end, for the balance between visual quality and energy saving, this algorithm has been assigned different parameters and performed the subjective quality assessment again. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm could achieve better energy cost while preserving the visual quality in single image display.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
Contents iii
List of Figures iv
List of Tables v
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Overview of power saving on mobile devices 1
1.2 Motivation 3
1.3 Contribution 4
1.4 Organization of the Thesis 6
Chapter 2 Background review 7
2.1 TFT-LCD Architecture 8
2.2 Backlight Scaling 11
2.3 Mobile Streaming Backlight scaling optimization 13
2.4 Content based digital power saving methods 16
2.5 Subjective quality assessment 17
Chapter 3 Subjective Quality Assessment For Human Visual Perception 18
3.1 Adopted quality assessment method 19
3.2 Experiment environment 21
3.3 Experiment equipment 21
3.4 Image quality assessment base on brightness 22
3.5 Image quality assessment base on contrast 24
3.6 Image quality assessment base on complexity 25
3.7 Video quality assessment base on motion 27
3.8 Proper display backlight experiment 29
Chapter 4 Proposed Backlight Adjustment Algorithm 32
Chapter 5 Experiment result 37
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Works 42
Reference 44
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