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論文名稱(外文):Revising comorbidities of gout: in a long-term transition 10-yr Taiwan National Health Insurance data analysis.
指導教授(外文):Lin, Kuan-Chia
外文關鍵詞:goutcomorbiditiesLatent Transition Analysislongitudinal transition
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Objectives:Gout is a highly prevalent chronic disease in Taiwan. Based on the epidemiology of age, generation and long-term tendency of the disease, it is mainly seen among the older aged and male populations. In addition to the nature of the gout disease studies, its accompanying comorbidities and other influential factors have received more attention in the recent years.
Gout caused by comorbidities, in addition to the static analysis of cross-sectional studies, the long-term data of the dynamic analysis will also help investigate the transfer of long-term changes in gout-related comorbidities and their subsequent impacts.
The current academic research is still relatively inadequate. However, the modernization of potential long term data analysis methods—such as the development and breakthrough of the Transfer Mode—provides us with an opportunity for further research. In accordance, this present study is made to investigate the use of long-term dynamic view on the long-term effects of gout comorbidity tendencies.

Methods:The study sample was conducted from the Longitudinal Health Insurance Database (LHID) 2010 based on the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD). The new cases of gout in 2000 was continuously tracked down for a decade as an analytical generation. It was combined with the application of the long-term potential transfer analysis techniques, based on different viewpoints and cluster-oriented researches for long-term gout sufferers which led to comorbidities and the subsequent development of the disease.

Results:The results are divided into five main points: 1) Latent structure underlying the comorbidity of gout were subdivided into three main types: highly comorbidity patterns, moderate comorbidity patterns, low comorbidity patterns. It varied based on different age and genders. 2) Comorbidity index has the potential types of group differences based on genders. Hypertension is an important comorbidity index across different ages for both men and women. The presence of hypertension will increase the chances of other linked comorbidities generated, and thus, it becomes the highly comorbidity patterns. As for diabetes, its biggest difference is between the male and female groups of indicators. It usually occurs mainly in the female population of gout patients. 3) In the long-term structural shift, gout comorbidities were classified into five kinds of potential transfer class group. Male over the age of 50, for example, the performance of each type of CT1: persistent hypertension was closely associated with high cholesterol and cardiovascular heart disease ; CT2: persistent high blood lipids were comorbid core; CT3: sustainined less frequent comorbidities, CT4: High cholesterol level as its core in the early stages; and then later advancing to hypertension as its core, which was usually accompanied with high cholesterol level and cardiovascular diseases; CT5: Early stages with less frequent comorbidity and then later transferred to the core of hypertension comorbid group after a certain amount of time. Therefore, through different types of gout were able to reflect various comorbidities in the long-term developmental process. 4) Among the long-term transfer performance type, gout patients with potential class group were of continued highly comorbid conditions. In the past decade, stroke and cancer had the highest cumulative incidence rate. However, the trajectory of each class transferred into a highly comorbid group also had the second highest of occurrence rate. Among them, age and gender also played an important role in the classification. 5) Finally, through years of longitudinal transition probabilities, gout patients with early stages presented with lesser comorbidities or high cholesterol as its only core, usually worsen with age as hypertension becomes its core group of comorbidity. It usually followed by increased incidence of subsequent stroke and cancer.

Conclusions:Overall, the links between comorbidities and gout are quite complex. This study and application of Latent Transition Analysis (LTA) provides the potential class types specific comorbidities of gout, with five well-identified different long term transition structure. This study also concluded that structural changes in the development of different comorbidities will occur subsequent to the stroke and cancer, which also plays an important role.

目 錄
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X
第一章 1
緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機1
第二節 問題意識4
第三節 研究目的5
第四節 研究重要性5
第二章 7
文獻探討 7
第一節 痛風疾病之生理機轉7
第二節 痛風相關共病症之發展9
第三節 潛在分類之研究17
第四節 潛在轉移模式於分析長期資料之應用20
第五節 研究啟示23
第三章 25
研究方法 25
第一節 研究架構25
第二節 研究設計26
第三節 研究對象26
第四節 研究資料來源及變項的操作型定義27
第五節 研究處理流程38
第六節 統計分析方法41
第四章 42
研究結果 42
第一節 描述性統計42
第二節 痛風患者共病症之潛在分類44
第三節 痛風患者共病症潛在分類之長期轉移結構49
第四節 痛風患者共病症長期轉移結構與中風及癌症之關聯性62
第五章 67
第一節 研究意涵67
第二節 痛風共病症的發展與重要68
第三節 痛風共病症與其他慢性共病症的比較72
第四節 研究優點與限制74
第五節 結論及未來研究方向 75
參考文獻 78
中文部分 78
英文部分 81

表 1 探討痛風相關共病症的發生情形文獻簡表15
表 2 各種類型之潛在變項分析方法18
表 3 研究變項之操作型定義 29
表 4 痛風常見藥物治療 32
表 5 2000-2009年痛風世代基本人口學資料42
表 6 2000-2009年痛風世代伴隨相關共病症之罹病人數43
表 7 痛風共病症之潛在分類之配適度模型檢定44
表 8 痛風患者為男性且年齡≥50歲之共病症潛在類別情形45
表 9 痛風患者為男性且年齡≥50歲之潛在類別機率46
表 10 痛風患者為男性且年齡< 50歲之共病症潛在類別情形46
表 11 痛風患者為男性且年齡< 50歲之潛在類別機率47
表 12 痛風患者為女性且年齡≥ 50歲之共病症潛在類別情形47
表 13 痛風患者為女性且年齡≥ 50歲之潛在類別機率48
表 14 痛風患者為女性且年齡<50歲之共病症潛在類別情形48
表 15 痛風患者為女性且年齡<50歲之潛在類別機率49
表 16 痛風患者為男性且年齡≥50歲,第一年到第二年的轉移機率 50
表 17 痛風患者為男性且年齡≥50歲,第二年到第三年的轉移機率 50
表 18 痛風患者為男性且年齡≥50歲,第三年到第四年的轉移機率 51
表 19 痛風患者為男性且年齡≥50歲,第四年到第五年的轉移機率 51
表 20 痛風患者為男性且年齡<50歲,第一年到第二年的轉移機率 53
表 21 痛風患者為男性且年齡<50歲,第二年到第三年的轉移機率 53
表 22 痛風患者為男性且年齡<50歲,第三年到第四年的轉移機率 54
表 23 痛風患者為男性且年齡<50歲,第四年到第五年的轉移機率 54
表 24 痛風患者為女性且年齡≥50歲,第一年到第二年的轉移機率 56
表 25 痛風患者為女性且年齡≥50歲,第二年到第三年的轉移機率 56
表 26 痛風患者為女性且年齡≥50歲,第三年到第四年的轉移機率 57
表 27 痛風患者為女性且年齡≥50歲,第四年到第五年的轉移機率 57
表 28 痛風患者為女性且年齡<50歲,第一年到第二年的轉移機率 59
表 29 痛風患者為女性且年齡<50歲,第二年到第三年的轉移機率 59
表 30 痛風患者為女性且年齡<50歲,第三年到第四年的轉移機率 60
表 31 痛風患者為女性且年齡<50歲,第四年到第五年的轉移機率 60

圖 1 潛在類別模式圖17
圖 2 潛在轉移路徑圖21
圖 3 潛在轉移模式示意圖25
圖 4 2000-2009年研究世代觀察時間圖27
圖 5 納入條件及排除條件之觀察時間圖28
圖 6 本研究資料擷取流程圖40
圖 7 痛風患者為男性且年齡≥50歲罹患共病症之長期轉移結構52
圖 8 痛風患者為男性且年齡<50歲罹患共病症之長期轉移結構55
圖 9 痛風患者為女性且年齡≥50歲罹患共病症之長期轉移結構58
圖 10 痛風患者為女性且年齡<50歲罹患共病症之長期轉移結構61
圖 11 痛風患者為男性且年齡≥50歲,10年累積中風及癌症機率62
圖 12 痛風患者為男性且年齡<50歲,10年累積中風及癌症機率63
圖 13 痛風患者為女性且年齡≥50歲,10年累積中風及癌症機率64
圖 14 痛風患者為女性且年齡<50歲,10年累積中風及癌症機率65
圖 15 2000年痛風世代共病症長期發展之情形66

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