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研究生(外文):Lin, Yu-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Reactive Powder Concrete Using Silica-Based Materials
指導教授(外文):Yeih, Wei-Chung
口試委員(外文):Jhang, Jian-JhihJI, Mao-Jie
外文關鍵詞:ultrafine cementReactivePowder Concrete
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本文之研究目的係提升傳統高矽活性粉混凝土(Reactive Powder Concrete,簡稱RPC)之強度與施工方便性。雖然傳統高矽活性粉混凝土具超高抗壓強度、抗彎強度、抗腐蝕、耐衝擊及良好的耐久性等優點,但硬固前需施加預壓力,硬固後需高溫養護,使現場施工極為不便,再加上抗壓強度隨著齡期成長過長。本研究將採用一般養護方式,利用原本高矽材料其優點,再利用超微細水泥其優點細度高、比表面積高、具有高滲透力、顆粒細微可填塞微孔隙、水化速率快、比較不會汙染環境,並應用傳統活性粉強度理論,進而將傳統高矽活性粉混凝土改良成新一代高矽活性粉混凝土,以此提升抗壓強度。
超微細水泥取代普通水泥用量,係以四組取代量(0%~30%)來製作水泥砂漿,根據最佳強度、工作性來做為選擇取代量準則,以選擇超微細水泥最佳取代量。實驗結果顯示,超微粒水泥取代Ⅱ型水泥10%,在抗壓強度優於其他組別及孔隙產生機率都低於其他組別。新一代高矽活性粉混凝土不但保有傳統高矽活性粉混凝土之高性能,並且能在一般養護條件下,於齡期28天抗壓強度達到148.2 MPa、彈性模數達到50.58GPa、吸水率降到0.96 %,由力學、物理與耐久性質觀之,此種高矽活性粉混凝土為一高性能材料,且於未來應用上極具前瞻性。

This study is an application of Boundary-Point-Matching Method
(BPMM). We use BPMM to solve problems of an Infinite Domain
containing Cylindrically Orthotropic and Functionally Graded
Multi-Inclusion. Our study acquires the general solution of Laplace equation from the solution of Cylindrically Orthotropic and Functionally Graded Multi-Inclusion. Moreover, we obtain the general solution of control equation from the solution of Cylindrically Orthotropic and Functionally Graded Multi-Inclusion. In our study, we take two problems of electrostatic fields and antiplane elastic as cases, and attempt to solve these problems through simultaneous equation established from BPMM.
The results of simultaneous equation are consistent with the results of recent research.Finally, we abstract a brief summary from organizing, analyzing, and discussing our research results.
Keywords: Electrostatic fields; Antiplane elastic; unctionally Graded; Cylindrically Orthotropic
目次.... .......................III
第一章 緒論..........................1
1.1 研究動機.........................1
1.2 研究目的與範圍...................2
第二章 文獻回顧......................4
2.1 水泥基質材料及水泥水化............4
2.1.1 水泥基質材料...................4
2.1.2 水泥水化......................4
2.2 近代超高強度混凝土之發展...........7
2.2.1 現代混凝土.....................7
2.2.2 近代混凝土強度提升理論之發展.....9
2.3 活性粉混凝土之發展與原理..........10
2.3.1 活性粉混凝土之發展.............10
2.3.2 活性粉混凝土之原理.............11
2.4 高矽活性粉混凝土之設計............13
2.5 高矽活性粉混凝土之材料特性........14
第三章 實驗計劃......................16
3.1 實驗材料........................16
3.2 實驗變數........................22
3.3 試驗方法與設備...................23
3.3.1 新拌性質試驗...................25
3.3.2 力學性質試驗...................26
3.3.3 物理與耐久性質試驗..............30
第四章 結果與分析 .................34
4.1 新拌性質探討 .................34
4.1.1 單位重試驗 .................34
4.1.2 流度試驗.......................35
4.1.3 空氣含量試驗....................37
4.2 力學性質..........................38
4.2.1 抗壓強度試驗....................38
4.2.2 抗彎強度試驗....................42
4.2.3 劈裂強度試驗....................44
4.2.4 彈性模數試驗....................46
4.3 物理與耐久性質探討.................47
4.3.1 吸水率試驗 ..................47
4.3.2 吸水速率試驗.....................49
4.3.3 磨損試驗........................50
4.3.4 火害試驗........................52
5.1 結論.............................54
5.2 建議.............................56

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