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研究生(外文):Lee, Pei-Hung
論文名稱(外文):The Risks and Management Mechanisms of Container Service in Hong Kong Mid-stream Operations
指導教授(外文):Taih-Cherng LirnCheng-Chi Chung
外文關鍵詞:container transportationmid-stream handlingrisk management mechanism
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1. 與貨主有效溝通避免出現貨物嚴重超載現象,以降低風險。貨櫃船業者與中流裝卸公司有效溝通,並確保使用或租用船舶適合進行中流作業。中流裝卸公司制定相關風險管理機制及流程,並監督實施,從源頭上規避風險。對於其他自然因素造成的風險,及時發現處理,可避免造成更大損失。
2. 依據本文研究建議貨主應遵守船公司裝貨限制,船公司應確保使用或租用船舶適合進行中流作業,與中流裝卸業者進行溝通,並要求船員於裝卸作業中及時發現並處置風險。中流裝卸公司應制定風險管理體系,嚴格訓練並監督員工執行。建議後續研究者可以從中流作業操作者方面著手,從另一方面強化風險管理。


Hong Kong is in the far East maritime center, and located near the hub of the Asian countries and mainland China. Hong Kong is one of the world’ s busiest and most efficient international container ports, and is a major hub port in the global supply chain as well. There are now more than 80 international shipping routes providing about 500 containers service a week, connecting Hong Kong to more than 500 destinations around the world. However, the insufficient land area in Hong Kong and unloading cargo demand of berthing developed mid-stream operations.
Mid-stream operation handled the ships and containers operation at sea, and its risks should not be overlooked. This research takes Hong Kong container shipping companies which used mid-stream for the study, with analysis of the literature research and expert interviews for methods. First, understand the basics of Hong Kong mid-handling, and discuss with the mid-stream operation risks and risk management. Next, find out the risk when ships, containers and cargoes are in the loading and unloading operations. On the basis of reasonable risk management program, and this study found as followed:
1. Communicate effectively with owner to avoid overloaded goods in order to reduce the risk. Container ship operators and mid-stream handling companies should communicate effectively to ensure if the use or rent ships are suitable for mid-stream operation. The mid-stream handling companies established management mechanisms and processes related to loading and unloading and supervised the implementation to avoid risks from its source. Regarding the risk for other natural factors, immediate discovery can avoid higher losses.
2. According to the research suggested that the consignors should comply with the restrictions to loading. Ship companies must ensure the qualified ships for mid-stream operations, communicate with the mid-stream handling operations, and ask the crew timely to handle. Mid-stream handling operation should establish the risk managing system for training and supervising the staff strictly. Lastly, focus on the mid-stream operators in the future research and enhance the risk management.

Keywords: container transportation, mid-stream handling and risk management mechanism

謝 誌 I
摘 要 II
目 錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究問題與目的 3
1.3 研究範圍與方法 4
1.4 研究架構與流程 4
第二章 文獻回顧與評析 7
2.1 貨櫃運輸現況 7
2.2 風險管理 8
2.3 貨櫃運輸之相關研究 12
2.4 綜合評析 14
第三章 香港中流作業之現況分析 16
3.1 香港港口狀況概述 16
3.2 香港的海運作業方式 16
3.3 中流作業現況分析 19
3.4 中流作業與大碼頭作業優缺點比較 21
第四章 貨櫃於香港中流作業風險與管理機制 23
4.1 訪談對象說明 23
4.2 香港中流作業經營現況 24
4.3 香港中流作業風險 28
4.4 香港中流作業風險管理 31
4.5 綜合討論 36
第五章 結論與建議 40
5.1 結論 40
5.2 建議 40

參考文獻 42
中文文獻 42
英文文獻 43
網站部分 44

附錄一 貨櫃於香港中流作業風險與管理機制問卷 45
附錄二 個案訪談逐字稿 46
附錄三 個案訪談逐字稿 49
附錄四 個案訪談逐字稿 51
附錄五 個案訪談逐字稿 54
附錄六 香港運輸統計摘要 57
附錄七 香港港口統計數字一覽 73
附錄八 香港本地船舶船上貨櫃處理 82

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