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研究生(外文):Shang-Tzu Chen
論文名稱(外文):Ti:Al2O3 Crystal-Fiber-Based Parallel Optical Coherence Tomography
外文關鍵詞:Optical Coherence Tomography
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在此論文中,我們實驗室自製了單纖衣結構的摻鈦藍寶石晶體光纖,並以此建立了二套光學影像系統,包含非接觸式眼底鏡與平行式光學同調斷層掃描儀。當此光纖透過波長為532 nm的綠光連續固態雷射作為幫浦光時,可產生中心波長780 nm、頻寬180 nm之放大自發輻射,我們將其作為光學同調斷層掃描術的光源。透過其極寬與高斯狀分布的頻譜,我們可得到1.5 μm 的理論縱向解析度。

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is one of the most rapidly advancing noninvasive medical imaging modalities that uses coherence gating to obtain tomographic images with micrometer-scale axial resolutions. By detecting the variation of scattering property of biological sample, structural information can be reconstructed. OCT is promising in providing cross-sectional images and 3-D volumetric images of biological tissues in vivo, especially in area where conventional excision examination is impossible or hazardous, such as ophthalmology.
In this study, a non-contact ophthalmoscope and parallel-OCT scanning technique, i.e., full-field OCT (FF-OCT), based on the broadband amplified spontaneous emission of our home-made Ti:Al2O3 single-clad crystal fiber are built and analyzed. With the advantage of the wide bandwidth of the light source and its Gaussian-shape spectrum, a theoretical axial resolution of 1.5 μm is achieved.
In order to demonstrate the feasibility of the developed system in ophthalmology applications, rodent eye scanning is performed in vivo. We have successfully obtained the fundus region imaging, including the optic nerve fibers and optic disk for non-contact ophthalmoscope. The scanning of rat cornea and retina using our FF-OCT system is also demonstrated. The revealed internal layers can be differentiated from the reconstructed cross-sectional images. By comparing our result to that of the histology biopsy, we concur the accordance in the OCT images, showing the potential of this imaging modality in clinical ophthalmology study and applications. We also demonstrate a parallel spectral-domain OCT scanning in its prototype in fingerpad scanning. The line-illumination technique used in this imaging modality provides real-time cross-sectional image that is promising for 3-D volume rendering.

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Applications of OCT 3
1.3 Contribution of this work 5
Chapter 2 Background of OCT 9
2.1 Interferometry 9
2.2 Low coherence interferometry 12
2.3 Time-domain optical coherence tomography 15
2.4 Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography 17
2.4.1 Axial resolution 21
2.4.2 Lateral resolution 22
2.4.3 Imaging depth 24
2.5 Optical frequency window 25
2.6 System light source 26
2.6.1 Ti:Al2O3 crystal 27
2.6.2 Ti:Al2O3 crystal fiber 31
Chapter 3 Paralle Optical Coherence Tomography (P-OCT) 33
3.1 Overview 33
3.2 Parallel optical coherence tomography (P-OCT) 35
3.3 System light source 39
3.3.1 Laser-heated pedestal growth (LHPG) 40
3.3.2 Single-clad crystal fiber growth process 41
3.4 Optical system setup 44
3.4.1 Light source pumping system 45
3.4.2 Non-contact ophthalmoscope 47
3.4.3 Full-field OCT 50
3.4.4 Parallel spectral-domain OCT (P-SD-OCT) 53
3.5 Animal procedures 57
Chapter 4 P-OCT on Rodent Eye 59
4.1 Overview 59
4.2 Eye structures 60
4.2.1 Retinal layers 62
4.3 Optical properties of rodent eye and human eye 64
4.4 Rodent eye detailed parameters 68
4.5 Non-contact ophthalmoscope imaging 71
4.5.1 Imaging results 72
4.5.2 Discussion 75
4.6 FF-OCT imaging 76
4.6.1 Optic disk imaging 76
4.6.2 In vivo rodent ocular tissue imaging 76
4.6.3 Discussion 81
Chapter 5 Conlusions and Future Work 85
5.1 Summary 85
5.2 Future work 86
5.2.1 P-SD-OCT skin scanning 87
Bibliography 91

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