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研究生(外文):Anak Agung Ngurah Perwira Redi
論文名稱(外文):Open Vehicle Routing Problem With Cross-Docking
指導教授(外文):Vincent F. Yu
口試委員(外文):Vincent F. Yu
中文關鍵詞:Cross-dockingOpen vehicle routing problemSimulated annealing (SA)
外文關鍵詞:Cross-dockingOpen vehicle routing problemSimulated annealing (SA)
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With the growing appreciation of the advantages of cross-docking technique in literature as well as in practice in the field of supply chain management and with the advances of numerous applications in vehicle routing problem across broad range of practical context, present an opportunity to explore the open vehicle routing problem with cross-docking (OVRPCD). In retail for example; capital expenditure necessary in vehicle acquisition and other delivery-related fixed assets can be a burden for the retailer, then outsourcing logistical service can be a cost-effective option. This practical scenario can be applied to have an open flow-network of routes. Contracted transportation service starts from picking up quantity ordered from various suppliers up to delivery of quantity demanded from his stores or customers via his cross-dock facility. Vehicles will route in the network in a one-way fashion. They do not start and end at depots or one fixed point. As a result, no loops are created in the network, hence, open routing. In this way, the retailer saves certain transportation costs of possible wasted trips should he acquire his own fleet of vehicle. It is in this practical case that this specific vehicle routing variant may be applied.
In this paper, a single product and single-dock are considered. In the pick-up operations, capacity-homogeneous vehicles start at differing pick-up points and time. So, the vehicles are scheduled to route in the network synchronously to arrive at the dock at the same time. In the delivery operations, all customers must be served only once and deliveries should be finished at a predetermined duration. Then the problem is modeled to find the number of vehicles to be contracted and their corresponding routes at the least possible transportation cost. A simulated annealing algorithm (SA) is proposed to find the optimal vehicle fleet and their respective routes. The proposed SA algorithm considered neighborhood structures to be used to improve the solution. The study analyzed further by suggesting a Pareto frontier solved from nine possible neighborhood configurations suitable for small, medium, and large problem sizes. The results show, after a large problem was used with different time horizon, that increases in time horizon decreases objective function value. In terms of objective function value, the solution of the proposed SA algorithm for all instances were as efficient as that of the optimal LINGO solutions in problem 1 and 2 and a reasonably comparable result of Problem 3. A 1.5% gap between the two solution methods was observed and the algorithm evidently provided good solutions within reasonable span of time for all instances in three problem sizes.
With the growing appreciation of the advantages of cross-docking technique in literature as well as in practice in the field of supply chain management and with the advances of numerous applications in vehicle routing problem across broad range of practical context, present an opportunity to explore the open vehicle routing problem with cross-docking (OVRPCD). In retail for example; capital expenditure necessary in vehicle acquisition and other delivery-related fixed assets can be a burden for the retailer, then outsourcing logistical service can be a cost-effective option. This practical scenario can be applied to have an open flow-network of routes. Contracted transportation service starts from picking up quantity ordered from various suppliers up to delivery of quantity demanded from his stores or customers via his cross-dock facility. Vehicles will route in the network in a one-way fashion. They do not start and end at depots or one fixed point. As a result, no loops are created in the network, hence, open routing. In this way, the retailer saves certain transportation costs of possible wasted trips should he acquire his own fleet of vehicle. It is in this practical case that this specific vehicle routing variant may be applied.
In this paper, a single product and single-dock are considered. In the pick-up operations, capacity-homogeneous vehicles start at differing pick-up points and time. So, the vehicles are scheduled to route in the network synchronously to arrive at the dock at the same time. In the delivery operations, all customers must be served only once and deliveries should be finished at a predetermined duration. Then the problem is modeled to find the number of vehicles to be contracted and their corresponding routes at the least possible transportation cost. A simulated annealing algorithm (SA) is proposed to find the optimal vehicle fleet and their respective routes. The proposed SA algorithm considered neighborhood structures to be used to improve the solution. The study analyzed further by suggesting a Pareto frontier solved from nine possible neighborhood configurations suitable for small, medium, and large problem sizes. The results show, after a large problem was used with different time horizon, that increases in time horizon decreases objective function value. In terms of objective function value, the solution of the proposed SA algorithm for all instances were as efficient as that of the optimal LINGO solutions in problem 1 and 2 and a reasonably comparable result of Problem 3. A 1.5% gap between the two solution methods was observed and the algorithm evidently provided good solutions within reasonable span of time for all instances in three problem sizes.
1.1. Background 1
1.2. Purposes 6
1.3. Research Scopes and Limitations 6
1.4. Research Framework 7
2.1. Cross-Docking 9
2.2. Vehicle Routing Problem with Cross-Docking 10
2.3. Open Vehicle Routing Problem 12
2.4. Simulated Annealing for Vehicle Routing Problem 13
3.1. Problem Definition 15
3.2. Mathematical Formulation 17
4.1. Simulated Annealing Heuristic for the OVRPCD 22
4.2. Solution Representation 25
4.3. Initial Solution 25
4.4. Simulated Annealing Heuristic Procedure 29
4.4.1. Neighborhood Structure 30
4.4.2. Local Search 32
5.1. Parameters Selection 34
5.3. Algorithm Verification 38
5.4. OVRPCD Computation Result 43
6.1. Conclusions 46
6.2. Future Research 47
Detail of Route Result for OVRPCD 53
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