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研究生(外文):Chien-cheng Su
論文名稱(外文):The free-form collimating lens design for light transmission
指導教授(外文):Allen Jong-Woei WhangPao-Hung Lin
口試委員(外文):Allen Jong-Woei WhangPao-Hung Lin
外文關鍵詞:Natural Light Illumination SystemOptical CopulerFreeformCollimating Lens
  • 被引用被引用:5
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Electrical lighting consumes around 1/3 of the total electricity, it depletes rapidly the limited fosil energy sources used to generate electricity. Daylighting systems therefore become one of the most popular research issues recently. Among various daylighting systems, one is the well-known HIMAWARI, designed by a team from Japan. The system is highly efficient and provides sufficient light for indoor illumination. However, such systems are dynamic systems, which need additional electricity to drive the suntracker for gathering sunlight. Comparing with the static systems, in which the tolerance angle of the light collectors are usually designed larger rather than with the suntrackor of the HIMAWALI. Among on these static systems, the Natural Light Illumination System (NLIS) is an innovative static system, using rectangular prisms structure to compress and transmit the sunlight indoor for illumination . There are many advantages of NLIS like cascadable and modulized that is easier for installation and maintenance the system.
The NLIS system is composed of three sub-systems, light collection, light transmission, and light emission. The overall efficiency of the NLIS is the sum of the three subsystems. Since this paper is mainly focus on the reaearch between the light collection subsystem and the transmission subsystem. We mainly explore the way to enhance the efficiency of the light transmission subsystem. Regarding to the transmission subsystem, there are two often-used component, the light pipe and the optical fiber. The light pipe is composed of tubes and lenses. With the properties of focusing and divergence, the lenses in the light pipe allow the light be transmitted to a large distance without substantial loss. Due to the cost of the fiber is too high for long distance to transmit, the light transmission component we choose to study is the light pipe.
The research shows that the numerical aperture of the lightpipe is ±〖10〗^° and the angles behind the collection module are larger than〖 10〗^°. It would cause low efficiency and lead to insufficient light for indoor illumination. To solve this problem, we design a collimating lens based on free-form method to be a light coupler between the collection subsystem and the light transmission subsystem. The free-form lens is made of BK7 glass. When the light passing through the lens, the light will be converged according to the shape of the lens. The surface is constructed based on parting the light source into cells and calculateing the tangent vector of the refractive surface on the basis of the light distribution on each cells. Finally, we connect each free-form lens together to form the complete free-form lens and the light passing through the lens are converged as nearly parallel light. With the nearly parallel light, the efficiency of transmission part can be greatly enhanced.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
誌謝 v
目次 vi
圖次 viii
表次 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 1
1.3 內容概述 3
第二章 光學基礎理論與基本照明單位量 5
2.1光學理論與光學元件 5
2.1.1光線的反射定律 5
2.1.2光線的折射定律 6
2.1.3透鏡(Lens) 7
2.1.4菲涅爾透鏡(Fresnel lens) 7
2.1.5光展量定理(etendue) 8
2.2 基本照明單位量 10
2.2.1輻射度學與光度學 10
2.2.2光通量(Luminous Flux, Φ) 12
2.2.3光強度(Luminous Intensity, I) 12
2.2.4照度(Illuminance, E) 13
2.2.5輝度(Luminance, L) 13
第三章 自由曲面(Freeform) 15
3.1幾何光學分析 15
3.1.1折射面分析 15
3.1.2反射面分析 16
3.2 3.2自由曲面建模 18
第四章 設計概念及流程 19
4.1傳統與新式集光模組 19
4.1.1新式集光模組特性 21
4.1.2導光系統特性 24
4.1.3新式集光模組與導光系統耦合問題及解決方法 26
4.2設計概念 27
4.2.1建立虛擬分析面 27
4.2.2網格切割 28
4.2.3建構自由曲面離散面 29
4.3光線追跡 30
4.4設計流程 31
第五章 模擬結果分析與討論 33
5.1模擬參數以及初始條件設定 33
5.2完整自由曲面透鏡建構 35
5.3傳遞能量以及流明數比較 37
5.4耦合效率 41
第六章 結論與未來展望 43
6.1結論 43
6.2未來展望 43
參考文獻 44
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