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研究生(外文):Chi-Tai Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Study on the Enhancement of Transmittance of Polarized White Light Emitting Diodes
指導教授(外文):Jung-Chieh Su
口試委員(外文):Jung-Chieh Su
中文關鍵詞:偏極化白光 LED次波長金屬光柵穿透率偏極隨機化機制
外文關鍵詞:Polarized white LEDNano wire grid polarizerTransmittancePolarization randomized mechanism
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根據實驗的結果,在相同色溫下,使用類介質次波長金屬光柵對於偏極化白光LED穿透率提升的效果不佳,穿透率和發光效率分別下降0.27%和0.38 lm/W;加入奈米粒子矽膠層於偏極化白光LED,增加了螢光膠層的粒子散射和螢光粉波長轉換效應來提升偏極隨機化機制,使得偏極化白光LED的穿透率和發光效率分別增加0.76%和0.2 lm/W。而加入不同奈米粒子濃度時,穿透率提升量在濃度11%最佳,可提升原本的4.58%;發光效率提升量在濃度7%最佳,可提升原本的4.98%。
Polarized white light emitting diode(PWLED) which is packaged by nano wire grid polarizer(NWGP) can generate polarized light with high extinction ratio(ER) and improve the problem of the glare in interior lighting and automobile lighting. However, the disadvantage is that the absorption-loss of the NWGP’s Al material makes the transmittance of PWLED be limited.
In order to improving this problem, we have proposed two methods. One of them was that we used dielectric material to decrease the absorption-loss of the NWGP, the other one was to add the nano-particle resin to the PWLED package to increase the polarization randomized mechanism(PRM).
At the same correlated color temperature(CCT), the transmittance and luminous efficiency of the PWLED which was packaged by meta-medium-nano wire grid polarizer(M-NWGP) were 0.27% and 0.38 lm/W less than the PWLED which was packaged by NWGP. Obviously, to change the materials of NWGP enhanced PWLED’s transmittance unwell. However, the transmittance and luminous efficiency of the PWLED which added the nano-particle resin were 0.76% and 0.21 lm/W more than the PWLED which only had phosphor resin. Then, with the increase of concentration of nano-particle resin, the transmittance gain increased. Transmittance gain had a maximum value 1.0458 at the 11% of nano-particle resin.
It showed that added the nano-particle resin to the PWLED made the enhancement of transmittance of PWLED better. Both of the two methods increased the color uniformity of PWLED at the different viewing angles.
第一章 導論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 次波長光柵 8
1.3.1 基本光柵理論 8
1.3.2 次波長光柵理論 8
1.3.3 次波長金屬光柵 11 幾何因子 12 製程方式 13
1.3.4 光柵材質 14
1.4 論文架構 15
第二章 研究目的與方法 16
2.1 研究目的 16
2.2 量測架構與儀器 17
2.2.1 場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡 17
2.2.2 光學特性量測 18 次波長光柵特性量測 19 LED光場量測 20 LED偏極性量測 21
2.2.3 積分球與I-V電性量測 22
2.3 白光發光二極體封裝 24
2.3.1 封裝流程 24
2.3.2 矽膠層厚度優化 26
2.4 次波長介質光柵製作 27
第三章 次波長光柵元件模擬與量測 29
3.1 前言 29
3.2 光柵元件模擬 29
3.2.1 模型建立及參數設定 29
3.2.2 模擬結果 33 不同入射角之偏振光穿透率 33 不同入射角之消光比 36 不同入射波長之TM穿透率 37
3.2.3 小結 38
3.3 光柵元件量測 39
3.3.1 次波長金屬光柵量測結果 40 不同入射角之偏振光穿透率 40 不同入射角之消光比 41 不同入射波長之TM穿透率 42
3.3.2 次波長介質光柵量測結果 42 不同反應時間對偏振光穿透率之影響 42 不同入射角之偏振光穿透率 44 不同入射角之消光比 45 不同入射波長之TM穿透率 46
3.3.3 次波長介質與金屬光柵比較 46
3.4 小結 51
第四章 偏極化白光LED封裝 55
4.1 封裝結構 55
4.2 次波長金屬光柵封裝 58
4.2.1 螢光膠層之配方優化 58
4.2.2 不同視角之發光品質 59
4.2.3 不同電流之發光品質 63
4.3 類介質次波長金屬光柵封裝 67
4.3.1 類介質次波長金屬光柵對發光品質之影響 67
4.3.2 不同視角之發光品質 69
4.3.3 不同電流之發光品質 73
4.4 具奈米粒子矽膠層封裝 77
4.4.1 具奈米粒子矽膠層之效應 77
4.4.2 奈米粒子濃度對發光品質之影響 79
4.4.3 相同色溫下具奈米粒子矽膠層之效應 81 不同視角之發光品質 83 不同電流之發光品質 87
4.5 結果與討論 90
4.5.1 不同次波長光柵之影響 90
4.5.2 具奈米粒子矽膠層之影響 90
第五章 結論與未來展望 92
5.1 結論 92
5.2 未來發展方向 94
參考文獻 95
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