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論文名稱(外文):The structure and properties of high refractive index zinc-bismuth chlorophosphate glasses
外文關鍵詞:zinc-bismuth chlorophosphate glassrefractive indexFTIRRAMAN
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實驗結果指出鋅鉍磷酸鹽25P2O5‒20Bi2O3‒55ZnO玻璃系列具有高折射率(nD≧1.8),具有良好的耐水性,當玻璃系統以ZnCl2取代ZnO含量增加至3 mole%時,體密度隨之降低、玻璃轉移溫度(Tg)增高,近紫外光學穿透性往短波長移動,光能隙變大,折射率也隨極性改變而有變小的趨勢。在ZnCl2的含量超過3 mole%時,則各性質的變化趨勢相反。
隨著Bi2O3的取代ZnO含量越多,體密度、熱膨脹係數、折射率會隨之升高,Tg和阿貝數會隨之減少,其玻璃轉換溫度大約在430 ~ 460oC,折射率約在1.8~2.0之間。

In this study, glasses of the system zinc-bismuth chlorophosphate (P2O5‒Bi2O3‒ZnO‒ZnCl2) have been prepared. The optical properties, thermal properties, and chemical durability of glass were investigated by varying the glass compositions and the melting conditions (melting temperature and melting time). In addition, the structure of the glasses were examined by Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Raman spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), to clarify the affection of glass characteristics by structure altered with variable composition.
Experimental results show that zinc-bismuth chlorophosphate glasses have high refractive index and strongly water resistance. The density and refractive index of the glass decrease; while the glass transition temperature and the UV-transmittance increase with increasing ZnCl2 content up to around 3mol%. However, as the ZnCl2 content in glasses increased to more than 3mol%, the tendencies in property variation of the glasses are opposite to those of glasses with ZnCl2 content less than 3mol%.
With Bi2O3 content increased, the glass density, thermal expansion coefficient and refractive index would increase; while the glass transition temperature and Abbe number would decrease. The range of glass transition temperature is 430~460oC, and refractive index is 1.8 to 2.0.
In the other hand, glass of the systems zinc-bismuth chlorophosphate has darkening effect (black coloration). The colors of the glasses change in all cases from pale yellow to deep brown or black as the melting temperature increase. The reduction of Bi ions to Bi atoms is observed by XPS Bi4f spectra. The addition of CeO2、Sb2O3 can eliminate the darkening color and increase the optical transmittance of the glasses by oxidizing Bi atoms to Bi ions.

第一章 緒論
1-1 前言
1-2 研究目的
第二章 理論基礎與文獻回顧
2-1 玻璃形成與結構
2-1-1 玻璃的定義
2-1-2 Zachariasen’s 無規則網絡學說
2-1-3 玻璃之鍵結
2-2 磷酸鹽玻璃
2-2-1 磷酸鹽系玻璃之單元結構
2-2-2 磷酸鹽玻璃之結構分類
2-3 玻璃的光學性質
2-3-1 折射率
2-3-2 分散
2-4 玻璃的紫外光吸收
2-4-1 紫外光
2-4-2 玻璃對紫外線吸收效應
2-4-3 影響玻璃紫外線穿透之因素
2-5 含鉍玻璃文獻回顧
第三章 實驗步驟及方法
3-3 基本性質分析測量
3-4-1 X光繞射分析
3-4-2 FTIR光譜分析
3-4-3 Raman 光譜分析
3-4-4 XPS
第四章 結果與討論
4-1 鋅鉍氯磷酸鹽玻璃外觀與製程條件之關係
4-2 鋅鉍氯磷酸鹽玻璃之基本性質
4-2-1 體密度
4-2-2 熱性質
4-2-3 化學耐久性
4-3 鋅鉍氯磷酸鹽玻璃光學性質
4-3-1 折射率
4-3-2 紫外可見光譜
4-4 鋅鉍氯磷酸鹽玻璃結構
4-4-1 XRD
4-4-2 FTIR
4-4-3 RAMAN
4-4-4 XPS
4-5 鋅鉍磷酸鹽玻璃著色問題探討
4-5-1 添加氧化劑對鋅鉍磷酸鹽玻璃之影響
第五章 結論

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