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研究生(外文):Yi-Che Lee
論文名稱(外文):Use of High-Dimensional Propensity Score with Grid Computing based Immune Algorithm to Improve Confounding Control
指導教授(外文):Ta-Cheng Chen
外文關鍵詞:Big DataComparative Effectiveness ResearchHigh-Dimensional propensity scorepropensity scoreGrid computing
  • 被引用被引用:1
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本研究利用台灣健保資料庫下,欲探討比較性的治療與效用(effectiveness)之研究時,如何於巨量資料(big data)中探勘出最具潛力的干擾共變數組合,藉此來修正干擾共變數所產生的偏差(Bias)而達到最佳的干擾調整。

Through Taiwan’s Health Claim Database, this study investigated the confounding variable combination with the best potential in the big data based on comparative studies on therapy and effectiveness, thereby modifying bias arising form the confounding covariates and achieving the best confounding factor adjustment. In recent years, a number of scholars have pointed out in their research on drug epidemiology that when high-dimensional propensity score-based (hd-PS) approach is applied, through the proper use of rich data in the big database for research and the acquisition of adjusted bias for estimations, the results will be very close to stochastic testing and observational studies, thus deriving at better confounding factor adjustment compared to other methods.
However, how to explore confounding covariates with the highest potential from the big data remains to be a bottleneck faced in past literatures. In the past, the process of selecting confounding covariates using hd-PS involved high reliability on professional knowledge and experiences provided by researchers or literatures.
Through this study, an evolutionary computation approach was proposed to covert the hd-PS method in the Health Claim database with a massive amount of data for exploring important confounding covariates and achieving the optimization of confounding factor adjustment. Hence, a grid computing based evolutionary computation approach was proposed to improve the hd-PS method and obtain the best confounding covariate combination. Findings show that the method put forth in this study was better able to explore the potential confounding variable combination compared to past hd-PS methods, thus achieving the minimization of odds ratio in therapy and efficacy related studies.

第一章 緒論......1
第二章 文獻探討......6
第三章 研究方法......18
3.2問題模型定義...... 19
第四章 研究結果......26
第五章 結論......34

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