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研究生(外文):Lin Chih Ying
論文名稱:瀑布流vs.田字格-網頁版型影響 網路購物行為之眼動研究
論文名稱(外文):Waterfall vs. Grid layout: web type of version impact of online shopping behavior of eye movement research
指導教授(外文):Wang Man Ying
  • 被引用被引用:5
  • 點閱點閱:782
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瀑布流設計主要的視覺表現為參差不齊的佈局,隨著頁面卷軸向下拉動,訊息結果會不斷地更新呈現在頁面中。近兩年Printerest網站崛起,帶動了瀑布流設計的熱潮,許多網路業者將購物網站的頁面由原先整齊排列的田字格版型,改成以瀑布流設計的型式呈現產品。另一方面,消費者在網路上瀏覽目標可以分為體驗型和目標導向型,體驗型目標下的使用行為將瀏覽網路的過程當作打發時間或是一種樂趣的活動,對訊息內容沒有明確的目標或者是選擇;而目標導向型的使用行為有比較明確的購物標的,對訊息內容有選擇性並會主動的搜尋或選擇訊息內容(Hoffman & Novak, 1996)。本研究利用眼動的資料探討田字格和瀑布流設計兩種設計呈現產品的方式是如何影響消費者,瀏覽目標是否與網頁設計共同地影響消費者的購買意願。本研究為瀏覽目標(2) X 網頁版型(2) X 有無目標產品(2)混合設計,將實驗參與者隨機分派至目標導向型或體驗型購物目標操弄。研究結果發現田字格版型的網頁,相較於瀑布流版型的網頁,購物目標操弄造成的影響較大:在觀看田字格版型的網頁時,目標導向組參與者其平均凝視時間比體驗組的參與者平均凝視時間要長,其凝視次數則比體驗組的參與者要少;在觀看瀑布流版型的網頁時,兩種購物目標組的參與者平均凝視時間沒有差異,凝視次數則是體驗組的參與者凝視次數比目標導向組的參與者要多。表示當消費者有明確目標產品要搜尋時,使用田字格版型的網頁,與瀑布流網頁相比,較易於尋找商品,能夠有效率地完成任務。相反的,當消費者沒有明確目標產品、體驗式地使用網頁時,田字格版型的網頁較不適合,反而瀑布流版型的網頁更能讓體驗型的消費者沉浸在瀏覽網路的活動中。
The waterfall webpage layout is visually uneven while information unfolds continuously as the page scrolls down. The recent success of the Pinterest website increases the adoption of waterfall layouts. Many shopping websites replaced their grid layout design to waterfall design. Consumer behavior can be divided into goal-directed and experiential shopping. The goal-directed consumer has a clear and definite target and will select the information when they are browsing the website. The experiential consumer doesn’t have any clear and definite target, they will not select the information but will enjoy when they are browsing the website.This study wants to use eye-tracking technology to investigated waterfall design and grid layout design to show the products how to influence consumers and is browse goals and web design commonly affects consumers' purchase intention. This study is browse goals (2) X web type of version (2) X whether the target product (2) mixed design. The results showed that in grid layout design web manipulation the shopping target caused more impact than waterfall design web: When browsed the grid layout design web, goal-directed participant’s average fixation duration longer than experiential participant’s, and the fixation count less than experiential participant’s. When browsed the waterfall design web, the average fixation duration did not differ between goal-directed participants and experiential participants, but experiential participant’s fixation count more than goal-directed participant’s. Means that when there is a clear target product to consumers need to searching, use the grid layout design web will easier to find the product and can efficiently complete the task than use waterfall design web. In contrast, when consumers do not have explicitly target product and experiential used website, grid layout design web is less suitable, but waterfall design web will make experiential participants immersive in web browsing activities.
謝誌 1
摘要 2
圖目錄 5
表目錄 6
前言 8
文獻探討 10
網頁設計 10
網路購物行為和視覺搜尋 13
眼動相關研究 17
瀏覽目標與眼動 21
流暢性理論 22
研究假設 25
方法 28
結果 31
討論 51
研究貢獻與限制 58
附錄1 63
附錄2 66

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