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論文名稱(外文):A Network-based Monitoring System For Automatically Diagnosing Bearing Defect
外文關鍵詞:Defect diagnosisCorrelation coefficientEnvelope signal
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本研究研製軸承損壞之網路自動監測系統,首先藉由軸承系統之結構特性,選取受監測軸承的兩個振動模態,再利用小波包絡函數(wavelet-based enveloping function)來進行此二振動模態訊號之解調分析,並計算此二模態包絡訊號之相關係數值,以做為軸承損壞之量化診斷指標,可藉以分析診斷機械軸承之損壞。其中小波包絡函數具有三個參數可設定帶通濾波之兩截止頻率與截止頻率之衰減斜率(slope descent at cutoff frequency),藉以求得機械振動模態之包絡訊號。

此外,由研究發現當軸承損壞發生時,其模態間包絡訊號之相關係數值較大;相對於軸承在正常運作時,其模態間包絡訊號之相關係數值則較小。其原因是由於軸承損壞敲擊所激發之結構共振模態,其振動模態間之包絡訊號將具有密切關連性,故可利用統計學上的相關係數分析(Correlation coefficient),以做為軸承損壞診斷之量化指標。因此,本研究藉由LP-8441微處理系統與I-8014W類比輸入模組來擷取與分析兩共振模態之振動訊號,再將兩模態之包絡訊號經由網路傳送至遠端個人電腦進行軸承損壞分析,以建立網路自動監測系統。
In this paper, a network-based monitoring system for automatically diagnosing bearing defect was proposed. According to the vibration resonance of bearing system, two vibration modes were first designated and, then, two wavelet-based enveloping functions could be applied in demodulating the mode vibrations to derive their corresponding envelope signals. In the following, by calculating the correlation coefficient between the envelopes, a quantitative index for diagnosing the bearing defect could be derived. In the study, the wavelet-based enveloping function possesses three parameters for designating the cutoff frequencies in the bandpass filter and adjusting the slope descent at cutoff frequencies. Therefore, the envelope signals could be derive from the convolution between the bearing vibration and the wavelet-based enveloping functions.

According to the study of the correlation in the mode vibrations, between the envelopes of two mode vibrations the correlation coefficient for defect bearing is higher than that for normal one. It is because the vibration resonances induced by the defect impacts would be occurred simultaneously and similarly. Thus, the correlation coefficient between the vibration envelopes could be applied to be a quantitative index for the bearing defect diagnosis. In the study, a LP-8441 micro-computing system and an I-8014 analog converter module would be applied in the data acquisition and signal processing to derive the envelope signals. By internet the envelope signals could be sent to remote personal computer for vibration analysis of bearing defect. Accordingly, a network-based monitoring system for automatically diagnosing bearing defect could be set up.
摘要 I
目錄 III
圖目錄 IV
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究目的 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 研究方法 4
第二章 機械軸承之振動訊號分析 5
2.1簡介 5
2.2軸承振動訊號分析 5
2.3小波包絡函數原理與特性 7
2.4伸縮參數對帶通濾波特性之影響 12
2.5相關係數分析用於機械軸承振動訊號之診斷 14
第三章 軸承損壞診斷與網路系統架構 16
3.1軸承損壞診斷系統 17
3.2網路系統架構 17
第四章 實驗分析與結果 19
4.1振動模態之選擇 19
4.2實驗方法與流程 20
4.2.1訊號量測定理 21
4.3實驗量測設備 21
4.4軸承損壞形式介紹 23
4.5實驗結果與探討 26
4.5.1正常軸承 26
4.5.2單一損壞軸承 27
4.5.3多重損壞軸承 28
第五章 結果與討論 70
參考文獻 72
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