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研究生:Battulga Rinchin
研究生(外文):Battulga Rinchin
論文名稱(外文):Factors Influencing Tourist Satisfaction and the Mediating Role of Destination Image: The Case of Khuvsgul Lake, Mongolia
指導教授(外文):Massoud Moslehpour
口試委員(外文):Massoud MoslehpourTimothy WilliamsChristian Schafferer
外文關鍵詞:Service qualitytourist satisfaction.perceive valuedestination image
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蒙古大草原以及牧民、馬匹和蒙古包形成地區代表性的吸引力; 成千上萬來自不同國家的遊客為看到豐富的游牧文化而參觀蒙古。正確使用該蒙古營銷中央圖像,該國的旅遊業正在迅速增長。庫蘇哥爾省客戶需求日益複雜,加上市場競爭日益加劇,已構成了景點附近旅遊基地的新挑戰。
該研究報告的主要目的在於估計感知價值(perceived value)和服務品質(service quality)透過旅遊目的地形象(destination image)的對於來庫蘇哥爾湖旅遊景點的旅客滿意度(tourist satisfaction)的影響。該研究的研究目標是:(1)探討服務品質,感知價值和旅遊目的地形象之間的因果關係;(2)探討探討服務品質,感知價值,旅遊目的地形象和旅客滿意度之間的因果關係;(3)調查旅遊目的地形象對於旅客滿意度是否有中介作用。本研究採用社會科學的統計軟件包(SPSS20)來分析從被選到的度假村手機的資料。

The Mongolian steppes, nomads, horses, and gers (Mongolian style house) form the region’s icon attraction; thousands of tourists from various countries visit Mongolia just to see the untouched nature and rich nomadic culture. Properly using this central image in Mongolian marketing, the tourism industry of the country is rapidly growing. The increasing sophistication of customers’ demands in Khuvsgul province coupled with the increasing market competition has posed a new challenge to tourism bases located around the attraction sites.
The purpose of this study was to measuring the impact of perceived value and service quality on tourist satisfaction through destination image in Khuvsgul Lake tourism sites. The research objectives this study examined are as follows: (1) To explore the causal relationship between service quality, perceived value and destination image; (2) To explore the causal relationship between service quality, perceived value, destination image and tourist satisfaction; (3) To investigate whether the destination image has a mediating role tourist satisfaction of Khuvsgul Lake, Mongolia. This study adopted Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS 20) to analyze the data collected from chosen camps. Descriptive analysis, factor analysis and regression analysis were used to validate the data and test hypotheses.
The result of this research will benefit the management unit of tourist camps in Khuvsgul Lake by identifying the factors influencing tourist satisfaction, and help them to indicate the areas that they are doing well and general managerial problems. The most important finding of this study is that besides playing an important role in tourist satisfaction and intention to revisit, destination image also influences the impact of service quality and perceived value.
Keywords: Service quality, perceived value, destination image and tourist satisfaction.

Research Background 1
Research Motivation 2
Statement of Research Problem 3
Research Objectives 4
Research Limitations 5
Research Questions 5
Research Process 5
Definition of Terms 7
Background Information about Mongolia 8
Development in Mongolia Tourism Industry 9
Khuvsgul Lake 12
Service quality 14
Perceived value 16
Destination image 19
Tourist satisfaction 22
The relationship between Service Quality and Tourists’ Satisfaction 27
The relationship between Perceived Value and Tourists’ Satisfaction 28
The relationship between Destination Image and Tourist’s Satisfaction 30
Research Methodology 32
Questionnaire Design 33
Data Collection 34
Data Collection Method 34
Research Model and Hypotheses 35
Data Analysis 36
Descriptive Statistic analysis of Demographic 38
Reliability test 39
Validity Test – Factor Analysis 40
Multiple regression analysis 44
Result of the Hypothesis test 45
Mediating effect 47
Finding and Discussion 51
Managerial implication 54
Limitations and Recommendation 55

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